THE DAILY NEBRA8KAN BOOST FOR MEDICAL SCHOOL MEDICAL A980CIATION PUT8 AP PROVAL ON NEW BUILDING AT OMAHA. At tile meeting of tin Medical HO clot j, which incliidcH about 1.0(H) jh HlclUllH 1111(1 HlirgCOUH tliioughout the Hi lite, and whlih Iiuh JuhI HiiIhIiciI holding It m annual convention, a for mal rcHolutlon v.hh paHHcd faorlng tho action of the leglHluture and the governor In granting appropriations laHt year for the lie v. medical build IngH which aie to be located at Oinu ha The Hoclet in now almoHt iinanl iiiouhI In favoi of developing a Htiong medical hcIiooI in the 1 'nl er h i t , and tho former Htiong oppoHltlon which oxlHted Iiuh now died out lan pio foHHOTH I loin the medical college of tho TnlvciHlt) took a pioininent pint, both In the Hcicntlllc (IIhcuhhIoiis and In transacting the ImihIih-hk ol the meeting ABOUT PEOPLE I!od l'l luting ( o I J . 'o lL'th St C II H rev florlKi 1 IT! O St tf Typewriting call c citings. Auto or54 i;n nit Win i eii llowaid ih out of the city on UUHillCHS Ted Mairlner, Cleaner and Hattor, 2:if. No 11th Violet Slllls will spend the week end in Allium llae (luiU'H piinl it for you. 2311 Noiih Eleventh St Hui i Pelvimeter will spend tho wook end in Omaha j A Hui hank, e '10, iw a visitor at tho Alpha Tail house. Sigma 1'hl Kpsilon will give :i danco tonight at i'Yaternlty hall. fhuilc.s Ceiry Ih spending the week end at It Ih home in Auburn i.eoige HroH , expert printers, en gravers and emboHHerH, 13th and N Lola Hei r Iiuh leturned fioin her home in Kali bin , wheie Hhe Hpent ThurHdaj Cairje Coleman .s lather Iiuh been vlBlting her today, lia ing diopped in from Ki cutout Millie McKee and 'ei noli St in aie visiting In Auroia at the home ot Mi and .Mrs McKoe. Knu Hui ton lett vcstoida) for I'uw noo Clt. where hIic will upend , Sutui duy und Sunday at home. May lat Ih tho date when all nub BcriptloiiH to tho Hag should bo paid Aro you Ht ill delinquent? , Hlrd Stijker lett estcrdu foi South Omaha, where he will upend tho wook end with li Ih purentH Honry Thiesen, u freshtiriin from W'obI 1'olnt, Hprulned li Ih unkle jester day while working In the gym Mrs S V Shonku left yesterday for hor home In David City where Hhe will Hpend Satuidaj und Suiiduy Mrs 11 H Sawjer wuh Horl()usr hurt yestenla bj a fall She broke her hip and peihups wuh internally In Jurod Chancelloi Aveij went to Auburn yoHterduy. to dellvei win uddreHH before the graduating cIiihh of the high Hchool Hretu Diehl. Stella Stevens and Mablo Richie will be absent from tho Alpha () hoiiHe a few daa on u geolo gy trip It M Switlei and Hugh Mills aro visiting Hay K Ilium e '13 In Wahoo Thoy will attend a dance at that place tonight It 1b now time for low bIiooh Go to Rogers & Perkins, thoy havo all tho lato, up to-dato utyles and can lit and please you. Clarh White. George Hanson, War idM Hart, George Dutton and Mr l HlggH left Lincoln liiflt night to ut- j tend a danco In York. Ivy Day May 22, 1912. Inter-claas I field and track meet. Medals awarded ' to the winners. Freshmen are especl- i ally urged to compete. , Itenjainln HarriHon left yeHterday ' for Dunbnr, Neb, where he will be the chief speuket at a meeting of tho alumni of that hcIioo! (lain Rankin Helen Stub, Maud KorreHt, Satlle Aber und Violet SiniH have gone to Auiora to attend a house pin t given by Violet SIiiih Anna Wilght left yeHterday for Schuyler She wuh uccompuiiled by her hIhIci, Edith, who Iiuh been