THE DAILY NEBRASKAN 17 i GOOD NEWS FROM CRETE CADETS ENJOY CAMP LIFE (HjmtIhI to the Dally Nobrnflkan ) TAMP AVKUY May 1'. Tin- 11 ml day and a liair IIikIh tin- cadet n-Kiinetit in tli( lx'Ht of condition and Hpirlt Al thoiiKli tl)( weather In rett cold there Ih IK) HIlffellllK repotle-d '''" the moHl part, the men hae fared bet ter tlian the olllcerH, hh a ceitaln de Kreo or warmth Ih to be found In the ground and Htniw which Ih lacking In the elevated cotH The camp Ih located about a mile from the town cIohc to the Hlne iher where at certain peilodH I he cadetH nret not denied the privilege oT a dip Strict dlHcii)line Ih belim maintained, however, and but few complaintH hae been tiled One eoinpam ih doing ex tra drill dnt on account of diHtnr j hanccH in the compan Htreet Tuesday i night The trouble wan Hliort lived, however, for the Hiipply of lire ctack ei h wan hooii exhaiiHted hike of twehe miles wan taken on i Wednesday inoining. the men return . ing in the evening )retty well fagged . out I'robleiUH in ontpostlng and ile i feiiHi were entered Into under the di , lection of Captain YateH The cadetH are looking loiwaid to Vhe military hop Friday night It will be a Htriclly l'nlerHlt lunctlon, properly chaperoned and li lends from Lincoln ate inoie than welcome Everybody well and happv 1-ove to all the folks at home Officials Visit camp. 'haiicclloi ei 1'iolessor l-'i ed Hunter and oai h Siiclim went to Crete yesteida. letuining eail in the afternoon Chancellor ei leported everything to be in good condition and seemed especialh pleased with the grub" that is being prepared b eight Hurlington chefs oinmandant Yates Ih delighted with the way thingH are going and is keeping the boys at their drill faithfully AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY. The Chance of a Llfe-Tlmc for Two Young Men. (The following ad came to The Daily Nebrankan from li M A urrik;i .Ir . an old Nebraska graduate, and can be relied upon ) 'VACATION MONEY. Do You Really Want to Make Money During Your Vacation. We have the best mone making opportunity for inexperienced men we know of Our instructions com bined with energy and ambition on your part are Hulliclent to make it highly profitable Ah number of openings is limited, write toda to (Employment Dept P K Collier & Son, publishers of good books I Hi West i:tth stieet New York WORKIZER MAY BE APPOINTED If you low the freedom of an out-of dooi lire in one of the finest climates In the woild. the chaiin and fascina Hon of the tiopics, the novelty of life on a coffee platitaUon, and lastly, If you hae a little capital to invent in a well cHtabllHhcd, paying enterprise, you will answei tins advertisement The ( incinnati ollee company or Santa Mai la, Columbia, owning the) laigest and finest plantation in the l Siena Nevada de Santa Malta wants! two capable young men to fill reHpon j Hihle positions in Couinbla. who have capital to invest in the enterpiise and I w ho mean business. ' Applicants must be ol good charac ter, able to luinisli uniiueHtionable let eiences, and. unless able to invest at least live thousand dollars, will not be (oiiHideied The company Is taking this means ol securing capable young men who are not afraid to work, and who will have inoie than an ordinary employe's interest in its affairs. The laiHing of coflee today offers one ol the most remunerative lleldH in agi iculture. with the added advantage of being able to live in a defighttul and healthful climate The company s hacienda is situated at .in altitude ol I. '.no (eel above sea level with a climate mailing that of .south ei n Caliloinia. and is absolutely lice liom the humid heat and (topical f'eVeiH of tile lowlands It Is twenty miles fiom the I'oi t ot Saul. i laita, which has weekly steameis, fitted with all model u conveniences, lor New York and Liverpool Full information as to the company s financial condition and reliability will .bo tuniislied to all applicant who mean biiHineHs The tact that li,S()0 I bags of coffee were harveHted on the company's hacienda thin year Is an i ample guarantee ot its Htability I ApplicantH must have a good work j ing knowledge" ot bookkeeping and of I lice work, as well as the handling ot Htores and all work connected with a plantation stoic Those having a working knowledge ot the SpaniHh language will he given preference, J while one must also have a practical knowledge of cattle raising The president of the company will he in the I'nited States for the next two months, and all coriespondence may be addressed to him au lollows Cincinnati Coffee Company Way land. Michigan Adv SCKNK OF Helen Ware in The Price" THE INTENSELY HUMAN DRAMA BY CEO. BROADHURST f AUTHOR OF "THE MAN OF THE HOUR" Oliver, Thursday Mat. and Night, May 86th Bette r onoes FOR MEN Chancellor Trying to Secure the Ap pointment of Former Commandant. Kngraved dance; programs done in Lincoln Ocker Hngravlng company Hrownell block Senator Norria llrovv n has written Chnncellor Avery that he will Imme diately use Ins inlluenco with the hoc rotary of war to secure the appoint ment of Captain Workier as comman dant of the University regiment The chancellor had written to the Nebras ku conrcHHinan asking for this favor, if tho timet of Captain Yates here could not be extended Senator' -"ltrow n wrote, "I rogret that the pieHidenl cannot be persuaded to extend the time of Captain Yates " Captain Workier wuh formerly commandant of cadets at the I'niver ally and was well likeld by the offl corH and men, and every effoi t will be made to Hocure his appointment For your orchentra call O. L. Jones. Auto L-8605. Try Our Luncheonettes They are always the best We serve hot and cold drinks all winter long;. LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN South West Cor. 14th O This House of "Hotter Shoes," would ho pleased to show you the new "summer styles" just received, that have been so carefully pre pared for us. These shoes are made in the "better way" in correct models, and from new leathers and by the Best Shoemakers in all the land. Keel sure of your shoes. MEN'S BOOTERY The College Shoe Store C. V. Robert 1 44 North 12 Men's Shoes Exclusively DO YOU PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS ? Heffley's Tailors Suits $20 Up nth and n Nifty Styles CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 12th and O StrU P. HALL. PrUni V. K. JOHNSON, Vlc.-Pruld.nt If. W. HACKNEY. JR.. At. Cut. SIMMONS the PRINTER PRINTING ENGRrtUING EMBOStolNG Auto. 3319. 317 South lath St. fr t