Ibe H)ail IRebtaekan VOL. XL NO. 147. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1912. Price 5 Cents ELEVEN DEBATERS TO SPEAK 8ETTLE CHAMPI0N8HIP IN HIGH 8CHOOL LEAGUE. ARGUE CLOSED SHOP QUESTION Annual Debate of High 8chool Debat ing League to be Held in Memorial Hall. The fifth annual state championship dobate of the Nebraska High School Dobatlng League, consisting now of sovonty of the principal schools of tho slato, will bo held In Memorial hall. Saturday morning. Tho debate will Btart promptly at 10 o'clock. Admis sion is froo. Tho proBldent of tho Loaguo, Prof. M. M. Fogg, will preside. Tho Judges will probably be members of tho University faculty. The eleven ropreBontatlvos of dis trict championship schools are the pick of some three hundred fifty stu dents engaged In tho league work this year. The question Is: "Resolved, That the movement of organized labor for tho closed shop should receive the support of public opinion." Tho program will bo as follows: Affirmative. 1. Lawronco Benson, Mindon, south western district. 3. Lee E. Brown, Hastings, southern district. 5. Roger R Ryan, O'Neill, northern district. 7. Adela M. Kellenbarger, Morna, west-central district. 9. Albert Bryson, Fullerton, north central district. Negative. 2. Edgar Klddoo, South Omaha, eastern district. 4. Augustus Ilolmig, Wymoro, south eastern district. 6. Glen Goaly, Gordon, northwestern district. 8. Jesse L. Ertol, eneva, central dis trict. 10. Arthur Ackerman, Lincoln, east oontral district. 11. Philip T. Kohl, Wayne, north eastern district. Each contestant will Bpeak eight minutes and then four minuteB in re buttal. REQUIREMENTS CHANGED. Professor Reed Announces an Altera tion In the High School Curriculum. According to an authenticated re port from tho high school Inspector's office tho number of University on tranco credits necessary for admis sion will bo raised from 28 to 30. Latin will no longer bo required in the high schools, but a department kopt up in each where one may tako it. In Its place there will be roquirod six years of German or some other live language. Only four hours of mathematics will be required, tho other hour being devoted to labora tory work. Four credits in English, two In European hiBtory and two in labora tory, in addition to the other twelve points given by accredited secondary schools in an approved manner, will constitute tho entrance requirements. Bot. 8em. Travels. Tho members of tho Botanical Sam- lnar go to Louisville Saturday for the annual flold trip and picnic. Thoy will leave Lincoln on the Burlington at 7:15 a. m.r roturnlng at 5:45 p. m. STIEHM SELECTS ENTRIES FOR MISSOURI VALLEY MEET Nebraska Goes to Des Moines With a Crippled Team, But Expects to Make Good Showing.. Coach Stiehm yesterday registered the entries for the Missouri Vatloy Conference meet, to bo hold a woek from Saturday at Dob Moines. In spite of the fact that the men are re covering from variouB ailments that have been causing trouble, NobraBka's chances in the conference moot JVLC not such us that she should bo doped above second place, as Missouri is putting a most promising bunch of athletes into the field. Racoley's Injuries, received in the Kansas meet is so far healed as to allow him to be among tho entries. Becker and McGowan, who have both been out of trim with more or less dis abling troubles, will run the half. The following are the entries: 100 yard, Raceley, Christmas, May Wher ry; 220-yard, Raceley. Christmas. Wherry; 440-yard, Beaver, Brannon; 880-yard, McGowan, Becker; mile. Anderson, 220 yard hurdles, Barney, and a relay team. From the men showing up best in the M. V. meet will be chosen the team for the Lafayette Intercollegiate meet on Jfoe 1 Those who will be sent to Iafuyette will probably be Raceley, McGowan, Anderson and Beaver. GIRLS WORKING ON DANCE. May Queen and Daisy Chain Added to Regular Features of Ivy Day Program. Sixteen of the senior girls are now working on tho May-polo dance, to be given on Ivy Day morning on the cam pus, north of tho Administration build ing. Two new features are intro duced this year- a May queen and a daisy chain The queen of the May--Ixniise Burr will be drawn to the May pole in a cart by tho senior girls carrying the daisy chain, followed by the dancers in cap and gown, and last of all, by the band. Tho dance is uhder the direction of Miss Day. Mccormick resting well. Prominent Junior Law Pulls Through Operation Successfully. Ix)Roy McCormlck, who was oper ated on Saturday night for appendi citis, is reported to bo recovering rap Idly. He has gono through the oper ation so well that his parents, who had been notified at their home in Orosl, Cal., have not been called to the city. Mr. McCormlck is a junior law and is well known through the school as the winner of third place In the west ern intercollegiate wrestling meet at Urbana City Faculty Defeated. The local faculty wont down In de feat yesterday before tho team repre senting tho State Farm faculty. Tho gamo was exciting throughout and waB really a much better exhibition than was expected. The score was 7 to 4. mrs. conant delightsilarge :SEEkNG ORATORICAL HONORS AUDIENCE AT CONVOCATION; I COLLEGE OF LAW OFFER8 ANNU- Popular Singer Gives Oscar Wilde's , 'The