The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 23, 1912, FOREST CLUB EDITION, Image 1

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Uhe SDailv IRebrashan
VOL. XI. NO. 129.
Price 5 Cents
Dr. B E Fcrnow, Then Chief at
Washington, DpIivcis First Lec
ture Course a Cer
tainty in 1902
llhoiinh ilni i'h sunn' i 1 1 1 1 ol
sotllf lllst I Ml I loll 111 I i III I .1 1 1(11 I'l I 111
I In- tit st and si ( olid diiadis ol i In- i
IsteilCi ol I llo I mi lsll tills Ills! look
ihMlitte shape about I w i 1 1 1 iats ago
when .1 ( ol III Miles was tale
IiiIIn block (1 mil .so as to louse an in
iiiest among tin ieoii in and out ol
tin I llsl 1 1 111 loll I to Ills! leitllli was
a publii addii's and w.i., giwn in the
old (.ha pi I in I in v i ' - it Mall h I M
I! K l'i i now tin II the (llH I id the
loteslts hliti all III Washington Wi
IM.l i I pi opt I 1 l I I I III t lli I elol i to
li.i i lii i u si 1 1 t , , wuli t hi aid till!
mill lal sain i ion nl i hi I nit i d i ai ' s huii an .Hid I will I i lnlii In i
how anximis n , i 1 1 . , . was that tin
w ol k In hi Id In di ; i lopi d and i oil
t IIMIed I III' III t ! i t 111 e V a . lol
lowed b a iiiIIIm ol lei lllli s i Mi iM
niK Ihimigli si i lal inoiiihs oi tin
w nit i i ,i ml spi up I s t ,o i t iini I mi ;,m si i i al li i ' Mt i in vhii h hi
dli W 11 pull li Is lulls i pi i ji in i as a
Ulowol ol llii in tin laslein pall ol
Nihiaska and H is not too iiiinh to
sa that it tin it IoiiIm d as Ihmifh tin
si ml ol loll 1 1 Ml I hi I ll e it
would at ottii Ihiuiii. a pituiainni
.Ml I III li. is w as tollow i d In Mi I
I' .Stephens h, m li i.ill pi ill i I ot
tMis mi all ioilimisao ili.isk,i
who .showed how mm . - s 111 llo inak
niU ol lonsi pi nit, H urns on tin plains
i mild In at tallo d (Minis , ,.
binught in Im a I. i Mn . I i inn t i tin In
t line, and II till to lin to hi i 1 1 tin
mallei gm In bixui, a'u
i mil so ol ,n own i .id tm msi an
da I n i e in this w a a ( mil ol a
doell lo lllli i u hi Miles loin Inn,; in
in del upon mam pha i - ol I In- sub
je( t ol ki m 1 1 Im i i i Helm I- I. a inn
this pall ot the hislol ol tolestlN In
the Inn ei mi n im is In 1 1 ( mded thai
ill (l I lie lei I III e . I'M iil the opi II II 1;
one b) Ml 1'eyiow w el e giwn ill till
botanii al lei tin ( i ooin tin ii iii i ooim
I"J ol ebiaska Hall
Then llie mallei wailed tm about
en wais I am .sine t m all this
iei tod ii was not di ad it was slowlv
Wgelallllg like some seeds that take
a long tune tin gel ion attei
planting t I lhi 1'iesideni Kooseelt
stilled the gioiind h .selling aside a
( Ollple Ot tol ( st I i sel es 111 i i-jil I ,
and w ( sit i n Ni hiaska I his he did
at Hie ldjiiesl ol Mi I'lliihol who was
tllCIl tile ( lllel ol Ih, loi i s mimi e
aliiiallv Ihis (Mali ii m di,.
subject ot line ll and lol i si 1 esol Ws,
and i ham i Hoi iiiImws aski d me lo
'M ' II all .lilii l is ,, i lup, ,,!,,( ,.
soiiiol Iiiml, abmil tin si l esi i es and
what tin Imistis imiiunnt signified
So III llli spi ! i , nil sti o I'KIJ t hi
addies.s was mm n lo an uniisiialh
lnigi aiidiiiui im hiding (lie i ham i 1
loi lilnisi II In (In ionise ot Hie ad
(Continued ou page 1.)
