The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 24, 1912, Image 4
f , A) . Wi i r . jr i &.' .. .T: THE DAILY NEBBASEAN tlLvt :'' wv- ALUMNI PLAN ADOPTED TO GOVERN FRATERNITIES pears each year at this time and close watch is kept of tho work done. Foto day is generally mado a high school rush day by tho fraternities of tho school. Dances are planned by almost all. tho dates for which aro made many months in advance. In this way a line-up is obtained on promising men coming to Nebraska the net year. '& $ . TA f V m "C bO;; k- ' I'd COMMITTEE OF THREE PRACTIC ALLY GIVEN POWER OF REGULATING GREEKS. t. 1," . r. f I- i . i r- -v, g fc 5 V h v & It 4 WJ-. B r-'i ..- r II 'V - ' If, ., .1 i" &- ' LX Sf .i ,.. Vr; 1 w-s -w r Tlio plan of reorganization of the Inter-frntcrnlty council as Hiibinltted to tho Hoard of Regents recently by tho fraternity alumni lias been adopt ed in ita original form by a commit tee coiiHiHtlng of Chancellor Avery and Itogont Allen, who were empow ered by tho commltteo to act in the matter. Tho new plan dlfferH from the old in that It requlroH two alumni mcmborn in place of one to meet in the lnter-fraternity council with the one active representative By plac ing tho power of appointing the alumni members In the hands of a committee consisting of tho Chan cellor, tho president of tho Hoard of Regents and tho president of the council, It practically gives this com mittee tho absolute power of regulat ing the (Ireek organizations of the University. As the alumni representatives un der tho now plan, tho following two alumni from each chapter have been requested to serve: Alpha Tan Omega Claude S. Wil son. F. C. Foster. Alpha Theta Chi Dr. Irving S Cutter, Leonard Flansburg. Beta Theta PI X. M. Baxter, Max Meyer. Delta Tan Delta Dr II. .T. Lehn hoff, John L. Teetors. Delta UpBllon Phillip J. Harrison, Dr. II. O. Hummel. Kappa Sigma Verne Hedge, John Westover. Phi Gamma Delta I.. IJurtz, W. P. Kimball. Jr. Phi Delta Theta W. I.. Stephens. Chas. E. Stuart. Phi Kappa Psl J. J Led with. W. A. Selleck. Sigma Alpha Ep'silon E. 11. Saw yer, Fred Funke.. Sigma Chi W. E. Hardy. Paul Clark. Sigma Nu V. B. ElBeffer. K. P. Frederick. Sigma Phi Epsilon W. J. Lempke, F. E. Rohde. The three faculty members will be the Bamo as those nominated by the University Senate at a recent meet ing, with tho following exception Professor Pool having resigned his position. Professor Hunter has been asked to serve in hla stoad, subject to confirmation by the University Sen ate. With this change, the faculty members stand as follows: Professor LeeB, Professor Buck, Professor Hun tor. Verne Hedge is named aa vice chairman. All legislation and other acts by tho lnter-fraternity council will bo strictly enforced by tho University authorities. Thornburg Orchestra. Auto B-2556. tf FETE DAY COMING IN MAY EXACT DATE NOT YET SET FOR COMPETITION BY HIGH SCHOOLS. High school foto da, tho occasion on which representatives from tho high schools of tho state Bend teams scto Vcompoto In a track meet, 1b L .- ...... scheduled this year for the middle of Way. Tho oxact day haB not been Bet upon owing to tho date sot for vcarap, conflicting with tho original '"'SFHlinasfV trr'-f-T -',- ...... . . . mm w ! i - JJL c VS. -1 u '' Sfc v&t9vbi aro fiooa JorgrQat con-ijt:-l'? ipBt'Bcairlco, York, Omaliii ana all SE; V. , aii.eothr; BcUobl'8t'prpmnonrJn'atW Z fi , '. -& .. pieties vwIU liayrirBtrohg ( men, entered. cr" ; -. ':&lvlv . ,w.uuk iu -orea. yrivpueDraBKaot-ajyictoryi-in'tn d Tf:MTCTxrf -JJli-ffli iwS'ATr IXIitTr vV4 DELTA GANIMAOFFICERS HERE ENTIRE GRAND COUNCIL WILL BE ENTERTAINED BY LOCAL CHAPTER. Delta Gamma will entertain her en tire grand eouiftttl Saturday and Sun day of this week. The grand officers are making nn ofllclal inspection of several chapters in the middle west The Universities of Iowa and MIb sourl will also be visited. .Members of the council who will be entertained by the local chapter arc: Ada Mae Brown, of Ithlnelander, Wis , president; Mrs. R. F. Carpenter, of Lob Angeles, vice president; M. Agnes Burton, of Detroit, Mich.. Bee rotary; Marguerite Lake, of Balti more, treasurer, and Ethel Tukey, of Omaha, editor. Several entertainments will be given by tho local chapter in their honor. Among theBo will be a recep tion to the fraternities, sororities and members of the faculty Saturday evening. FARM DEPARTMENT CLOSES. (Continued from page 1.) work in newB-gatherlng Miss Abigail McConnell, of St. Paul, won the con test and becomes Farm Editor for 10123 by virtue or that honor Henry Bull, of Elkhorn, was given second place, and Henry Stubbe, of Central City, third. Five reporters besides the three named mado up tho Farm Btaff: Westover, Brlgga, Nelson, McCarthy and Nelson. For tho last three months and a half these students, elected to their positions by their re spective classes, have prosonted a "Farm Notes" column with fair regu larity. Each one has had certain days to work, an assignment of work has been made individually each day, and a Farm-car conductor has been cajoled Into carrying the copy into tho city. Weekly reports and grad ings havo been issued tho staff, all copy has been returned to them and a systematic record of all work done has been kept. Tho Farm students have shown their appreciation by a generous sub scription llBt and unite with Principal Hunter in asking for tho continuation of tho Farm column In 1912-13. H. G. Hewitt, who has had charge of the organization and oporation of this Bub-staff of newB-gathers, Is not an Aggie, but a freBhman In tho six year law courso. M'GOWAN SETS NEW RECORD. Nebraska Track Man Star Performer at Drake Meet. "Beany" McGowan, by virtue of set ting a now Missouri valley record of 2:02 In the half mile, was the star per former of tho Nebraska track team In tho relay moot at Drake last Satur day. Nebraska Unshed second in tho two-mile relay., being beaten out by Minnesota. The fleld of runners was said to be the most brilliant assembled west of tho ..Mississippi In recent 'yoarp, seven nbyt records being pro duced. George Race'ty, who ran In tho quar- tor mile relay, was painfully injured ttrlinn ttn irln'nnrl nn1 ll n.T.I1 -4..f... j & aau li iiiiiriii arii .. .v i i v iiiir ; -,-v- -,- --7, rjVT..y TJ.0 tqout acrosaurj fronptTiia.noarest, uuuiyiiiuiv xuiueiy- )Yairi9iaiUB'aL,-uie Fake Sales Always. React Merchant tailors who advertise "All Wool, Best Hand-Made Suits W $45" never get a becunu oiuer irom ine 4same-r. customer. It is commercial suicide to i mislead the public, but . We are in Business td Stajfc ; "J r v Clothes we make for $25 up ar;tke- best that can be produced fofetelihoriley.. v T m 4 m . . (a M Lm. and our customers u season after season. you for your Spring C. L. ANDERSON Tailoring Company, J 143 South 12th Street ' . . Lincoln, Nebraska 'Fine Tailoring'" The University HOME STUDY 19th year Outdoor Work! Wo havo a lot of It to do this Sum mer for our three popular magazines EVERYBODY'S. THE" DELINEATOR, and ADVENTURE. We prefer to-havo Allege iiiuu uo miB WOrK. XUU caoj mane uunareaa or doilara wortlng for us. It coBtB you nothing to gd'ftho In formation. Two or more m,on may travel together. Write to ALEXANDER GRAHAM, Butterlck Building New York City mmmmmm,;mz .. V at J . m. L - . M- L-. - T i come back to jjs it M& "fit Have ysifieasare ' and Summelfbutiit. of Chicago s ': Correspondence Study Dept. ifler ISO class-ruutn courtri to non-rtslclrnt iiuclpnu One may thus do parj wprk lor lUch elor'dcifree. lUeiurnVuy courses In nun ysub Jern. (itlicrl lor Teacher. Writers, Accouutantj, Hankers, and tlioie in diDercnt vocations. IJe gin anv time U. of C (DIt. Z) ChlcBBo. Di. " y VV1 I oHfafi WF fi ,'V. HAVE- p i . i w BVArlS ?. 1 fcA a- j-r- mi . h ' f j .(:-4hT, y ., - II .L " )H .?- U' Y.-mra fi Merchant Jmm Ql.nn n TCL'i. ir'iM UUUJJ 1U UUDOUtQUIl Xt. tJt Jjf. ..V;r-' - ir -jsr ,i-: v SVC -r -P HiiMri ArB&ii, XUiH j r '. 4 T allocs mz& ,y&! Mi , r m X4 a.'f. Sjt . -: rm il "i J-. "-w.V a Ao M m M 8? l$ . jy $L u for-j :r f-r .flf ' UiforJ 3TV1ki ;l Js i ir mm