The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 07, 1912, Image 2
1 1 w i f ' n-mfvmiiljommm THE DAILY NEBRASKAN H)aU Bcbrashan Published by the Student Publlca tlon Hoard of Mm University of No bra Hl!l EDITORIAL STAFF Editor HKARDE F. HOLMES Managing 111 tor KARDK H TAYLOR Associate Fdltor . .F ('. M'CONNKU, Associate Editor... HURTON S. HIM- BUSINESS STAFF Manager ('. C. BUCHANAN ....... m 1 V MllllllliiON ;HS I .ll.HKlh' ' ' I, , ,1... U' ..,...,. .DEO HRFION I ( "' '" """" '" "" ' ' ABOUT PEOPLE C II Frey. florlHt. 1133 O St. tf Hojd Piintmg Co , 11!.". No ll!th St "Heine" W'eller, I'.tio, spent Sunday at the I). II. house llavo CnivcH print It for jou Not tli Eleventh St 33 COLLEGE MEN Should have their Clothes Made to Order We have the finest fabrics and make the best fitting clothes in Lincoln. Spring and Summer Suits $15.00 and up RLODEEIN Sc BRETHO.UMER merchontTollors: 129 So. 1 1 1 It St. Maud Rirklev, mil. of Nebraska' Circulation Manager. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Slna'o Copies, 6 CenU Each. Ted Marrlner. Cleaner and Hatter, !.-. No 11th. Telephone: Auto 1888. Might Phones Auto 188H; Editor, Auto 10J5; Manager, Auto 1821. Kiit.i.'.l at tlio p.iMti.tlleo at Lincoln. Ni-I.i unit... iih Hiioii.l class mall mattci. unih'i tins Act of I'liiifcii-HS of Maicli 3. lXV'.l - TUESDAY MAY 7, I'.Mli Ea Ijunbert hay returned fioni Crand I.sland. where she spent Sunday at home. (ieorgn BroH , expert prlnterH, en gravers and embossers, 13th and N. OUR PICNIC. E'er the sun appears tomorrow, With no thought of ".ams" and Bor row, The laws will early rise; Then, with song, and cheer and shout ing We'll give warning of our outing Does this put jou wise'.' We'e cliaiteied cats to ride in, And to the Reach we'll spin, Hah' lor the jo that's near; We'll roast a beef upon the "spicket" llae jou bought a ticket ? If not, get one I Ight here Our dean will gie us lengthy spiel At Doc's bum jokes well squeal, Oh what a deuce of a time' There'll be a lot of games and sport, And we'll hae no fear of case or court, Just take It from our rhyme And when the sun has gone to rest, 'Neath the sluurows of the west. We'll hop a car for town, Then gladly to our cases we'll bo sent To try for grades most excellent; The other dajs we're 'round PFANUT LACK OF TIME FATAL. Owing to the lack of that most alu abb' asset, time, the law editoiial staff decided at the eleenth hour that it would not put out today's edition. The press of business, together with thu innumerable arrangements neces sary for the Barbecue prevented them from giving the time to literary In spiration, so they turned the Issue over to the regular staff The law scribes want it known, however, that thoy hae not given up the Idea of a law number altogether, that they will perpetrate one in the near future, and that It will be something startling The pride of the law school pre vents them from producing anything which the forestry or engineering col legea can eiual, hence they have de elded to wait and work The music from the Dictator will be on sale at the Rag olllce today, 11 to 11:30 and 3 to f.. ILiiracolo Hotel Eddie Walt JUNIOR HOP May HO, 19112 Tickets $1.25 Sylvester V Shonka, of Daid Citj. captain of the 1!U1 football team, was a campus visitor Monday. May 1st Is the date when all sub sciiptions to the Rag should be paid Are jou still delinquent 7 Mrs. James I,oma foimerlj Miss I, vie Young, of liiokcn How. spent Monday at the Delta (lamina house Agnes Russell, Doi is Wood and Helen Sorenson hae returmd liom their homes In Omaha, where the spent the week end SENIOR PINS New Shipment Just Arrived Get One Before They Are All Gone The University Book Store 340 North 11th Street Ivy Day May 22, 1912. Inter-class' field and track meet. Medals awarded to the winners. Freshmen are especi ally urged to compete. i YOU Do you want a 1912 Cornhusker? If so, don't wait 'till all are gone. Order now, at Cornhusker office. HARRY B. COFFEE, Business Manager. r Subscribers to the Rag have had three months since Tag Day to pay their subscriptions Please pay up at once. Thornburg's Orchestra Auto H 12 T. f r. SCRIHNER'S MAOA'INK SIT! SCRII'TION SOl.K ITORS easily eain Liberal Commissions, also can pick up extra prl.e money. For full particulars regarding commissions, prizes, free advertising matter, sam ple copies, address Desk C, 1 Ef Fifth Avenue, New York City. February oMarchi cApril , (TT Three months to pay if your "lag Subscription I. ZACow is the Time Editor's Note We ask our readeis to bear in mind the fact that the task of putting out today's paper was rude ly thrust upon us at the last minute after the staff had decided to take a day off, and to read with forbearance Y. JW.C A. Merchant Tailor Shop Suits (Moaned, Repaired anil Pressed Shop in Basement Y. M. V A. Bldg. For your orchestra call O. L. Jones. Auto Lr860B. HERPOLSHEIMER'S CAFE Dinner 1Ji30 to li30 1C. Supper Si30 to 7i30 XtJL Also Cafeterlan Styl STRAW HATS BUDD 1413 O Street $1.50 A $2.00 Hat This Week Only You Can Save $25 to $50 . a i & ,n. f--J- -nr ''W9n r- - -AVrv3Sr 'V . .V -W buying a slightly used or A machine backed by 4$? a two year guarantee. ' ""-s-.-V, Over 500 now used, in Lancaster County. Investigate these before you purchase any kind of a typewriter. Nebraska Typewriter Co Auto 2080 143 So. 13th St. Bell 1299 1 vr