y 0v &
Id siiiiih on tin topmost piak and ihoi I .i is lie mn natural lis
mi Hi when tin- light nnm sink, -iii whnh ol looking b.o k
II, us, Ih up ill Hi.- ln.,Ml and h u'"'1 "" HolUMiii lel'i-s ami
sMin, nnl is Mill ami inmnll, -H h H e 11 . II I s s, eks lo In 'low lipoll
o i I
IH at Ih I In lb n nl I In tm hnldi n
Imi' w bile tin lain i! ih i i 'ii i Mi
in a i In- la n et h it not Im 11 is tm
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 e 1 1 In tin- I , i - o I hi latin I 1 1 , i
e ily
l I In l isiii, nl i In un In im nil
elh his i,iiisi and lo Ih, bias' I, w
etll dov.ll Ills Iliad .Hid ias(-lh II In
into the hi a mbb s a ml ll t h a v i ' ,
tile land ol Ills latin M e.l eell li'llo
t In land ol I .a louse dm t h he Ih I he
-' i 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 ,1 ( ol ii i 1 1 1 i ' p I , .
nun lull In la i I li Mot his hand ipmi
hllll 'I lie g, HI lb 1 is, I h Up IM Ills
wialh mid slawth him ami loawlh
hs i 1 1 1 as , Im In- In a -n ol t In de
i I
II, l hh l li Im I h on l In 1 1 all a ml I In
ol i w nnl i allot h bun to dimiln i
Imi ot tin lllli, ol I Im in I i 1st I h up
ami Mil 11 t h him a , , li Mill o tin
i , ill h I line dot li he sum , him ami t hi
plat w h 1 1 mi li Mini , h In ii , ,
, , II Mines hull, i lli im ll was woni
In be healed
lie Wall In Ih nli'l III, illllll t I ei s
t hat h is i 1 1 lit 1 1 ii e , ii iiiiio the n nth
geln l at ion, in,i haw shakes lo into
then heads W hell the ounh ti i i dielh
he siekeih loi iiisiiih and lo and In
hold, In lindelh tin in in his gainioiiiH
He ' miiet Ii mio his ( amp at night
w Hh a som; in hi In ,u I and limb th
a heal in his tent , he lalletb dow u in
the diisi and weepoth, loi lo and he
hold hi substitute is wasted
I'lie lol al .siiilie and llie I'hailsef
dippeth bis pell in the ink and setteth
the wild tubes ol the lulls against
The settlel lolllealelh lllinsell be
hind ii nee and giceteth him with an
ell i UK
At the end ol Hie month he imileth
his silwi and nold and lo In- lindelh
that the lewtsll lllel i luillts IlilW taken
Ills shekels
Kooti Mil i iitlonal Inn
H is a niatti i mn i In o m,i
ebiaska a slate with ah small
mini ol loiesled land as iie,ul ail)
HluU m tnt union, null pohboshuh qui
Of tlio lending uohoola of forcutry.
MH mi i ni Mi I a' lull . a In 1 1 1 l eli ll oil
im ni a ml i In 1 1 1 i lulu i ii am I In
ol ii" i li ,it tin da da 1 1 s h.n k In tin
.ililiil.i I m, , t ill. ot llo hoal d ol a).' i '
(iiltiin ot tin ."stall ot ebiaska held
im tin i i ni I .i in , , In la inia is I Is,.'
