A NEBRASKA NATIONAL FOREST S THE DAILY NEBRASKAN I i 9 I 1 rt ra i RESERVE AT HALSEY OFFERS OPPORTUNITY FOR 8TUDENT8. To thi nvornKo Htion of NobraHka. tho name of a national fon-Ht ronvoyH tho impri'HHlon of u doiiHoly timbered urea In the morn remote mountain mm portloriH of our weHtern Htaten ( Kurely doeH lie think of mirh h trait beliiK found in the all but tteelenn prnlrli'H and Hand IiIIIh of our own Htate NevertbeleHH In the Hand hills of weHtern Nebranka Ih located the e bniHka National Fon-Ht Hewer vi- of .r.rP.,o) arri-H. created by an act of CoiiKri'HH and Het apart by the pri-Hi dent. Of the varloiiH iIIvIhIouh of thlH for-' eHt the DlHinal River Forest Uenene iH perliapn the bi-Ht known, due largely to the fact that the IlalHey iiiiihit) is located there The nuiHery propi-r located two inlb-H wi-Hl of HalHi-y, on the Diurnal river, coeiH an area of about Ih e acn-H Ileie. need bedH traiiHplant bedH and epei Imeiital areas, Hiilbcieiit to furnish each year, two million yoniiK treeH for planlinn in the Meld are found Most of the treeH aie taken direct from the nursery and planted In the HiiiToiimliiiK hillH, however, thousands of treeH are furnished to the iieiKbborliiK hoineHteadeiH or Hent to othei poitionn of the I'nited States 'Ihioiinh Hi" kindness of the I'nited Slate- iMiiebt Service and Supervisor C l'lelie Hie nppor t lllli I of Spelld iiiK several vveekn each npiiim ill actu al nuiHery and Held work, Ih offered to the forestry students of the I'niver Hlty of ehrni-ka The advanced stu denlH woik on varloiiH cpei iinentH. which reiuire considerable technical training while Hie lower classmen are assigned to the various operations in tho nuiseiv and Held The woik Ih larKelv an application of facts learned In the class room and laboratoiy The nursci y is perhapH the largest of Its kind in the I'nited States; the methods einploved in the various op eratlons are scientific and up to date and the privilege offeied lo Hie sTTI I dents of each ear. seeing the work ings and lesults'of these methods, is a valuable asset to their woik in the1 1'nlversity The excellent water facilities; the ideal nursery soil; the tlrin basis up on which the nursery ha been pla- d and the gieat success of planting and I reforesting the sand hills, Iuih atliact ed no little attention ; The HUceeHsful work of the forest I Hervice and buieau of plant Industiv, together with favoiable reports of Chief Forester draws who recetitlj vlHlted the nursery, seeiiis to have as Hiired Its hiicceHH In the future Wo Wonder If John lloyco la Htlll looking for Honieone to show blin tho way out of tho wooiIh? If Mr Hob EvaiiB has jot dlscov erud that the presence of Horl on tho under Bldo of a forn leaf Ih not a ro unit of fungiiH Infection? if t'hanllne, tho only original Toxiih Tommy artist, will not booh de Bert u b for tho pursuit of vaudovlllo'' --what kind of a nightmare tho Hot any II student was having who wroto tho following In tho recent mid-Bom outer oxiuiib: "Hasidiuin aro long hair Uko projections that assist In fortilia tion. They project out to catch tho Hying oogonoB and conduct them to tho antherids." ! when Arkansas will ceaBo to bo j written ovr the sinlllng faco of klolne Hill Hennett? Union Society Elects. Last Friday evening tho I'nlon Lit orary Bociety held its third quartorly bUBinoBS mooting. Tho following olll corB wore oloctod. President, Harold Slater; vlce-proBidont Myrim Jonos; Bocrotary, Climi roaraon, troaHiiror, Will Hocklo. Foresters and Engineers This is for you. You will soon bo going jnto the field. You will want tho kind of wearables best suited for the arduous labors of your pro fession, viz.-- High Top Boots and Khaki Coat and Pants 14-inch Viscolized Boot, two full soles and slip, full Mock chronic calf upper, rein forced sticlicd throughout, t wo huckles at top. A thoroughly soft comfortahlc hoot. Special Price $3.95 18-inch Lace Root. Goodyear welt, douhlc stiched, full length rcinforcetl hack strap. Nothing chimsy in style or lit , they arc so skillfully made that they afford the anie coni foit and same trim appearance in a semi-dress shoe. ( hir regular $7 Boot. Special Price $5 &? , ( - - At' a r M Sv '' ,-p &. mJJ Ife Tia hi i 1 I r J i WW Khaki Coats Corduroy Collar Norfolk 95c $1.35 $2.25 Khaki Pants 95c $1.35 $1.50 Speier & Simon WE SAVE YOU MONEY Lincoln, Nebf. I Cor. 10th & O Sts. BHKB5e&SBEa&2&JEQRZSS35ErzaHft FORESTERS You .should have u l'liotoKiaphic Record of your summons work in tho Held Let us show you our line oft amoriis. We hao a camera for every purpose. Developing and tiuinh mg promptly done A Post Cnrd Projec tor with an Arc A Latent unci Bost Price $25 Uall at our Htoro and lot uh domonstrato it for yon. Cornell Photo Supply Co, 1140 O STREET, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA UNIVERSITY JEWELER &, OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET YELLOW FRONT Your Palronngi Solicited hm n ii i ii inn n mi iji ii iiiiii 66 SPA " Try a lunch t tha Y. M. 0. A. Lunch Room Cafeteria Plan. City Y. M. C. A. 13th and D. nbscribe for the "Rag s printing; UHCOLM-nORTl TTSeo ub for your next job of printing. Personal superviBon enaoles ub to make eafch job please. 128 N. 14 St A 1 lw&miuzzwzz