The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 15, 1912, SPECIAL LAW EDITION, Image 4

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    Xana wwViju jwijtgw4i.aiutottfa-CTtia aKKj 5tlSB!5S5trtSi
Barbecue Speaker Points Out the Op
portunities Possible In the
Law Business.
To nil students of law who "re not
burdened with a superabundance of
either cash or knowledge theic conies
at times a him Iouh and important as
pert to that ofttepeated and geneial
ly meaningless question Do on think
ou will every amount to anything'"
serious consideration of such a
question by a law student daily grap
pllng with eases that himmii to pile up
In numbers to Veritable my i lads and
each semester snuggling with exnmln
atloiiH that arc bound to down him
no matter what hln effoits presents a
Herles of hows and- whatH and vvlios
and wherefores so prodigious that
een Doc Maxey himself would never
undertake to answer them back
It was to dispel such doubts and
queries that Attoincv Ceneial (limit
Martin consented to lelate to the laws
at the recent bnibeque a nuinbet of
his own ruc esses and f.iilmes and
to expound to them the most impoit
ant principles and practices that Ins
experience has extracted from two
decades of active law woik In me
dlum sled towns of mil state Mr
Martin began his spec h it will be
lemembercd b ofleiing piactical atl
lce to the ncophv tes ol the piofession i
In a sttaight foi wind and (ompielien J
Hible manner that went si i. light to tlio (
point and that nave those unaequaint ,
eel with- Uui untOJT valuable ami J
brief sketch of inside facts j
He took up In the firt place mich (
considerations as .lie of alue to a
beginner as the boosing ol a loca (
tion not onl in a localitv wheie the,
human element is business like and ,
alive, but wheie the natuial lesources
were capable of expansion and de
elopment the winning ol the icspcct
and esteem of the people ol all nil
luns and puisuits and the neccssltv
foi cjiie and discrimination in all woik
connected with the couit and legal
pi.tcti e lie elide d w it ll ail eloquent
appeal loi honest ami inlegniv in
all who int nded to entei the piac
lice and eei wold he ulteieil on the
subject went stiaighl lo the heail ot
e ei student w ho Ileal d him I
Emley to Give Concert.
Tomoiiow at loin o clone Mi Km
ley a senior in the Cnivcisitv will
give a recital at the Temple Mi Km
ley is well known in I'niveisltv cii
cles and a huge numbei ot fi lends
have been inquiring as to the natuie
of his recital
The piogratn is as follows I
Weidig The Muceaiieer " j
1 The Sailing
'' The Meeting
:t The Wooing '
t The Man lane
f In the Sunshine
(I The Paiting
Leoncavallo Piologue (tioni Pag
Campbell Tipton Tlnee Shadows'"
l.oevvc Kd w aid
Hamiuond 'The Honv Fiddlei
Iloinei The Paupet'h Diive to
RuBsia '
Cilbeit I'nate Song
Henri h The Raven
Hef fley's
Suits $20 Up nth
Examination Schedule Out.
Schedule of final examinations for
the college of law is lis follows
Third Year.
MuiiU Ipal corporations Friday , May
Sales Saturda lune 1
Public Service Col porat Ions .Mon
dav lune '.
Suretv and guaianty Tuesclav June
Constitutional law Wednesday
June ."
Propel I y III Thursda, lune fi
( orpoiations Fiiday, June 7
Second Year
Ti usts Saturday June I
Ev Iclence Mondav June ',
Wills and admlnistiation Tuesdav
lune I
Damages Wednesday lune ."
Code practice Thuisdav, lune
Quasi contiac ts l"riln lune 7
First Year.
Domestic relation Friday Mav 11
Cont racts -Satuidav June 1
gency Monday June ',
Torts- Tuesdav June I
Propertv I Wednesdav June ."
Kquitv Jurisdiction I Thuisday
June fi
Practice in justice coin Is Friday
lune 7
Common law pleading Satuiduy
lune S
dniiralty l..w Fiiday Mav .M
dminlstiatlon law Satuidav, June
Contlict ol laws Momlav lune '.
Conv ev ancing Satuidav lune s
Instructive Dont's
)oni vviile a complete lnstoiv of
the subje t Save that foi olll filluie
textbook and onllm voui Mieigics
id the solution ol the piobleiii beloli
Don I Hive .in .lliswei vllhotlt
nig vour leasons in lull Noii aie not
guessing the numbei ot beans in a
Don't depend on infeiences and lin
plica f Ions In vnur anwt-r -Th piu
tessoi is tie(iieiitlv a man ol only oi
dinaiv intelligence and not a claiivov
ail 1 You in. iv be niellv llllsUlldei
Don't state that the question is not
cov eied in the ( urn se It is a sad
oiiunentai v on voui method ot taking
not es
Don t think that quant it v is evei a
substitute lot qll.llltv 111 voui .lliswei
Don t w i ite lllemblv C.ieat men
tHMiuntlv vviile badlv lull vou aiei
not a gi Mt man v I
I Inn l i ,i i a pioblc in w ltboiit i e id '
lllg volll .lliswei ovel Inl llilst.ikis
Noll ill, iv hi Mil pi ised at volll ow n I
Don t on (omnii; out of the ex.iini i
nation hav i a lit be ause voui an J
swtls dlllei 1 1 (till those ol the otliei
lellows Noil III. iv be the onlv out
light iivhow a post molt m does
not l esiihC Hale 1 he ( ol pse
Don't be peevish because the man
who cheated gets the bourns He will
be caught sonic dav lobbing a lien
i oost
Summer School, June 17.
