The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 23, 1912, FOREST CLUB EDITION, Image 7

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( ('out miicd tniiii pan 1 )
liKln cinliti?uP TmfiimtioiiH of
pci pan nl I In1 lii-c nuiHt 1)0 fainil
lar to liim ltrfoip he ( ,111 tell whethei
IUh foii",t is kiiiwihh at its bent, ho
muni hae a know ledue of its mouth
under aiims ooiiilitioiiH gained
through m iiinn nieiits ieiiiiilnu alue
bra. solid K'oinili. and Miieini;,
and those tin a-nn in nts must bo ie
lati d to tin- sod and Imht conditions'
under ulinh the t'oiest is kimuIiii;
Die niowth nia bo inaleti.illv affect
ed b fllllKl and llli'f N, lliese too ie
When tin t inibei is 1 1 ,id lo ( lit the
foieftoi iiiiihI indicate tlie method to
be follow eil alw.ns ke pliiK in nitnd
that another loiisi is to be kiouii on
this same ,nea onh a mui h hotter
one than the pti.siut, and also keep
inn in mind that he will not lie lonu
olioimh to s. e e new lotesl loKed
anil that his, will be a Imnp:
monument to him In unlet to deiei
mine the imihiiil ol woikiru; his for
e.' t he miisi (uiiskIii things
loiist will ibli innate aftei it loaches
.1 (i Main are; h.. mimt hnd thai :k'
Hit' he ib .ils with aiithuielic and
c,ioiiniii pi o"i i s- mils ( oin pound in
liti si ,wmI lot a i it h ins , .mil handles
ib i .lib s ,i ml t w i nt i a t pi i l oils inoi e
fieeh lb, iii atuithi i pe son would con
sidei ituln idital ' eai s
When the Winning s nndei a the
toil stet assinni s a unite diflotetit tole
lie miisi mule si.tinl tin inotlioils of
loiu ill" .111(1 hi s still better equipped
it In has the naftice lie tnusl
know how tie- wotk is done in the
Woods how the loj's ate I.ikell Dill
how Ho .iti ti.Hispoi led to the mill,
i nd should h i e a I, in idea of t ho
CO' Is o' .ill the oli 1 ,'lt foils , lies lies
Iii should know how that method is
ui'iiiK lo .ill' t the Inline ol his woods
lie should know the l.iws Koenill;
lonti.nts I, uid sabs .i nil hie piotee
Moll I lo tin thuds ,iiid laws he studies
in ( olh ne and supplements that with
woik in the woods (lining the sutnnioi
in at ion
The hue oi wiiil, h.i i nist indi
Pat d. 1 1 .;.!il Bii'liUJ" "u seed
thiourh the nuisi i . to harvesting tho
inntiiro crop, in now In operation In
tho I'nltpd StntoH forest sorvloo. In
Homo of tho atato fori'Htry dopnrt
montH and to n small nxtont, In tho
inothodH of a fow larn lumber and
railway companion Some forests are
managed for their heiiellclal effectH on
stream How vh(ro Privation and
water Huppl are of llrst Importance
Hero again dlffoioiit problems con
front tho foroHtor Tlii'te are sovoral
other, perhaps indiioet linen in which
tho forester is vltalh inteiostod
among which are, Hie inaniifact in i
of wood into useful aitl'leH prosorui
the treatment of wood to prolong tho
usefulness of timber; wood pulp, for
most of our paper is iiiiiile from wood,
turpentine industries, and wood dls
t illation.
The llrnt, that of nuking wagons
load pencils, carriages, spools houses,
barrels, boats, furnittiie. toothpicks
boos, farm implements, collins. and
so on, opens a Held fur the forester
who has a good engineering founda
t ion . or the engineer with a good for
esti foundation, the latter consisting
of a thorough knowledge of the stun
lure and all of the properties of all the
different woods now on the maiket
about bft
In the presei atie business a
knowledge of wood stun lure of fungi
and ol tho growth ol the' tiee, com
binod with some eiigincet mg is need
od This, and the other lines ni'-n
tinned paper pulp, wood distillation
turpentine work, are all established in
dustries and are roaih for ospoelalh
trained men to impnno their moth
ods The goei iniieiit is helping in
thai direction, now. to a rnaikod o
It loquiie.s about Ine eais ol col
lego work to gie t he lorent oi a propel
foundation lor his work and when
those llo eais haw passed he ioes
into a little, town oi into the woods or
into a cii, just as , in 'engineer oi a
doctoi ; he makes a fair living hut
larely gets rich, juM as an engineer
or a doctor; his wotk, bo slaits but
does not see tho HiiihIi. unlike tho en
ginoor , bis success depends to a won
derfully huge extent upon his com
mon House, just as in the case of the
onglnripr, ttrr htwyrr and the- doctor.
wKk'Mm'm" ' i W llillilil
sBr liin
Mm ki I l nBiiA VII
' m 1 - ;flul 11
IIIIMI ; t -ik , m mm
Henrietta Crosinan
Who Comes in I lor (Jrent Comody Success
cit the OLIVER, Thu. Mat. & Night, April 25
I iic 1. nlisli
WeVe Out for Spring!
When the lirM nlin whittles. it time to ho
thinking of Spring Sfjoes, for no man can feel
springlike in heavy inter ones. We've those now
Spring' TJ Models, for young men, which we know
aro just right. (Mir slioes and oxfords fresh from
the workrooms of
The Worlds Best Shoemakers
riio Arcado
( ur prn
as pleasing'
ask the priv
es are lower than many, and higher tli.n none, when quality is taken into consideration they aro
prices. Now,rwhether you prefer moderate priced shoes or shoe luxury we place the proposition before you,
ilege of showing your our good shoes just drop in a few moments and sort of enjoy the Spring '12 showing
Speiini Agent for
The Hand Craft $5 Shoe
A shoe that hat, more of the good feat
ures of modern shoe mnkliiK. than
anyother shoe, today
The Thompson Shoe
$3.50 3 35
A shoo noted for its Staying Qualities,
makes it the young man's shoe
The Promenade
The Men's Bootey
C. V. Reverts
144 North 12th Street