iOtm ffifr THE DAILY NEBRASKAN E)atl Bebvashan Puhllahod ly tho Stndont Publica tion Hoard of tho University of No-bniBka i EDITORIAL 8TAFF Editor HEAIIM5 I'' HOLMES Managing Editor RARI.E II TAYLOR AHHoclato Kdltor . F (' M'CONNKLL Aflfioclato Editor... HURTON S. HILL BU8INES8 8TAFF Manager C 0. BUCHANAN Ahh'I Manager ...J V MORRISON Circulation Mnnagor. . . .LEO HREEN SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2 00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Slnole Coplei, 6 Centt Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. NlQht Phonei Auto 1888; Editor, Auto 1035; Manager, Auto 1821. Entered at llm poitotllco at Lincoln, NeliruHlui an hitoikI clnns mall matter, under tho Act of Congress of March 3. 18711 . Tl'ESDAY M'RIL :", 1 '. 1 1 TOMORROW'S CONCERT. Several montliH ao we niontloifed the fact that hand concert h weie to be held on the campus thiH spring At th( time that seemed like an einpt" bonHt, but at this Htagc of the name it given eeiv Indication ol being a cer taint The hand 1mm Hignilled its intention or appealing toi tlu lirnt time tonioi low evening at sev en o c lock, at which time It Will lenclel such Helectiolis as aie titling to tin season ol the iai The musiciaiiH Hliowed the piopei spil it b tinning out -it the ttac k meet last Satuidas (in lac t the compose d about lialf ot the Hpectatois) and ila ing at even available oppoitunltv The occasion lenunded one of the toothall garni s ol last fall when the band pci loiined , it made up in en thusiasill vslia t the othel tlliee spec tatois lacked m munbeis Owing to tlu Inter vention of ("amp the hand will bo unable to plav dining the week of Ma II IS, hence mc lud lng toinoiiow tlieie can bc onl roui concerts l'oi" this leason, if loi no other, the students shoitld t m n out to lend an attentive ear. and theieb.v piove to the band that tliev appreciate tho body which has ptobabl.v clone nunc adwitising for the school than an othei nou athletic oi ganiation Thornburg'H Or chest i a Auto H 2rfiG tf OPERA A SOCIETY AFFAIR TICKETS FOR "THE DIPLOMAT" GO WITH STARTLING RAPID ITY FIRST DAY. On Frldav evening theie will be pel pcttyitcd upon the university public an . innovation in tlie dramatic line At that time the wide aieas of ait In the Oliver theater will be rent with music not that kind that can be purchased evei Saturday at the ten cent stores I for a nominal sum, nor that variety which makes its weekly debut at the Oipheiim, but rather a new and or iginal variety The idea of staging an ot iginal musical comedy written and executed by college students Is not a new one There ate now at nearly all the hlgge and moie important universities clul a otganied for this purpose, and it was only at the close of last school year that such an organization was formed at Nebraska Nebiaska is so up to date in every other respect that the in stigators decided that it should not fall behind in this one hence the Kosmc i Klub Encouiaged by the glowing sue cesses of such clubs as the 'I i iangle ( lul) at Princeton, the Black Kiiars at ( liicago, the Powder and Pu ft at Yale, the Red Domino at Kansas, and a slm ilai one at Missouri the nieinheis twelve- in all, have wot keel long and diligently and now I eel that they can put beloie the university audience (which is in eveMV instance, the mosr ei ideal that can lie collected) a pel for mane e w hie li nee el iie-wi be- r eler r ed to as 'good foi an am. item pioduc lion ' 'I he- tickets weie put on sale yestet d.ivv and loi the- lust el,i w cut with staitliug lapidity, in fact ovei twol h illicit eel and litlv weie disposed ol On the fatelul evening it is expected eveiv seat will be' occupied not1 onlv by musical connoisseur s and clia matic ciltics, but by hoeiety m gala at I lie, fussorR in blushing emlmnass i merit and new clothes, and in lact i everyone who is liiteiested in the glowing importance and evei nicreas i ing culture ot Nebraska (Continued from pago 1 ) i TPhe big attraction to be field at the Oliver "Carly next month in fact, May 3 A. T 1912 at 8:30 p. m. IS THE DIPLOMAT A production penned and played by Nebraskans, I eaving all others in the shade. Vh that music, that chorus, that setting. My boy don't miss the chance to get in strong with Miss nabelle. Take her to see CORNHUSKER FORMS MADE. Some New Ideas are Being Tried in Annual This Year. Several loi ins for the 1!U2 Com busker have been made, and Editor Van Onsen reports some veiy line work done upon them The first plan was to run sixteen page fonns, but on account of the extra cjuality dull finish paper that is to bo used eight page foiniH were decided upon to in bine hettei workmanship The book this year will be oblong instead of square as it formerly has been, the' dimensions being ten and one half Inches by eight Instead of leathei, the lSH'J Cornhuskci will be bound in brown bin lap There will be a largo block ".N" in the center of the outside cover, a Nebraska seal in tire upper coiner, near the inside and " '12" In the lowei corner, near the out side Tho title of the book will not appear on tho outside cover at all, but will llrst be Been on tho title page This idea 1b a new one belonging to Editor Van I)u sen Vincent () Distance, :::i leet, l inches Itioad jump-Eiibt. ( iomwell (), I second, Meade (A) Distance, JO leet.l .1 inches ' I All students should visit tho "Col- , lego Inn Barber Shop at 127 North I 12th S L Chaplin, Prop. A Hint to the Laws. Yesterday morning the law libiai inn lound a young owl peiched upon the picture of the late Sii William Hlackstone Unlike Poe s raven he had not been invited in and asked to perch upon the bust of Pallas, but had been lured to the place by the great magnetic Influence that ailini ties have for each other, and also the atmosphere of the place The laws are contemplating the adoption ot the biid and raising a i unci to ptovlde for hiB future care It may here be said that there is really nothing in the bird's actions to indicate that "birds of a featliei flock together" but we cannot disregard the apparent omen, that it means more attention should be paid to Hlackstone, dead, but whose niemorv is immortal, and whosehistory reveals that Hlackstone was one of tho grind in'ist of gr inds THE DIPL the Olii HE DIPLOMAT. Tickets now on sale at iver. SENIOR PINS New Shipment Just Arrived IHS2? Get One Before They Are All Gone IZTJ The University Book Store r 2 340 North 11th Street r Pay for your subscription AT ONCE Rag office is in the basement of the o4dministration Building. Entrance at the west end. Weber Sultorlum. 1100 O St. nnni cq t nes a" colors UUULLO fancy knits . . B U D D 25c THIS COUPON and 85 cents buys $1.00 worth of Athletic or Baseball Goods at Lawlor Cycle and Sporting Goods House 1423 O Street J. C. WOOD and CO. Tha Best Is Always the Cheapest 1822 N St. Auto 1292 Bsll 147 OLEANERS and DYERS c Mv;n,.i?Y Lfs: