THE DAILY NEBRASKAN iM , IDail flebvaehan I'ubllHhocl by the Student Publica tion Hoard of the I'nUerHity of No-bniHkii bold In Art Hall Mciv 1 1. tho fol lowing c-Iuhhoh, now meeting m A biary IlO'i, will meet In the muHlc ball of the Temple KngliHh Iitetature L', political Hcleiu e 1,1;, Kuiopeau liiHtoi 1 and art HtudentH '1 Iiot nbui g"s ()r( beHtra Auto H 2."i.ri0 CLASSIFIED COLUMN AT THE THEATRES LOST ? I Hi Hi li !i; W EDITORIAL STAFF Keillor . SKKU; !' HOMIICS Managing Kdltor K A II MO II TAYLOR AHHoclato Kdltor K (' M'CONNIGM, AHHoeiato Kdltoi ...IH'RTON S lUA. BUSINESS STAFF Manager (' C HUCHANAnI Aunt Managei ' V MORRISON I Clirnliition Manager .. A'A) HKKION i SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. $200 PER YEAR Pay.ible In Advance Slnolo Copies. 6 Centi Each. Telephone- Auto 1888 Night Phones Auto 1888, Editor, Auto 1035, Manager, Auto 1821 1. nli nil at III" postiidlco lit Lincoln, Ni In. imU, i it h m mm! lass mill matter, unili-i 1 1 13 Ai't of CoiiRieHi of March 3. PCT'i SAT1 RDAY MAY I, I'M 2 Speaking of the band conceit, on the campiiH Wednesday owning, we aie of the opinion that moic like it should be highly l ecommended The opinion has boon expressed that It was a good (banco foi the fussers to get .i date and stioll about while the band was londeiing its martial stiains, yet the ( oncei t had other adantagos An alfair like this calls all the stu dents togethci in ,i moi e or loss in foi mill wa wherein many now ac (luaintances aie made It Is true that Nebraska has almost too many social eents as it is. but at the dancing pintles oi tho pionis It is cry unusu al it any one gets a chance to con eise with nioi e than a dozen people at the outside- and those are. in most cases, people not mere acquaint ances It Ih for this leaaoii LliaL lite JjlUld concei t idea should bo encouraged The campus was tilled Wednesday evening with more students than are nsually seen at any social gathering, and it was plain to be seen that it was not only tho fussers who were Inning a good time Kor the same leason, Ivy Day and Dandelion Day aie of great benefit to the student body All holidays of this nature gie many a chance to be come acquainted with other students whom they hae often seen, but never know peisonally Senior Vespers Tuesday. Invitations have boon sent out to all heiiior gills lor tho senior vespers to bo given by the Y W C A Dr W. W Lawrence will speak and Miss lhuel Stanton will Bing The vespers will be held in the Temple at o o'clock Tuesday Kor your orchestra call O. L Jones, Auto L-8G05. CALENDER. S TKRI) Y. MAY 1 Tegner Students Debating Club Delta Zeta foi mal pai ty I Mi I Beta Kappa initiation and sup per. Beta Theta I'i banquet Silbsci ibeis to the Rag have had tin oo months since Tag Day to pay their subscriptions l'lease pay up at once Class Rooms Change. On account of the art exhibit, to bo TBAMP-TRAMP-TRAMP gy J Prices $2.50 and $2.95 BUDD, 1413 0 St. GET IN LINE mn IflU U Uh ABOUT PEOPLE (' H Krey, florinl. 