The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 25, 1912, Image 3
5? THE DAILY NEBRA8KAN CLASSIFIED COLUMN J, I AT THE THEATRES ABOUT PEOPLE 4, 0 0 y irt 1.0. U Miss Aileeti Winston. 'I I. was called to her home at I'onca jesterday on account of the serious illness of her father. Ted Marrlner, Cleaner and Hatter, 235 No. 11th. Have Graves print It for you. 233 North Eleventh St. W. A. Moser, Kiik '07, is at present located at Salt Iake City in charge of railway, lighting and mining sales for the WestinghoiiBe Company. George Hros.. expert printers, en j gravers and embossers, 13th and N. Programs and Invitations printed or engraved. Boyd Printing Co., 125 North 12th. Remember that the Freshman Hop Is to be held tomorrow evening at Fraternity hall; that It Is limited to seventy-five couples, and that it costs only one dollar. Y. M. C. A. barber shop opens at 7:30 a. m. Student trado solicited Best service. Prof. C. K Mickey, who has not been able to meet his classes for mora than a week because of a bad case ot mumps, has recoveied and is now back in his classrooms O. K. IS PUT ON OPERA. C. H. Frcy, florist, 1133 0 St. J "Rag's" Operatic Critic Admits Affair Looks Good. Say, it's ou we want to speaK to about a little matter ou ought to know of. It is in regard to the Kos met Klub opera that is coining olf May 3 at the Olher. We have had our operatic critic look into the proposition very thor oughly and as a result have no com plaint to make; in other words, wo admit that the play is going to be first claBS. Much labor is being put on the play and every department is coming along in good snape. The tickets will be on s-ale in a few days, and it it? advised that anyone wishing to see a well worked up opera, written by one of our own composers, should get around early to procure a good seat. Engraved dance programs done In Lincoln. Ocker Engralng company. Brownell block. FRESHMEN TO ENTER MEET. Four Athletes Will Compete at Omaha as Unattached Amateurs. Four men will go to Omaha to enter the indoor meet to be held there Sat urday night. Theso men are all freBh mon and not eligible for the 'varsity team nnd will thereforo enter tho meet as amateurs, unattached. The men are reported to be all strong ath letes and are looked on to be point wlnnerB. Tho entries aro: Zurawinkel, 40-yard dash. Morrison, 40-yard dash. Wiley, 40-yard dash and high Jump. Reese, 40-yard (lush, 220-yard dash, Bhot put. Weber Sultorlum, 1100 O St. Spring Jewelry for Men for full dresg. 813 to $25. Established 1871 1143 0 Street God fillel tton $2 to HALLETT v V t f- 1 "-. -:rr - The early bird gets the worm. And the early buyers get the choicest patterns from our spring lines. The minute you enter our clothing department our difficulties end and so do yours. It's because the quality and splendid tailoring in our Kensington and Kup penheimer Suits is so ap parent that a fair examin tion by you is the strongest argument we have. We've a $15 line too that's a crackerjack. MAGEE & DEEMER SIMMONS the PRINTER PRINTING ENGRAVING EVIBOS8INO Auto. 2319. 317 South 12th St. UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET YELLOW FRONT Your Palronagi SollclUd central National bank 12th and O StrU 1. . HALL. Pn.M.nt 7. H. JOHNSON, If. W. HACKNEY, JR., Aut. WALT Stands for the latest and best in Sheet Music 1215 0 St. ?Jg2PsSSiaiJ! $5-Bolid gold 85 to f 15--platinum UNIVERSITY JEWELER L08T LOST Last TlmrHdny. cameo broach. Ilcwnrd offered for return to "KnK" ofllce. 12! .'I WANTED WANTED 1'niverHity men who nro active nnd energetic, nnd are desir ous of taking up remunerative work during vncntion. To such a connec tion Is offered with a company doing nn extenslvo business throughout iN'ebrnska. Good profits nre sure Cnll at or address Room 20,'J, hi 18 O St. 128-n-S-W WANTKD (Jirl to wait on table nT Borority house for hoard Call :U7 No. 13th, Auto 3193. 131 3 FRATERNITIES Will sell on easy terms or rent 1337 R Business phono GUI!), residence 1-rSGIL'. SCRIMNER'S MAGAZINE SUB SCRIPTION SOLICITORS easily earn Liberal Commissions, also can pick up extra prio money. For full particulars regarding commissions,, free advertising matter, sam ple copies, address Desk C, 155 Fifth Avenue, New York City. WARTHON'S Original, Electric, Shoe Repair Factory Always reliable and up to the minute 142 North 12th Street HERPOLSHEIMER'S CAFE Dinner Jl i30 to Ji30 -Cr Supper Si30 to 7i30 XrtfL Also Cafeterlan Styl Weokly shipments of tho boat there is in chocoltttes. Huyler's Uhltman's Louvnoy's AiieizrAtti's California violets frosh every day. Meier Drug Co. 13th nnd O We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD RE FRESHMENTS in the city Student's 3-Course Lunch 1 5c eJhtih Oliver Theatre TODAY 2:30 TONIGHT 8:15 HENRIETTA GROSMAN In "THE REAL THING" Mat. $1 & 50c. Night $1.50 to 50c Com. Mon., Apr. 29 Indefinite BARROW-WINNINGER PLAYER8 Opening Bill "THE FORTUNE HUNTER" I IfJPni N MATINHIS(P.KCept Monday) uj LlllUULU KVHNINOS AT 8;jo ORPHEUM y;W,H ADVANCED VADDEVILLE Week Com. Mon. Night, April 22 Hampden & Company Julius Tannen ' Marguerite Haney White & Brewer De Faye Sisters Honor and Le Prince De Renzo and La Due PRICES Matinees, 15c and 25c Nights, 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c Discard your high shoes and make your feet hap py with a pair of our new oxfords 'or pumps. BECKMAN BROS. 1107 O STREET Collogo shoo store - run by college men Capital Tailoring & Clothes Co. Suit cleaned and preued by the month $1.50. HighjClai. Tailoring Auto L 8338 ll3 O St. The moment you put on clothes made to your meas ure, you see the vast differ ence between merchant tailored and ready made. Our way costs no more. Be sure to see our line first College Tailors College View, Nebraska Phon -4-Q Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Foutain Pent $1.00 Safety Razors aj -. i I Stfv wft M x ""si A-SSPVbw aJTlcrcr i ;: J ,s.