t I In no iiin. I bui I si , i li nn Mm
inn ol i hiaska ( M nil i oi) im i d a
l esoli.t ion lo si l apall a i. to In ih
m' i , to tlii pla lit ill; It- h si obe( I
w.i ,,,1111,1111, In imlei lo nine upon
llie 111 ople til ot plnnltne,
latni .in as to 1 1 ees Mi Motion ol
lei ed a pi ii nl 1 1 ,i to the ani t ul
I in al so, u I s ot tin- i mint s w Im h
w ou HI plant pi op, i I tin ni ''.id si
lllllll In i of M i i s
llie oiiniiial de inn has In i u modi
bid and toda the ohsii value ol
iboi I j.i n iisii,il .issiKiated with
iiii si Imol-- W ith the adopiimi ol llie
hum, nii'iil In the si bonis (.line a
i I i all I llili I ,-sl iii t he si ud ol 1 1 i ( s
lol i tin In pill post s whiili I III llishi i
a nii.iiis ol si ( iiniin a kliowbdni ol
plant ami 1 1 , , In. w hit h i nil in at, d
Hi th, oiiliu lln powii ol olis, i ,i ion
and kindled m the minds ol all an in
ion si in natiiial objei is whn h will
be a i-oiii ii ol hi, lour b in III a ml
pb .'sine h.n ll i,u the si hools
plant latieiiiaiilili, sol liees, shiiibs
ines and How et s I his i ustotn
whnh is unniisalh pniitned now is
espi(lall valuable lo the otlllu and
111 Ips to di elop a keeliel a ppl eclat loll
ot llie altie and beaut ol 1 1 ees
.lames Russell Lowell mn e said thai
lie lespeiled a mall III e,i( I juopoi
lloll to Ills l espei I lol I lees
1" onlei to make Hie plangnn ol
tlees a Sill l ess It is llecessaiv lol
e.u Ii individual lo considei llist.wliat
be shall plant and set mid how be
shall plant
It is ai lsable to boose natn e
species Hi. si and then to iletei mine
which of the unpolled spei les haw
made nood niowih Aside limn imn
nieiclal plaiitinn main species aie
planted loi shade aimiuil the home
on si hool uiounds alonu loadhideh
and stiei'th and m ai ks
'I hen
.11 e eel til 111 I ollsldi I ill lolls
W hllll must he obsel Wd in llie si lei
lion of trees loi plantinu
I Tiei'b imibt he haul) apahle of
CContlnuea on pugo 8.) I
Five Years of College Work Nccessaiy
for a Good Foundation
Work Is Not Re
munerat ivc
With ivlci i in i to mil I oi est i w m k
tin se questions what do von stud
ol What does the Wolk CollHlsl whole
do on w m k ami Im w limn al i
asked almosi ilall ol the loientei 'In
answii I hem In detail, mn- would soon
bei ome lost in a iu,'ie ol the natiiial
scieiii es, wilh a litth law and ei oiimn
US illlel mixed I he (ominoll colicep
lloll of lolestl is that the loleslel
plants tiees and makes Hie lamlsiape
look nice I hat is a pai I ol the full
tm iimImu a nit In i Hiiiall pai I et .
v et impm lain mn and a pal I I hat
inuiUih moie than appiats in the
lllile StalelMelll Hi line lilt- loli'Stl'l
(.'in plant he must know when and
how to (olleit Ihe seeds how lo lake
i ,lle of them lllllll the plopel time lo
plant them Ibis alum piesupposes
a detailed knowledge ol abmil Inn mi
pOI t.llll spi ( i s ol Ihe .ll I (Illlel ellt
kinds ol tiees that ntow natne in tin
I lilted States
II In plants in ihe iiuisoin whnh is
the usual ploiedllle lie IMllSl kllow
lll( Illlel points ol nuiseiN pliicllie III
onlei lo lumbal the dlhuaauh to which
'he Utile tiees aie e.speiialh SUScep
tilde and so that he ma t.ike aihaii
time ol the mam i ondit ions ol mois.
Mile Soil liuhl leinpeiatllli .111(1 olllei
llli tins, loi the toiestet must use
ewt possible inedllS lo UIOW tlees ill
I cl low pi i( e In this wolk he
.should know Ihe slniitine of toots
stem and i-aws of the .seedlinus and
know how i"iii h ol the fiictois men
Moiled aflei Is tills St) III Mile, he should
have a knowledue ol soil plnsii.s and
the composition ot the soil; and should
li.iw a Ian idea ol plant diseases
W hell the tl i es .11 e I Wo OI tlllen
e.iiH old the aie leads lm the plan
talion Ihe new woods and .11 e planted
moie than ;i thousand tiees lo the
acie iiiul usual l many acres in it
shoit pel iod ot two oi tlnee weeks
The work is done b a nuiiibei of
Uiins of laboieis undei the HUperxis
ion of the forester llefoie plantinu
he should know what tiees aie adapt
ed to that particular soil and to that
paiticular climate, how they will he
haw at different aues until mature,
and how to handle his men ao thai his
planting will cost less than ten dol
lai s per acre
In managing a stand of middle aged
liuibei, Hewral thouHajid acrea in e
tent the forentei has a number of en
til el different problems to hoIw
Above all other things, if IiIb foiest
is managed for wood, he mum make
cnei) acre produce the largest pos
sible amount of wood Here he iuiimI
know how to make the soil and the
sunlight foice the tiees to grow at
their maximum In order lo do this
he must have a knowledge of the
HtiucUiio of tho tree Horn pith to
i hark from leaf lo rootlet and how
each part la affected by the soil and
Coailuuod to Pago 7