Suiimiei school at the I'niveisity
will commence thiB year on Monday,
lune IT The last day of classes for
the ptesent school year will be June
II The following three clays will be
given over to commencement lesti
ities while legist ration for the sum
niei session will occur lune It and l"
A maximum of nine hours ciedit
can be made during the summei ses
sion of eight weeks
May 1st is the date wlien all Biib
scnptions to the Rag should be paid
Ate you still delinquent?
and n Nifty Styles
r- . ' z
C H Froy. floriBt, 1133 0 8t tf
Thornburg's OrchcHtiu Auto H 2""f
Hoyd Printing Co, 12.") No 12th St
Typewriting, (all evenings Auto
5554. 13' 10t
'I eel Marrlnor, Cleaner and Hatter,
2 55 No 11th
Sam Hue k is confined lo his room
with the mumps
Have Craves print It for you 233
s'orth Kleventh St
George Hros , expert printers en
rnvers and emboBBerB, 13th and N
KX( HW'C.KD at the Alpha Tail loi
inal a sllvei scaif Please call 15
: 1ST
Cecil ( obb has leturned from David
( it y where she spent Sunday visiting
an aunt
Ruth McDonald leturned yesteidaq
from her home in Omaha wheie she
spent Sunday
Subscriber to the Rag have had
three months since Tag Day to pay
their subscriptions Please pay up at
It is now time for low Bhoes Co
to Rogers & Perkins, they have all
the late, up to date styles and can fit
and pleaao you.
Ivy Day May 22, 1912. Inter-class
field and track meet. Medals awarded
to the winners. Freshmen are especi
ally urged to compete.
Miss Knsign will eiiteitain the old
and new nieinbeis ot the executive
boaid of the Cnls ( lub at a poich
suppei Friday evening
I'oinonow the cltv schools will hold
then annual Fete dav a huge pait
ol which is to onsisi ol the athletic
contests to be held on cbiaska Field
Sigma (hi toilelted to Delta I the
game as aiianged by ( hah man it
May which was to be plaved foi the
championship ot the' two fiat bafce
ball divisions, liom last yeai
Former Nebraska Professor Doing
Special Work at Urbana.
Pi of L J Tow ne who was assist
ant piotessor of civil engineei ing at
ebiaska last vear and resigned to
take up a similar position at Illinois
will lem.uu at that institution next
ye. u as supei lntenclent ot eonstiuc
1 1011 He will have ch.uge this sum
niei ol the consti uction ot .1 new .11
11101 v building '0fi ltlu feet in bie
containing about 7M) tons of steel 111
the torin of tlnee hinged aiche-.
new stock pavillion foi the agncul
tuial school, and some diainage and
guiding woik will also be under his
supervision I
Prote.shoi Tow ne is but one of a
numbei of lonnei Nebraska piofes
hois who are making gpod iccords at
other universities
Several Nebraska Instructors and
Families Will Travel in Europe.
Keveial University piotussois w ill j
make tups abio.ul this summer Dr i
I.uckey has hecuu d a yeai s leave of I
absence, which he will spend doing
special leseaich work in education j
in Eui ope lie ill be accompanied
by Ins family
Protessoi and Mis (iiiiinann will
also spend the .summei in Ftuope
They will tiavel pnncipallv in Cci
Miss Conklin intends to sail e.u ly
in June for Fiance Hei sistei who
is a professor .it Puiclue I niveisity
will go with her Most ot the turn
they will be in Pans ietuining early
in September
Dr Lees will take bis customary
party of tourlbts to Eui ope They will
visit all the lurgor countries
HILARITY. University students going on pic
nicB cause a great deal of trouble for
the officials of the state penitentiary,
according to the story of one of the
guards of that institution
"Them there girla and boys don't
stop to think " said this guard the oth
er day Why, now every time they
go by the pen, they Btart to Bing It
just sets them coons cra.y They all
Btart yellin' and hollerln' 'till the
whole house 1b all stirred up Some
times It'll take ub twenty minutes or
so to get 'em quieted down Tain't
no use to ask the kids to stop, either.
Thoy go on with their single' jiiBt the
same Sounds pretty, but It sure
does ralBe caln "
Do You Really Want to Make Money
During Your Vacation.
We have the best money making
opportunity for inexperienced mon
we know of. Our instructions com
bined with energy and ambition on
your part are sufficient to make it
highly profitable As number of
openings is limited, write today to
Employment Dept . P V Collier &
Son, publishers of good books, lift
West 13th street New York
Capital Tailoring & Clothes Co.
Suit cleaned and pressed by the
month $1.50. High Class Tailoring
Auto 1. .ii II-4-C5 O St.
Stands for the latest and best
in Sheet Music 1215 0 St.
12th and O Streets
P. $. HALL.
F. K. JOHNSON, Ve-PrulUnl
Y.V. C A.
Merchant Tailor Shop
Suits ('loaned, Repaired and Pressed
Shop in Basomont Y. M. C. A. Bldg
4 ptr oant Interest mi w hPoiu
$100 Opons an Account
With the Fint National Bank,
Oor. 10th and O.
Try Our Luncheonettes
They are always the best
We serve hot and cold
drinks all winter long-.
South West Cor. 14th O