THE DAILY NEBRASKAN v GONTRAGTJS AWARD ED JOHN HARTE OF OMAHA WILL ERECT THE NEW MED ICAL BUILDING. Silt 111 ll.l II llleetillg wan bcld will Regents llulli'l. ( opelalld. WllitlllOle, ( hancelloi Ai't V. Aichitect I lodg don anil Kupei iiiteiideiit how inn pieHeiit. to consider bids handed ill on tin- medical building, which is l ho erected on Koit second and Dee Avenues. Omalia. Neb The conduct for I lie election of tho building was given to John llarte of Omaha, lot $7.!.'J27. the plumbing and Healing i "t $...t...n . the heat ing to the llciinlngton Heating and l'luinbing t o . at $..:. :J. and the elec trie wiling ' the Coir Klcctrical o. at $1 I.V all being Omaha firms These amounts, and a few sundries will hi Ing the contract as accepted, to about $'i7 mio, a little below the established limit of Jimi.imu The cont i act calls for the complo tlonol the building by January, if pos Bible NEBRASKA AND AMES WILL MEET SATURDAY (Continued from page- 1 ) son inceiit. Wilson Nebraska llaimon Ross, llloedoin Hi own Kunning high jump Aiiicb- Corray. (lawfoid Nebiaska Hussel Hast Inns. ( hi Ciomwell Shot put Ames Hoper Johnson. Vincent Wilson NebiasU.i moii. lliow n Running bioad jump mes Moade Ve ranch Wilson Nebiasku Hraii non. lUack, Cromwell. XI DELTA PLEDGES. The following articles were written for the Foresters' edition of the Dally Nebraska!), but were crowded out by i leason of limited space i JOYS OF A FORESTER. J I Thank goodness those veins of school aie o er. And weie in the real thing at. last W'e are out on the Job and here to stay. W'e long not for the daj gone past. The past as full of human shams, Of up to date, civilied freaks, Hut now we're thru with such as that, W'e re out where nature speaks W'e lose the great wild mountain range, Tho needle covered forest floors Was there eer before such Joy in life As ours in Clod's great out of doorB? We eat with hearty appetite, We drink troni mountain brooks, A thousand wonders each day wo see, For we read In nature's books. Anil our work though hard is not so bail. For we know It is something worth while. Anil the time conies soon when all w 111 be glad We eer were gien a tnal So who shall saj a foresters life Is a lite of worry and care! 1 mi its a lite that s lull of joy, Hut with buidens that all must bear J H. H Twelve Girls Chosen to Membership In Sophomore Society. XI Delta the sophomore girls' so cietv, vesterdav announced the follow lug pledges Helen Heaton. Alpha I'hi, lmogeiie Clark, Kappa Alpha Theta, Stella Steens Alpha Oml cron I'i, Faith Schw ind. Delta Delta Delta. Chailotte Jenkins, Alpha i hi Omega. Fannv Ume I'i Heta Phi, Sadie Aber, Chi Omega, Ruth Stone cvpher. Delta 'eta, Marjorjo Kim ball, Delta Camilla, Cladvs Hannah Kappa Kappa ('1.1111111.1. Uiiatne Halt and Kstliei Heiinett For your orchestia call O L Jones Auto L-8605 UNI. GIRLS TO MEET TODAY. Mass Meeting Will Be Held in Me morial Hall. There will be a mass meeting of all Cimersity girls toilaj at 11 :'.( In Me morial ball Members of the eecu tie boaid of tho Girls' Club for net year will be elected All coeds are ut god to attend HARDSHIPS OF A FORESTER. ' I The foiester's lite-with all Its jos Is a lilt lull ot worry and care So if ou re tempted to give it a trial. Take a hint, look well and beware In school our work is fairlj hard, Though It might be much worse, 1 guess, Hut work we must and work we do. To pass the gov eminent C. S. Hut aw a) from school the scene Is changed, And no longer do we comforts know. It's "rough it" now in the wild back woods. Or pick, ui) vour duds and go So if- the city has allurements and and charms Which neer will leave vou alone. You'd better lorgot it beforo it's too late, Stick jour trunk in the attic, stay home For the das are long and the toll is hard And it takes lots of honest sweat, And what do vou get in the end, pray tell? A check, that's all jou get. TO TALK OF CHINA. Bishop A. W. Bashford Will Speak at Convocation. Hishop A W Hashford of Pekin China, will speak at convocation to day Hishop Hashford has just io turned tiom China and his address will deal with the revolt recently in progress theie and the now republic now being established Fake Sales Always React Merchant tailors who advertise "All Wool, Best Hand-Made Suits for $ 1 5" never get a second order from the same customer. It is commercial suicide to mislead the public, but We are in Business to Stay Clothes we make for $25 up are the best that can be produced for the money and our customers come back to us season after season. Have us measure you for your Spring and Summer outfit. C. L. ANDERSON Tailoring Company 143 South 12th Street Lincoln, Nebraska Fine Tailoring The University of Chicago BItLiP vi i ospunuuiiLe oiuay uepi nunc. STUDY 1 ill cir nr is I its r tii i , i ! i . I i ir II y (i I j u r V rl i wlfh'tcr 1 Iciiini u i )r is . Uris I ir Irt tiers W r -n-. li ukrts, all 1 tli . Hi tlitlri t , -, W'Ul .tin tlinr U. of C. (Div. Z) Chicago, III , 'r, I II. 1 . . Outdoor Work ! That check in fact Is not very large; You couldn't get rich in a year Wo hftve a ,Qt of R tQ dQ Indeed it s the question of making ' , .. cml8 UUH,t "ii-T for our three popular magazines That 11118 inanj hearts with fear. I KVKItYHOI)VS. T11K DEUNKATOR, i and ADVKXTURK. Wo prefer to have rio grave it is for the llrst few years College men do this work YOU can That booh, I'll bet my hat. mako hundreds of dollars working for The forester' life will mean bach- j us. It costs you nothing to get the In elor's life, formation Two or more men may Now what do vou know about that' j travel together. Write to THE FIRST SAVINGS BANK 4 pir cint literitt " n d'P0,ltl $1.00 Opens an Account With the Fint Nation! Bank, Oor. 10th and O. So if j mi want to make a pile, ! (Jet married and have a sweet home You'd better in.,,., ii i.fP., ir fMM i Butterlck Building n- - - . w. v .v. , .yyw late; Do ail) thing but leave Forestry alone. Anon Tho College Inn Barber Shop Stu dent trade solicited. S. L. Chaplin & Co. 127 N. 12th. ALEXANDER GRAHAM. New York City HAVE - EVANS Do Your Laundry Y. M. C A. Merchant Tailor Shop Suits Cleaned, Repaired anil grossed Shop in Rasemont Y. M. C A. Bldg. Heffley's Tailors Suits $20 Up nth and n Nifty Styles P ( ? &?1