THE DAILY NEBRASKAN BLUE PRINT JOES TO PRESS 8ECOND NUMBER OF ENGINEER8' PUBLICATION READY FOR THE PRINTER. INSPECTION TOMORROW GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL TO RE PORT ON UNIVERSITY MILI TARY DEPARTMENT. The annual ItiHpcrtlon oT the mill turj department by th captain Ken cral "f 1 1 1 - Keiierul HlalT appointed for thin piirpoHr. will take place toinor row at lei noon, or poHHlbly Saturday morning 1 1 will arrive In Lincoln Friday moinhiK at ten o'clock and will probably remain until Saturday even Iiik or Intel I'laiiH lor the IhHpection hh origin ally made weie Toi May It. but HiIh dato vvuh cluuiKed to accommodate ItHelf to the It mci in of the limpec tor'H tiip. which taken In many hcIiooIh of the west He coiiieH to NebniHka direct liom AineH, vvlieie h holdn the annual o eminent review today The possible (limine I mm Friday aftornoon to Saturday morniiiK 1 cuuhcmI by 1'iofeHHor FhkIxtk of the dollmiuency committee raiHiiiK Joctlon to dlHinlHHiiiK claHHeii Friday All inenibetH oT the reRlment will miHH claHHeH the whole of next week on ac count of camp and Home hciIouh dlf Hculty In puhhIiik In their work nilnbt bo encountered if more "Hklpn" were allowed l'repaiatioiiH are roIiik forward rap Idly for camp next week The nuar teriniiHter's department 1h riiHhed bad ly in taking care of thone payliiK camp dueH and receiving equipment for camp Kntertalninent Iuih been arranged lor each evening of the stay at Crete and an all round interestliiK time 1h prorniHod The Hecond number of the blue Print, the Horn! annual publication of the FiiKlneeriiiK Society, Ih nlinont ready for the printer, Home of the copy having been Hent to him already TIiIh Ih the flrHt year that the blue Print baH appeared as a Heml annual publication. The flrnt number came out about March 7 The Hecond number will probably HiirpaHH the llrnt in many re HpectH It Ih rumored that there will be Home new features that will make the embryo eiinineerH Hit up and take notice, although the edltorn, when a p pronched on the Hiibject, maintained an air of mvHtery and refiiHcd to di vulge any Information further than that there would be artirlen by HeiilorH and alumni and a couple of piiRcH of takeoffH on well known charncteiH around hcIiooI Exchanges Given. The Hale ho far this year Iuih been up to normal, but by no means what It Hhould be coriHlderlnn the quality oT the publication and the hI.c of the Hchool There will be at leant three exhcaiiKeH given with each copy of the Hecond number the Michigan Technic and the engineering publica tions of MinneHota and Colorado KOSMETS MAKE MONEY. "The Diplomat" Proves to Be a Finan cial Success. HuslncHH Manager Mad of the KoHmet Klub ban very promptly Hub mltted the following report, hh a re Bult of the club opera, 'The Dlplo mat," May '.', TuoHilay evening a buineHH meet ing wiih held and the report wiih ac copied Six new members were pro posed lor election to the club, and tholr names will be voted on at the next meeting With Wi:, suipluH. badges will be bought for members of the organia tlotr Receipts. Cash from seat sale . Expenditures. Theatie and Hign . $HW 00 CoHtunieH, express, re turn, suit . HO fit) Programs . . '.) .00 Orchestrations .... 11.00 Orchestra 29.r) Advertising 2G.0H Typewriter and paper 3.00 Make-up and wig Scenery and hauling. . Tambourlnos Connor, for music $i.s;i r.o 2.50 20.85 2.95 50.00 Scott, coach 1G0.00 Total $100.25 4 GO 25 Halance . . . . $ 29. 21 United States Extravagant. Leallo'a Weekly haB recently pub lished an article saying that the United States government pays about $1,500 for the education of every man who graduateB from West Point. Tho State of Nebraska spends approxi mately about $350 for tho Instruction of every University student. r0 -r A. ftV J Where the "BEST SHOES J' Gome from We're putting up this sign with confidence, and we're putting it up to stay. The shoes we offer to our patrons are the best shoes that experience can secure choice models, select ed from the productions of the most noted makers. We'll be pleased to serve you. lVlen's JDootery "Shoes for College Men" 144 No. 12 Heffley's Tailors Suits $20 Up nth and n Nifty Styles punch i") 1 1 B19iP&f!i5HKi HA fK & v v ft AJM. otjisjl, gunning in TTusicxL- carmw ' ' THL- BA1KAN TPT2-TMOEc3 S At The Oliver, Monday Night May Thirteenth You Can Save $25 to $50 buying a slightly used or rebuilt typewriter. n Ac-. fsjii1 . 't a A machine backed by M two year guarantee. ,'.' ' " ; v 1F Over 500 now used in Lancaster County. Investigate these before you purchase any kind of a typewriter. Nebraska Typewriter Co Auto 2080 143 So. 13th St. Bell 1299 SENIOR RINGS A Limited Number of Sterling Silver eii3 r Rings $1.50 Each at The University Book Store 340 North 11th Street DO YOU PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS ? wwttHatei)q