1133 O 8t tf Caiol Howanl is spending the week end at hei borne in Omaha Hojd Punting Co , ILTi No '1 St Kli7abetb Weston leaeH toda foi Heat i ice, where she will spend Sunda Have MraeH print it for you. Not th Kleenth St 132 Inez Fiegenbauin, I'M"), j;:i i' a ie cital for graduation last night at Wes lejan Kills ersity Ted Marriner, Cleaner and Hatter, 23f. No 11th. Coo Ruchanan loft yesterday foi bis borne in Omaha where be will spend Satin day and Sunday George Bros , expert printers, en gravers and embossers, 13th and N Donald W Miller will eiiteilain the active ohaptei of Delta Kpsilon at a dancing party tonight at bis borne May 1st is the date when all sub scriptions to the R.ig should be paid Are you still delinquent? Ivy Day May 22, 1912. Inter-claso field and track meet. MedalB awarded ' to the winners. Freshmen are especi- lally urged to compete. Tho entile active chapter of Delta Tail Delta are spending today in Kre mont, leaving early this morning in automobiles They will bo entertained while in Fremont by alumni members of the frater nity SCRIHNKR'S MAC.A.INK SCR SCRIPTION SOLICITORS easily oai n Liberal Commissions, also can pick up eti.i prize money Kor full particulars regarding commissions, pi Ioh, free adv ertising matter, sain pie copies, address Desk C lfi." Fifth Avenue, New York City V. M. C A. Merchant Tailor Shop Suits Cleaned, Repaired and Pressed Shop in Basement Y. M. C A Bhlg. HERPOLSHEIMER'S CAFE Dinner U:30 to Ji30 )Cr Supper 5t30 U 7i30 XJL Also Cafeterlan Styk THE FIRST SAVINGS BANK 4 pir oint Interest " n dpg,ltl $1.00 Opens an Account With the First National Bank. Oor. 10th aad O. I I'LKASK return to Rag olllce diawmg I instruments, desciiptne and analy tic geometry. LOST Wednesday fiom memoiial seat of '()(', a valuable note book i Return to this oflice LOST Wodnes lay afternoon watch fob, locket attached, sot with l.iigc blue stone Kinder please re'uin to "Rag" olllce for leward LOST On campus between Libraiv and K Hall gold watch and fob Knst name m case Reward if re I ui nod to Rag ' oflice FOUND roi'NI) ladies' black leather purse Call .it this oflice and identif it 1 '.() .!t KOl'Nl) Thuisday afternoon lady s pockotbook ( all at olhce and Idon tify. WANTED KRATKRNIITKS Will sell on easy tonus or rent Ki.'iT R Business phono filM'.l, residence Ij-S(1' " SPA. " Try a lunch at th. Y. M. a A. LBoh Room. Cafeteria Plan. City Y. M. C. A. 13th and t. WARTHON'S Original, Electric, Shoe Repair Factory Always reliable and up to the minute 142 North 12th Street I Woe'dy shiimonts of the lies then? is in choco a Huylet a Uyhltmon's LoAney's Yorris' Meier DrugCo. I3th nnclCJ mil Jm lt$llMf liii LilPi We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD RE FRESHMENTS in the city Student's 3-Course Lunch 15 TODAY 2:30 & 8:15 Last Opportunity Barrow -Winninger Players In "THE FORTUNE HUNTER" NEXT WEEK, COM. MON. NIGHT Mats. Wed & Sat at 2:30 "IMH WITCMINO HOUR" Augustus Thomas' Play Night 50, 35 & 25c. Mat. 25c I lUPni M MA IINIM S(l2cept Monday) a:J LlhlUULIl HVININOS Al ORPHEUM V;.V0?.?,h ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Week Com. Mon. Night, April 29th SIMONE DE BERYL PERCY WARAM & CO. TOM WATERS TUXEDO COMEDY FOUR MOFFETT & CLAIRE TRIO ERNIE & MILDRED POTTS BERT TERRELL PRICES Matinees, 15c and 25c Nights, 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c Discard yourt)high shoes and make your feet hap py with a pair of our new oxfords or pumps. BEGKMAN BROS. 1107 O STREET College shoo store run by collogo'mon "ITSee mb for your f next job of printing. Personal Buperviaon enables us to make each job please. 128 N. HSt The moment you put on clothes made to your meas ure, you see the vast differ ence between merchant tailored and ready made. Our way costs no more. Be sure to sec our line first. College Tailors College View, Nebraska l'hon -i Q Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Foutain Pen. $1.00 Safety Razors vprihtuio; UHCOIA-Mlhj c jjWWWIJWt','