THE DAILY NEBRABKAN CLASSIFIED COLUMN AT THE THEATRES L08T in-rWi )Ql il I ' ' ' NEBRASKAN MAKES GOOD W. A. Carriker, Jr., Meets Success in Government Work In South America. Dean Wolcott of the medical col logo is in receipt of a letter from A Carriker, Ir a foimer Nebraska student who has made good in South America Mr (aniker mih a Btu dent here from l.S't't to l'.iOIt special! ing ill 7oolog and entomology, loav ing college to go with Professor Hnmor to Costa Rica He did not return, but remained two or three eais in ( osta Rica as a tol lector for the t'nited States National Museum the American Museum of National Hlstoi of Now Yoik Clt and the ( arnegie Museum of 1'ltts buig Coming back to the states ho was assistant curatoi of birds at the latter institution, returning a few yean later to South America as a col lectoi, trawling through Vene.uela and Columbia While in the formei countrj Mr Carriker visited regions hitherto not visited by white men and made .1 spe eial study of bird lore Ho is now representing a incinna Ti coffee concern in Columbia and in tends to make a visit to Lincoln booh In search of some young college stu dents to go into business with him PROFESSORS AS WRITERS. Members of University Faculty Con tribute to Publications. Professors in the Timet sity of No braska are becoming prominent as writeis I'rol S H Gass has written an article which will soon appear in the Yalo Review, entitled "Without a Straw A Rolloctive Narrative of a College Kperienco ' Another article by Professor (.Jass. entitled The Arts College and the Democracy ' will ho publibhed In tho Sow, moo Review '1 he Gorman period ical, Englische Ktudien will shortly publish an article by Dr Louise Pound on "Instinctive Nasals in Kng lish " Miss Pound will albo have an article in Dialect Notes during the year Professor Aloxandei, who aided In roMhing and criticizing tho now book, "Grammar and Thinking," is publicly acknowledged in its preface written by tho author, A D Shoflleld MAY QUEEN FOF IVY DAY Senior Girls Add New Features to Regular Program Louise Barr to be Queen of the May. lany-ne teatuios have boon added to that part ot Ivy Day iihiially given ovoi to tho sonioi girls At a mass mooting, hold 'luesda, of all tho girls of the class ol MM 2. it was decided to have two now "stunts,' a queen ot the May, and a dais chain 'Louise Ran wTas chosen as iueen of the May j Every senior girl is to take part In tho carrying of the daisy chain Tho coeds will be dressed in white, but will wear the iegulation senior caps Tho girls who will bo in tho May Polo dance have alieady begun 10 hearsing They will be dressed in caps and gowns The following seniors have boon chosen for the dance Marie lee, Alma Sullivan, Verna Coleman, Grace Walkei June Uiown, Verna Hyder. Cornelia Lindsa, Ruth Haller, Hazel Teeter, Doiris Wood Esther Warner, Merle Thomas, Al wine Zumvvinkel, Grace Hurritt, Iou1bo Barr and Claire McKlnnon Athletic Board Filings. In accordance with tho rules pro iding that the names of the candi dates for the athletic board Bhall bo pubUshed daily for one week preced You've got a hard row to hoc, if you think you can make a good impres sion by wearing poor clothes. Good impressions are occasionally made in spite of poor clothes, but a Jot oftener they are made as a result of good ones. Our Kensingtons are the sort that make good impressions, stylish, well tailored, perfect fitting they're bound to please the particular college man. $20, $25 and up. MAQIE & DEE1YIER lllg tile election the following list submitted Tho following students have hlod with tho secietarv of tho athletic board tho louirod statements and an legal candidates loi student member ship on the athletic b-mid toi the (() logo j ear ot I'M J I'M"! V ( Hock. -I l O Hanlik 1) llaiinon A II lliltnoi W I McGou an A Mav () Millet I A Rodman C H I'liderwood (Signed) it G ('LAPP, "Socrotai v ABOUT PEOPLE (' H l-'iey. florist, 1133 O St tf Thornbuig s Ore hestra Auto H 2.").r( lioyd I'linting (o, 1L'.' No 1 lith St Typewriting, cull evenings, Auto 5554. I :JU lot I od Mairiner, (Moaner and Hatter : :, No nth Have (Jruves pi in t it for oii 2.!J Sot I li Eleventh St Annie W'nght gone to Fieinont to attend an Fastein Stai mooting George Hros , evpeil printers en ravers and embossers, 13th and N. I-:X( II .