THE DAILY NEBRASKAN CLASSIFIED COLUMN AT THE THEATRES ABOUT PEOPLE L08T SL V C. H. Froy, florlat, 1133 O St. tf MIhs Theodora Dodds, 191.1, uponl tlio week end at her homo In llentrire Ted Marrlner, Cleaner and Hatter. 23.1 No llth. Albert TibhettH lias returned from llaBtingH after BjenliiiK the week end nt home Make your datoa early wltk Hagen slck's OrnheBtra Auto B-2990. tf MIhh Mary Hudger. 1'MI, of Fair mont, in viHitinn Amelia Anheunet and 1'lnii Handall at Cert rude Hall Have Graves print it for you 233 N'oith Eleventh St. Mi'R W V Liwronrc will speak in the Y W ('. A rooms ThurHday at five o'clock. Miss Ada Kuhn will siiiK. George Bros . export prlntern, en Ki avers and embossers, 13th and N. " i . ThornhuiK's Orchestra delights dancers with popular hits Auto 13 2.rr,G tf Grace Ernst, a graduate of Nebras lea. has been elected to the position of professor of botany at Hrownell Hall She is now (siting lelatives and friends in Lincoln for a few, weeks, be fore she takes up her new work Programs and invitations printed or engraved. Boyd Printing Co., 125 North 12th. Y M (' A barber shop opens at 7 -30 a. in Studrnt trade solicited Mest service Dale McDonald, who recently took the Chilian examination for a lieuten ant's commission in the 1T S. army, has received notice of hiB appoint ment Mr McDonald is a graduate of Nebraska, class of I'.iO'.t, and a mem her f Phr-rfttpptt-Fttl fratorn 1 t-, Thornburg's Orchestra Auto H-2.1 .10 tf Engraved dance programs done In Lincoln Ocker Engraving company Hrownell block All students Bhould tIbH the "Col lego Inn Barber Shop at 127 North 12th S L Chaplin, Prop. MANY KINDS OF TREES. Thirty Different Varieties Now Grow ing on the Campus. Do Nebraska students properly ap preciate the beauty of their campus? The question came to us very forci bly when we overheard the chance You can't drive a nail with a sponge no matter how hard you "soak" it. It's equally impossible to like clothes that have no satisfaction giving qual ities. Smartness in style, thoro reliability in fabric and tailoring these are qual ities that satisfy. In no clothes do they exist to a higher degree than in our Kensingtons and Kuppenhcimers for spring. $20 to $40. $15 suits too, that are proportionately just as fine. MAGEE & DEEMER i LOST A ''Ten Year" fountain pen IMonso return to "Hag" olllce 12.13 LOST Uist Thursday. a cameo broach Howard offered for rotuin to "Hag" otllce 1 20 -t LOST--My S II Miles, copy "Geneiiil Pathology." Zclgler Hetuin to "Hag" olllce 12.13 LOST One Sigma Nil pin. jeweled, initials on back Hew aid foi re turn, fall H 3SII 12! .'.t j LOST- Last Friday, an Alpha Theta Chi pin Finder return to ' Hag' ollce LOST- Wednesday In Chem Lab, a Delta Gamma gold ring. Return to "Rag" olllce ' '2-iU WANTED WANTED I'nlveisity men who are active and energetic, and aie desir ous of Uiking up remunerative work during vacation. To sufh a connec tlon Is offered with a company doing an extensive business throughout Nebraska. Good profits are sure Call at or address Room 203, If) IS O St 128.1 S W THUR. MAT. & NIGHT, APR. 25 HENRIETTA CROSMAN In "THE REAL THING" Mat $1 & 50c. Night $1.50 to 50c Com. Mon , Apr 29 Indefinite BARROW-WINNINGER PLAYERS Opening Bill "THE FORTUNE -HUNTER" , SCRIHNER'S MAGAZINE SUB SCRIPTION SOLICITORS easily earn Liberal Commissions, also can pick up oti a prize money For full particulars regarding commissions, prizes, free adv ertiuing matter, sam ple copies, address Desk C, 155 Fifth Avenue, New York City. remark of a visiting profoBsor, who HtiUl that v have trtt more vm-inUos-of trees on our campus than any other college in the middle west. We have thirty varieties of trees in all; some of these are rare and seldom grown in the United States. How many have noticed the little olive tree in front of the chemical labora tory oj the Imported German linden growing beside the walk between the Library and University hall? It is these thingB that win for our campus the approval of visitors. Let it not bo said (hat we are not as ap pioclativo as they. The College- Inn Barber Shop Stu dent trade solicited. S. L. Chaplin & Co. 127 N. 12th. For your orchestra call O. L. Jones. Auto L-8G05. We Sell You The newest patterns, correct model, the best suits for $15, $20 and $25 ( that can be sold at these or any other prices. New Location 1234 0 F IK Furnishings and Hats rlllK for College Men , I lUPni U MATINI'I S(Hxcept MoniUy):j LinOULU r.VI:NIN(IS Al 8;jo ORPHEUM l,,.,.T. ADVANCED VADDEVILLE WARTHON'S Original, Electric, Shoe Repair Factory Always reliable and up to the minute 142 North 12th Street HERPOLSHEIMER'S CAFE - dinner W3Mo-iO0 t Supper 5i30 to 7i30 JC Also Cafeterlan Styk Week Com. Mon. Night, April 22 Hampden &. Company Julius Tannen Marguerite Hancy White &. Brewer De Faye Sisters Honor and Le Prince De Renzo and La Due PRICES Matinees, 15c and 25c Night6, 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c Discard your high shoes and make your feet hap py with a pair of our I new oxfords or pumps. Weekly (shipments of tho best thoro is in chocolates. Huyler'a lAhltmQn'a Lowney'a Miitstrrotti'B California violets frosli every day. Weier Drug Co. 13th and O BECKMAN BROS. 1107 O STREET College- hIioo store - run by college mon Capital Tailoring & Clothes Co. Suits cleaned and preised by the month $1.50. High Clatt Tailoring Auto 1. NjiS 1146 O St. The moment you put on clothes made to your meas ure, you see the vast differ ence between merchant tailored and ready made. Our way costs no more. Be sure to see our line first. College Tailors College View, Nebraska Phone -0 We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD RE FRESHMENTS in the city Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Foutain Pens $1.00 Safety Razors Student's 3-Course Lunch 15c v.. f . K?h , . A v , .i& i