The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 19, 1912, Image 4
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN nEs-W' COST OF LIVING LOWERED CHAIRMAN OF HOP COMMITTEE "CUT8 THE PRICE" t6 ONE KOPECK. Political Advertisement. JOHN H. MOREHEAD Acting Lieutenant Governor In vl(w of the high com of living, ns Illustrated by tho formal party Boaflon, tho announcement of the freshman class hop commltteo that tho price of tho dance will bo $1 no comoH an a thing of Joy indeed Chair man Temple foolH that, Hlnce tho sea hoii, along with bank accountH, 1b waning. It would bo a kindly art to "cut thn price" on ono hop at loaflt Tho danco will bo hold at Fraternity hall, whom not ho long ngo most of tho UnlvorHlty hops woro hold, April 2C. Good music. 1 ofroHlunntH and pro gramn havo boon promlHod by tho committee, which also BtatoB that there will bo a positive limit of Hovon-ty-flvo couples Chairman Tomplo Ba'B that ho expects to establish a precedent in this respect as well as in tho price FARM NOTES. Tecumsoh High School haB chal lenged the Aggies' baseball team and no doubt will bo ghon a game roon. The Aggies' baseball team will clash with the Lincoln High School team at the State Farm Held Saturday afternoon The Y W. C A. mooting Sunday will bo In tho charge of tho senior girls The supper will bo given by the devotional and membership com mittee and will bo served on tho campus north of II IC hall. Miss Delia Yates. '13. will spend Sunday with relatives at Valparaiso MIbb Huth Callais of Odell will bo tho guest of Miss Madgo Maloy at H. R. hall commencement week. Tho MIbbos Ethel Flshhach, Veda Hanson, Ixis Delano, Edna Day. Edna Andoraon, Edna Ford and Francos BobIow, glrlB of the second" year cook ing clafls, served their practlco dinner WednoBday. They had afl their guests MIbb nurritt. Otto LleherB and Mr. Sjogren Miss Mario Leo acted as critic. AMES TO HAVE TRYOTS. Iowa Agglea Have Had But Little Time for Training. In tho homo meet which will bo hold nt Iowa State College, Saturday, tho 220 and 440 yard daHhos and the half and ono mllo rlins will stand aB try outs for tho teams which shall ropro Bent Amoa in tho Drake relay carnival. Although tho men havo had but a short tlmo for outside training, a faBt moot 1b bolng looked for and much matorlal of conforonco calibre 1b ex pected to show up. Senior Masquerade Report. Tho financial repoi ; of Chairman Hawloy on the senior masquerade, re veals a very satisfactory balanco in favor of his clasB, beside tho rlp roarln' time all had at the dance. The report follows: Expenditures Printing tickets $ 1.25 Temple 7.00 Music 14.00 $22 25 HocelptB Tlckots sold $ 9 50 Taken at the door 1G.25 $25.75 22 25 $ 3 50 Smart Styles for Yotmg Men $3.50 to $5.00 i ( Jwtt 77 7 7 S jf l4XT - USl All Souls Church A Free Religious Society Corner H and 1 2th Services 10:45 An organization which seeks to develop the reverent truth-seeking attitude toward life, and the spirit of service ainong'men A new series on the relation of sympathy to political and industrial prohlems April 21 : "Economic Attainments of Sympathy" April 28: "The Co-operative Commonwealth" Students' Liberal Religious Union Meeting 12 to 12:30, Every Sunday Freshman Caps Freshman caps forClass of 1915 are now ready call for them early as possible and avoid any mistakes. Mayer Bros. Democratic and People's Inde pendent Candidate for Governor Primaries April 19, 1912. FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA. In his platform lie favors u liberal policy toward our educa tional institutions. Our state ranks amoritf tho first in the union in her educational advan tages, and lie is confident that our people want appropriations suffi cient to maintain her standing as a progressive state in educational affairs. SIMMONS the PRINTER PRINTING ENGRAVING EVBOSMING Auto. 3319. 317 South lath St. WALT Stands for the latest and best in Sheet Music 1215 O St. CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 12th and O StrU P. $. MALL. PnMn 9, K. JOHNON, Vle.-Pruld.nt W. W. HACKNHY. JR.. At. Fe your Steaks, Ohopa amd Qlk Barrio Vlait The New York Chop House Open Day and Night 1840 O Streat SCRIUNFk'S MAUAZINK SUB SCRIPTION SOLICITOUS easily earn Liberal ('oiiiiiubbIoiih, also can pick up extra prize money. For full particular regarding commiHaioiiB, prlzoB, free advertising matter, sam plo copies, address Desk C, 165 Fifth Avenue, New York City. THE FIRST SAVINGS BANK 4 pir cint Intereit " w ipem $L00 Opens an Account With the First National Bank. Oor. 10th and O. V I ) ,.--. ...W)M;mtv iyga?M,