(.L1) al tho lpha T.iu toi nial, a sihei seal I I'leaso oall H lis? loso)bino Santoid will give a looital foi giaduation Saturday al .! o'clock at her homo Tho junior and sonioi gnls ot Hlack Masiuo hold a picnic yesterday after noon at tho St.ito Faun giove Subscribers to the Rag have had three monthB since Tag Day to pay their subscriptions Please pay up at once. It iB now time for low bIioob Go to RogerB & Perkins, they have all tho late, up to date styles and can lit and please you. Ivy Day May 22, 1912. Inter-class field and track meet. Medals awarded to ithe winners. Freshmen are especi ally urged to compete. May 1st ia the date when all sub scriptions to tho Rag should bo paid Are ou still delinquent? Invitations have been sent out for the graduation recital of Marguerite Kllnker, a pupil of Mrs W. O Jones, on Monday, May 20th LOST- Monro Non linkable fountain pen Keturn to Rag ofllco LOST On tlu campus, Tuosda, (an d h Analytics" Return to this of flee 1 13 1 PL10ASK leturn to Rag ofllco drawing iinitninipntH. descriptive and linaly tic geometry. LOST- Wednesday from memorial seat of 'Oft, a valuable note book Return to this olllco LOST T.ilbot s Quant ltat ho Anal) His Tinder please return to this of lire Ow ikm -s name and address on fliat lingo 11 2 'tt WANTED FRATLKNI TIKS Will sell on can) terms or lent 1 nil 7 R Husiness phone t.2li. lesldonco L8G12 FOR SALE FOR SALK- A due bill on the ( L Anderson Tailoring (o Here Is a (hand' to save some money on a HpiliiK suit, See the 'Rag man agor 1 ifi .'It HAVE EVA. INS Do Your Laundry I Woo'tly shi merits of tho bust there is in choc ola oh Huylers YA7 hi It mo n' i Loivncy's Morrle' Meier DrugCo. I 3th nnd L JIT See via for your 1 next job of printing. Personal supervision enables us to make each job please. 128 N. 14 St Everything the Drugs Toilet Articles Stationery Safety Razors Fountain Pens WMTIHOI UfeOUI-HlTSj Pennants Athletic Supporters Elastic Stockings Shoulder Braces and TRUSSES GeTrtih K - WM'J. - l'ZW - i'JrMtr (The 8tock Lays Off Tonight) TODAY, 2:30 TONIGHT, 8:15 HELEN WARE In "T H E P R I C E" Mat., $1 to 50c; Night $1.50 to 50c Com Fri. Night, May 17, and Sat. Mat: and Night, and All Next Week BARRBW-WINNINGER PLAYER8 In "BILL Y" UllOULlI I'VliNINOS AT 8;jo ORPHEUM y-V.H ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Week Com. Monday Night, May 13 WILLWARD and GLENDINNING NEWBOLD and GRIBBIN HARRY L. WEBB EMMETT BROTHER8 JOHN MACULEY THE HASSMAN8 CHARLES HERRERA PRICES Matinees, 15c and 25c Nights, 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c Washington University, -Medical School Admission ieiiliomontB two years of college work Including English. Herman, physics, ehem istiy and biology Full time Btaffs In leading clinics as well as In laboratory branches. Kn tranco examinations September 21 2.1 SosbIoii begins Septem ber 30 For catalogue and in formation address Washington University Hedlcnl School 1806 LOCUST STREET, ST. LOUI8. MO. 44 SPA " Try a lunch at th Y. M. CL A. Lunch Room. Cafeteria PUa. City Y. M. C. JL 130a uii . The moment you put on clothes made to your meas ure, you see the vast differ ence between merchant tailored and ready mnde. Our way costs no more Be sure to seo our line first. College Tailors College View, Nebraska Phono - Student1 Needs in HUYLER'S Chocolates & Bon Bons Soda Water and Lunches - hXmmsm CL4T$7