The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 25, 1912, Image 2
w V It THE DAILY NEBRASKAN ! 2)atl Bebraehan IMibliHlicd by tho Student Publica tion Ilonrd of tho University of No brnHkft T EDITORIAL 8TAFF Editor SKARUS F. HOLMES Managing Editor. EAItLE H. TAYLOR AHBOdato Editor... F (' MTONNKLL ABBodato Editor... HURTON S. HILL BU8INE88 8TAFF Manager C. C. BUCHANAN AHB't Manager J V MORRISON Circulation Manager LEO BREISN SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2 00 PER YEAR Advance. 6 Cent Each. if Payable In StrtUp Copies, Telephone: Auto 1888 Nlnht Phones Auto 1888: Ed" 1035; Manager, Auto 1821 Itor, Auto i:ntci((l lit tho postolllco at Lincoln, NfhuiHlui. B huioikI-cIuss mull matter. uniliT tho Act of CoiiKieaa of Murch 3. 1879 THl'RSHAY, APRIL U.'i, lit 11! co)loH of the big book will hat to run the rink of those who have al ready deposited fifty cents falling to piesent their claims ( op Is now In the hands of the printer, Jacob North & ( o , and tho engravings from the Minneapolis en giaer aie coming In dally This means that the edition will soon go to press, which Is the llnal stage in Its preparation Announcement was made at the ( ornhusker oflWc jcsterday that the registrar had placed air order for one hundred and fifty copies of the book, which will be distributed among the high schools of the state ( offee re ports that subscriptions are coming in liberally and Is confident of orre of the largest circulations that the Corn hunker lias ever experienced TrTornburg's Orchestra Auto U 2 ." ." 0 tf GERMAN CLUB TO MEET. Musical Program Will Be Presented by Members. OPPORTUNITY FOR REDEMPTION. Financial the track season has alwajs been a losing proposition at the I'niversitv ot Nebraska Its de ficit has generallv been sufllcient to eat up a huge part of the profits made tint ing lootball season To this lamentable condition several causes ian be ascribed, the immense expense Incurred in sending large track teams on long trips, the foiiner lack of a suitable athletic field and last, but not least, lack of support There Is one cause, however-, which exists at one tune or another in near ly ever college or unlversltv, which cannot be justly considered at elnas ka- that of a poor tearrr Since time iinniemoi ial the (ornhusker track team has been noted for its abllilv, and better et for itB wonderful spirit True, it has not alwajs won tho val le.v championship nor has it (list in gished itset tor star performances, but it has alwavs been able to account tor itself It is nivaiiably feared in the valley, it has beaten Minnesota everv time with the exception of last jear, thus wiping out the sting of innumer able football deteats It has estab Halted records which are in a lair wav to stand. All this it has done not bv drawiirg into Its told stats from other schools but by developing them at heme, not bv reiving upon star per formers but rather upon its lndnmit ablo spirit Nebraska has a reput.i tion in the allev for being a good loser a modest winner The cause of the financial ditllcultv then is plainlv not In the team itself but in the support We did not wlrr the meet at Drake, but no one will deny that hard luck got the better of us In the very event which we were calculated to win The dual meet with Ames Saturday (AnicH wo should havo beaten last fall) will offer an excellent opportuni ty to begin tho remedying of the evil 'Nuf sed Tho Deuscher Ceselliger Yeiein will meet Thursday evening, April LT). at 8 o'clock, with Miss Ella Morrison. 1C31 F street The following musical program will be presented , 1. Malo Quartet ' Her Lindenbaum Schubert, Professor Alexis, Frank Keinsch i H II Wlebe, L R Stanley 2. 1'lano Solo Sigrmind's Love Song Wagner Schutt Mariel .Jones '.) Yocal Solo An Operr Secret . Woodman Hael Stanton. 1 Male Quartet Schajer's Sonntagslied Kieuei " l'iano Solo - Du hist die Ruli . . .Schuber t List Ia Gcurdoliera Liszt Louiso Zurnwlnkel G. Vocal Solo (a) The Morning Clorj (b) Chrysanthemum Mary Turner Salter Hoel Stanton Sunflower in Bloom. On our way to Nebraska hall es tenia morning we noticed something new in the greenhouse It looked strangely familiar and after racking our brains for several minutes, it sud denlv occuned to us that it was a sunflower in bloom It was the onlv new flower in bloom in the gieen house For yourStoaki, Ohops'&md Qnlk Serrlo Vlilt The New York Chop House Open Day and Night 1840 O Street All students should visit tho "Col lege Inn Barber Shop ut 127 North 12th. S L. Chaplin, Prop. FINAL CORNHUSKER CAMPAIGN Copy for 1912 Annual Now in Hands of the Printer. Harry Coffee, business manager of tho Cornhusker. Is instituting a final campaign for subscriptions this wook which he sas will bo positively the laBt. After this week thoso desiring 4 f Try a lunch at the Y. M. 0. A. Loach Room. Oafetexia Plan. City Y. M. C. A. 13th an . vPRINTIHO1 TTSeo ub for your j j f next job of printing. Personal Bupervison enables ub to make each job please. 128 N. 14 St Nii- 1 For the ladies 16-Button Boots, $5 and $6 values MEMORY BOOKS Regular $1 Mjmory Books 75c This Week Only I See Our South Window The Unityrfcity Book Store 340 IpAh 11th Street H T '"p THIS COUPON and 85 cents I uyf 1 . 00 worth of Athletic or Bascjall Goods at Lawlor Cycle ant Sporting Goods House I'M 3 O Street Ihmhibi You Cain Save $25 to $50 buying a slightly jrciI or rebuilt typewriter. jvsf- S& rii . r-v7-; r A machine backel WJW$mfik iararee. 1 --yuo,'..'1 "' v v r ?&&&: l i K Jyu-.2 J F ;. l i AWlWJ&SS 37 "' N"2 y a two year guai Over 500 now u.-i ir. Lancaster County. Investigate these ufore you purchase any kind of a typewrite Nebraska Typewriter Co Auto 2080 143 So 13th St. Bell 1299 J. C. WOOD and CO. The Best ItAlways the Cheapest 1822 N St. Auto 1292 Bell 147 OLEAKERS aid DYERS c -Ji" STUDENTS -: Buy your shirts, collars, Jfats,Tloves and menVfurn- i shings at cost at Unland's stor We want the room Whilebreast Co., 1042 o st. OUR CAFE IS OPEN L After All Dances aid Parties We "cater" to student trade md can serve you and your lady to all kinds o Club Sandwiches, Salads, Oysters any style, Ice Jream and Sherbets Fountain in Connectijn with Cafe THE FGLSOM CAFE ' I c $2.50 J AND $2.95 L, Buck '' ' -,.. 1J25-31 N St. J Upstairs 1413 O St. . 'A as. .)