Prince" In Temple Yesterday. Once again Mrs. K. B Conant has favored the students of tho Universi ty with a musical treat. She has be come to bo a very popular slngor with the students, and tho announce ment thot Bho would appear at tho Thursday convocation wnn quite suf ficient to fill tho Temple. Her program consisted of three se lections, one of which wiib a recital entitled "The Prince." This work was written by OBcar Wilde, ono of Fngland's greatest writers. It deals with the Btory of a princo who lived unci died within tho palace walls, never knowing of tho sorrow of tho world. After death his statute wttB pluced upon a pedestal overlooking the city, and from the vantage tho story of life Is worked out before the bronze figure. The theme tells of the Hwallow who stops from hiB southern filght to con solo the sorrowing prince. He nets as a little messenger, taking from the figure the Jewels from his sword hilt and conveying them to the worthy poor and suffering. Then winter comes and the little bird dies break ing the leaden heart of the statue Mrs Conant's rendition was Intense ly interesting. It was sympathetica!- ly given and won the hearty applause of the audience. TICKETS ON SALE. Glee Club Beings Its Financial Cam paign Fine Concert Is Assured. Tickets are now on sale for the (ilee club home concert May 21. They may be obtained from any of the members of the club, or from the Unl versify Hook Store. Owing to the fact that the Mando lin club will unite with the Glee club this year In the concert, an especially good entertainment Is assured for all those who are interested in good music From a recent interview sith some of those in charge of the concert it was learned that everything is com- ing along in good shape, from the re heursals to the sale of the tickets. NOTICE. Applications for election to the po- sitions of editor-in-chief, managing editor and two associate editors of the Daily Nebraskan for the semester be- ginning September, 1912, will be re- ceived at the office of the secretary of the student publication board, Adm. 203, until 12 o'clock, noon, Friday, May 24, 1912. Applications are to be I made on form which will be furnished i by the secretary. A. A. REED, Secretary. Student Control Favored. The students of the State College of Washington, at Pullman, . havo drawn up and are now voting on a constitution, which shall, if adopted, govern them. This constitution con cerns the dues, tho various funds, the government of college organizations. and the management-ot the different branches' of 'college activity. . CONTEST TO BE HELD THURSDAY Six Students of the Law 8chool En tered In the Competition Facul ty Men Act as Judges. The college of law oratorical con test, tho annual contest for tho dis play of the public spenklng ability of tho University, Is to bo hold May 23. The entries, which woro roquirod to bo filed with Doan Hastings boforo May 10, contain tho names of six con testants and the fact that this is tho largest number who over ontorod tho affair beforo Is proof of tho fact that an Increased Interest Is being takon in such work. This contest is opon each year to all students in the collego of law and to tho upperclassmen In all tho othor colleges Each student entering must choose his own subject, and tho two showing the greater skill In composi tion and power In delivery are glvon the first and second prizes of $35 and $l.r. donntod by tho law college. Most of tho contestants for tho cur rent year are well known In public speaking circles and tho fact that all have live and interesting subjects promises a spirited fight for tho hon ors The following are the entries: J. R. Porbp8 ..The Nature of tho Profession or mw"; D. M. Rogers, "World Peace"; C. 8. Radcllffo, "Ho Con quers Who Conquers Himself"; J. Goldstein, "Prohibition and License"; J. L. Rowell, "8tate Control of Indus trial Conditions"; P. N. Colo, "Capl' tal Punishment." The Judges of tho contest will bo Dr. Jowett, Dr. Jones and ProfosBor BUCK. SOCIETY RECEIVE8 NEW BOOK8. Omaha Clergyman 8ends Historical Library an Account of the Early Days. Two new books have recently boon presented to the Nebraska State His torical Society One is a memoran dum of the First Baptist church in Nebraska at Bellevue. It was publish ed in I860 and contains tho minutes , of the early church meetings. Tho treasurer of tho Baptist church in ' Omaha sent the book to the society. The other is a memorandum of tho . . kln(. of the LancaBter- Moth- odat Soclotyi a religious organization which held meetings In Lancaster l ountv beforo ,,. ,, of Llncoln wa8 , dotormined. It was given by James I K Q Young u Bon of ono of tho flrBt I eIdenj of the HOclety 8igma XI Meets. The members of Sigma XI will hold an open meeting tonight in Chemistry hall at 8 o'clock. This meeting Is of especial Importance, for tho program will lncludo speakers who aro author ities In "their lino. Tho subject of discussion will be Chemistry, to bo dealt with in its several branchos as follows: Agricultural chomistry, Professor Alway. General chemistry, Professor Dales. Organic chemistry, Professor Foss- lor. A Industrial chemistry, Professor Bbr rowman. , ', -. ' AL PRIZE FOR B8T ORATION. K .( t i $ if ,"&' ',!) frflfr mm mrSKt -