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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1912)
vm ifc j-- " t-i.-i 'at-f ftfcifcfT nirKtfuwuiWiawWifiiftmrajuwwjairwuiiffif nM'iiWfWfArgg HiAUM iwftfturtTir''WfrtiWi'i tiltf i'jHLUWi.lMjH , ."X! THE DAILY NEBRASKAN CLASSIFIED COLUMN AT THE THEATRES LOST SHORTEN HOURS EOR l STUDENTS TWO COURSES OF PROFESSOR ROBBINS SHORTENED. THE SAME HOURS EOR FRESHMEN Quasi-Contracts and Constitutional Law Made One Hour Shorter. For ;i Ioiik time tho piopomtion of IcHHciiin tile niiinhci of hours foi each semester in tlu law collect' lias been under advisement, and at last il has been accomplished in soim ,l trie com HCS Of Professor Kobin'K classes, quasi contracts has been cut down 1:011 .1 three hour to a two horn subject, and constitutional law I10111 a six honi k a 1i licmr subject This will make the fieshinan law class tourteen hours both semesters without rlec Uch, and 111 the junior and senior classes will be in the lutuie thirteen hours instead of touiteen, the two houis electives will make it lltteen each semester In nianj cases the law student fin Ishes his electives when he is a junior law, pel haps the lirst semester, in this way he will have otilj thnteen hours the last seinestei of bis junior ear, and thirteen the two semesteis of his senior jear More Time For Upper Classes. These (halites hae been made ill older that the woik of the junioi and senioi law ( lasses might be lessened As it is at present the two upper classes 1 1 lid the hae so man cases to write that it is almost impossible to write them in the allotted time each da No matter bow good a student the coiiiiiikUjiw jer might be if he at teitrps to wfite all his cases lor one day, iie" wru be working most of the time before his morning classes. Ac cordingly, it is thought that the thir teen hour sjstem will make a little more time for the students of tho junior and senior law classes. Different Results Hoped For. The freshman laws get it easy in comparison to the other two clashes, as tho number of subjects the are required to write cases in are not so many that it is impossible for them to do it J 11 one afternoon's conscien tious work, while the two upper classes complain that it takes much longer for them, especially when they hae to carry electives It is hoped b the law facult that this change in the bonis will produce better work in all the classes In this way the freshman laws will not feel compelled to take an elective in their first year at the law, and in the two upper classes it will bo IKed so they will have time. With this change different results in many cases wilL no doubt lio evident. Welter Sultorluin. 1100 O St. Alpha Chls Banquet. Alpha (Mil Sigma held their annual banquet at the Lincoln hotel Saturday evening Those on the toast list were- (' O. Roast spiring Young "The Hiennial , toastrnaster; "An In Chemuil M. J Blish, Conclave," II W. Klley, "Tho Follies o f 1912," A. K Purmelee, "Anticipation Wilson; "Tho O H McDolo; J. W. ToblBka and Realization," R n Wearing of tho Green," "Tho Annual Hanquot," We can show you things that will surprise you. Things that you need, too, these warm spring days Lighter underwear lisle -mesh unions with closed crotch. 1-4 sleeve, knee or 3-4 length both sensible and serviceable. $1.50 Athletic unions and two piece suits nainsook, ma dras and pure linen they combine comfort with du rability $1 to $2.50. It's time now. MAGliE & DEEMER Washington University Medical School Admission leqimelllellls two ears ol college work unhiding Knglish (, phsMs (hem istf and biologv Knll tune staffs in leading ( luucs as well as 111 laboratoi brunches Kn trance examinations September Ul".- Session begins Septem ber :!( For catuloguu and 111 tormation address Washington University Hcdicai School 1806 LOCUST STREET, ST. LOUIS. MO. UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET YELLOW FRONT Your Patronagt Solicited Capital Tailoring & Clothes Co. Suits cleaned and pressed by the month $I..S0. High ClasSjTailoring Auto I. NjjH ll5 O St. HAVE EVANS Do Your Laundry PLKASK return to Rag olllce drawing instruments, descriptive and analy tic geometry. LOST Wednesday from meinoi ial seat of '()(', a aluable note book . Return to this ofllce LOST Wednes lay afteiiioon walih I fob, locket attached, set with huge I lil in stone. Finder please re' urn to Rag" olllco for r ewai d I.O.ST On campus, between l.lbiarv and I' Hall, gold watch and fob l-'ust name in case Kcwaid if re turned to "Rag ' ofllce FOUND l-'OCXI) ladh sf black leather pmse Call at this ollice and identify it 1 :; :it FOUND Thursday afternoon, lady's pocket hook Call at ofllce and bleu tify. WANTED i i'iun r.iini 1 iiv-i win sen 011 eas I terms or rent K'.IiT R Husiness I phone (iL'II), residence Ij-SGIL' 44 SPA " Try a lunch at tho Y. M. 0. A.. Lunch Room. Cafeteria Plan. City Y. M. C. A. 13th and &. WARTHON'S Original, Electric, Shoe Repair Factory Always reliable and up to the minute 142 North 12th Street Weekly HhijmentH of tho host there is in chocola'OH Huyler s Uyhltmon's Louuney's Morris' Meier DrugCo. I3th n n d O Everything the DRUGS Toilet Articles tSatlonery Safety Razors Fountain Pens Pennants Athletic Supporters Ouv NOW PLAYING Every Night Mats. Wed. and Sat. Barrow -Winninger Players In Augustus Thomas' Play "I III: WITCHING HOUR" Next Bill Cob Fri., May 17 The Farce Comedy "BILLY" May 13 LOUISE GUNNING May 11 RUSSIAN ORCHESTRA I IWPni M MAIIM'I S(l'xcept Monday) j:j LiriUULIl I'VININOSAI K..10 ORPHEUM llrll '.CIO A iilo IIViN ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE WEEK COM. MON NIGHT, MAY 6 MISS IDA FULLER ROBERT T. HAINES & CO. JACK McKAY BROWN & NEVARRO LARK INS and PEARL KRANZ and WHITE FRED G. COLE PRICES Matinees, 15c and 25c Nights, 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c Discard yourL high shoes and make yourlfeet hap py with a pairTofour new oxfords or," pumps. BEGKMAN BROS. 1107 O STREET Collogo shoo Btoro run by college men flpSeo ub for your f next job of printing. Personal Bupervison enables us to make each job please. 128 N. 14 St The moment you put on clothes made to your meas ure, you seethe vast differ ence between merchant tailored and ready made. Our way costs no more. Be sure to seo our line first. College Tailors College View, Nebraska Phon -VO Student Needs in Elastic Stockings Shoulder Braces and TRUSSES HUYLER'S Chocolates and Bon-Bons Soda Water and Lunches -aaas!aBJ iPRINTIHOj UNCOlR-nOK. ' J. C. WOOD and CO. Th Best Is Always the Cheapest 1822 N St. Auto 1292 Ball 141 GLEANERS and DYERS &?.;," tjtjhtih r s aM. 4B1B - M czj Juycy