Htay ' lug at the Delta Gamma house i Ka RobeitH and Ellen AndciHonl will eiiteitaln their cIuhh of glilH from the elghboihood Houhc ut u party j HiIh atteiiiooii at the Delta Cnmma! Iiouhc j The HetiiK defeated the Delta Tans ycHteiday, S to '1 The Delta Tuiih ex pel ienced coiiHlderable dllllculty in1 finding l.ichty. who threw for the! ItetllH I Supei iiiteiident Reed Iiuh returned tiom Aurora where he went to confer witli State Superintendent Delell about the re iHing of the high nchool manual Helen lleaton, Kraiices Nolan and Ruth Eviuih went to Wahoo yeHterday to attend a dance They will be en til i;. lined oei Sunday at the home ot Delicti lleaton SleHter Shonka, captain of the 'II i I football team, ban been Hpeitding n lew days in Lincoln at the Delta Cln houne He will leae todirv foi hlH home in David City Hiiel Snell, Kloieiice KiohI and Eh ther Winner left yeut'iday lor I'lutts mouth, wheie they will npend the week end with Marie RoberHon and Mih Helen Gray RoberHon. , ELOCUTION RECITAL SATURDAY Miss Howell's Advanced Students to Present Program at Temple. Saturday evening, commencing ut S l.i, a flee iecitul in to be glell at' the Temple theatre by the advanced j HtudentH in MiHH Alice Howell's cIiihh in elocutiou Ah the names of several pioniiiii'itt mcmbcrH of the I'niveisityl Dramatic club appear upon the pro giam and uh all who appear have dlH tinguiHlied theiiiHeheH by the high iiuality of theii woik, the audience is assured tit an excellent entei tainuteiit The progiam follows 1 The Game ot Swoids Lilleiiau Mihs Mildied Rev Ins 2 Scene from "The Melting I'ot" Zangw ill .'. A Model Sermon Mi J R Reach 1 a l'otion Scene troin ' Romeo and Juliet' ShakcHpeuie b "The Will" Gilbert Parker ." Grlngolie, the Hallad Monger" Arthur Slnveley Miss Klorence Karinan (' lien Rutler'H LuHt Race John T Moore Mr. Otto Sinkie 7 Piiiitoinlnie "Enoch Ardeu" . . . Tennyson Arranged by Mrs Flossie I) McKelvie All students Btiould vlBlt tho "Col lege Inn Barber Shop at 127 North 12th S L Chaplin, Prop New Lindell Hotel J3 AND M STREETS LINCOLN European Plan Rates from $ 1 .00 Up Popular Price Cafe SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN BANQUETS J. C VENABLJE Manager COLLEGE MEN Should have their Clothes Made to Order We have tho finest fabrics and make the best fitting clothes in Lincoln. Spring and Summer Suits $15.00 and up FLODEEIN Sc BRETHOUAER merchontTollors: 129So.llth St. OUR CAFE IS OPEN After All Dances and Parties Wo "cater" to student trade and can serve you and your lady to all kinds of Club Sandwiches, Salads, Oysters any style, Ice Cream and Sherbeta Fountain in Connection with Cafe THE FOLSOM CAFE 1325-31 N St. I SENIOR RINGS A Limited Number of Sterling Silver enior Rings $1.50 Each at The University Book Store 340 North 11th Street DR. MAXEY WRITES. A pamphlet, just recently fioin the preHH has eouie to our notice It Ih en titled "Japanese-American Relations as Affecting Control of the Pacific, " b Dr Edwin Maxey TIiIh pamphlet iH reprinted from The Journal of Race Development, Vol II Tho treatise dealu .uii tlm bubjoeL in u. bioad minded way It gives tho entire h Ih tor of tho Japanese-American rola tloiiB as well as dealing at length with the question as it stands at the pres ent time I J. C. WOOD and CO. Tha Bast Is Always the Cheapest 1822 N St. Auto 1292 Ball 147 CLEANERS and DYERS ,.." Hef fley's TaHots Suits $20 Up nth and n Nifty Styles