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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1912)
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN ( W. SOPHOMORE PLEDGING ADJUSTED BY SORORITIES Complete rules to govern tho rush lug uiid pledging ly the soroiitles during tlw school year oT I'.HJ 115 have been given out by the inter sorority council TheHe regulations have been formulated alter tint coiiHlderntlon of the (iicHtlon both by the council and by the varlouH sororities themselves, during the entire year They are not expected to remoe all tho undeHlr able points of the prcHent ruleH, but ure thought ' he u decided Improve ment over the picHent reiiuirementH I Pledging 1. Twentv eight entrance credltH 2 Twelve bourn earned in the l' or N. '.', No (lelimiuency. I. Registered for twelve hours of collegiate work .'.. Date of pledging an soon an semester reports are avail abb' (i. A HiHtcr may be pledged to the sorority to which her sister belongs the llftli week of chlHHCH. II. Initiation 1 Registered lor twelve hours' collegiate soik at the time of initiation 2 No dolinquoiiov Li Initiations mav take place any time after pledging III Rushing 1 There shall be no rushing be fore the third week of classes Heffley's Suits $20 Up nth Our Men's Suits at $ 1 5, $20 ARE THE Most Distinctive Suits in Town HEY are distinctive without being faddish; they v are snappy and high-grade in appearance with out being exaggerated; they are distinctive in appear ance, with emphasis on the richness of color and fabric. J Men have come to learn these facts and know that they can get for $15, $20 and $25 the kind of a suit that fits in well with their career. Cjf We illustrate the two-button sack suit, the type most worn by young men today. We show suits of this sort in a score of beautiful mixtures, among which are the new fancy blues in great variety and and many shades of tans, browns and grays. ARMSTRONG CLOTHING COMPANY 2. There shnll bo no mulling in public places .'! Calls, of not more than one' hour, may be made from live to sl on school days and from Friday evening to Satur day evening I Entertainments shall be in the sorority houses, with tho ex ception of two general enter talninents which ma be given In private homes a No organization shall give more than eight week ends to entertainments, nor moro than two entertain monts in one week b. All entertainments must be slmplo and shall not last' longer than three hours c No rusheo shall be entertain ed more than once each week e No engagements are to be made before Mondaj of the week of the entertainments e All entertainments shall bo registered weekly with the chairman f. No matriculanto shall stay all night with any sorority girl, active or alumna (!. There shall be no rushing of girls who are attending Lin coln preparatory schools, and who are not registered for twelve hours in the I'niversi ty. 7. There shall be no lushing with men IV Violation 1 Any violation of these iiiles shall be reported to the chair Tailors and n Nifty Styles '4UJUB man and brought befoie tho council for dlacuHBlon. Such complnlnts must be written and signed by the complain ing sorority. 2 Penalties for violations of tho rules are to be decided by the Council BETAS BANQUET. Fraternity Men Hold Annual Reunion Saturday Evening. The Alpha Tail Chapter, Beta Thota IM. held their twenty fourth annual banquet at the Lindoll hotel Satui day evening The fraternity had a very novel toast list, the toastmaster being designated as tho "umpire," and the toasts framed in baseball lang uage The toast list was as follows Harry R Reese, T T '!U , umpire "No Outs. liases Full," Harry II Everett. A T "JS "In the Fled," Carroll R Helden, I! I Ml "A Ciood Decision." James T. Loos. B. xr "On Deck" Clyde Barton. A. T. 1.. "A Pennant Winner," Frod I). Cor nell, T. '!. "At Bat.' Arthur Wherry. A. T. 'V. PICNIC FOR COMMITTEES. Y. W. C. A. Girls to Hold Picnic on Corner of Sixteenth and R. All girls who are on committees in the Y W C A . and also any who are interested in the summer conference at Cascade Coloiado. are invited to the picnic, to be held on tho vacant lawn at the coiner of Sixteenth and R on Wediiesdav evening Supper will be served as soon after six o'clock as is possible nv who expect to be there are ii' (iiested to leave their names at the association ollu e before Tuesdav - I evening Should the weather bo threatening lunch will be served In tho Y. W C. A. rooms Stunts will bo given representing various phases of tho summer conference. HARD LUCK FOR RACELY. (Continued from page 1) badly bruised In the face of thlB handicap he entered the Ames moot and distinguished himself by winning first place in the 100 and 220. Tho luck streak was of short duration, however, for in the Kansas meet last Saturday be was again treated to a hard fall which 'tore loose a ligament in bis right log, and which will prob ably disable him for the rest of tho BeaBon. At this period, although somewhat diBCOuraged, ho still maintains that he will stick to the light until ho baa accomplished moro than heretofore. Engraved dance programs done In Lincoln. Ocker Engraving company. Brow noil block PROSPECTS BRIGHT FOR LAW BARBECUE (Continued from page 1.) games, but it is hoped to navo tho completed Bcores in time for Thurs day's "Rag." The following experts of the game will be used by the dif ferent classes: Seniors 1st, Switz ler; 2nd, Pharos; I'.rd, Buck; s.s., (luilfoil, oapt.; c. C Boylos; p. Schmidt. Armstrong; 1 f, Sommer ville; e f. Hascall, r f. Rankin. j .Juniors 1st, Law lor; 2nd, Fiank; lird, I Hyde; s s, Hartwoll, c, Towlo; p., .Rodman, 1 I', Kline, c f, Van Clove; i- f. Baskms Freshmen 1st. Cnder- wood; 2nd Howard; lird, McKinney; 's s Florv , e, Waugli, p. Crant; 1. f. Bates; c f . Williams, r. f , Reed I Note Cast jour e e over the junior , lino up and we will give jou three guesses as to where vou have seen it befoi e and $25 A J Copyright llrt Sihaffncr Sc Mar N , GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANTS