The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 13, 1912, Image 2

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H)ail Bebvaehan
I'ubllRhod by tho Student Publlco
tlon Hoard of tbo Unlvorfllty of No-braBku.
Manning Editor. EARLE H. TAYLOR
Afifloclnto Editor. FRED McCONNELL
ABBodnto Editor... HURTON S. HILL
Circulation Manager LEO BREEN
Payable In Advance.
Single Coplet, 6 Centt Each.
Telephone: Auto 1888.
NlQht Phones Auto 1888; Editor, Auto
1035; Manager, Auto 1821.
Knten-d ut tlio postofllce at Lincoln,
NcliniHkii. nn hiicoimI-cIuhb mull matter,
imdrr tho Act of Congress of March 3.
The "Rag" HtafT will hold a smoker
next WVdni'Hday v cuing TIUh uffulr
will not be devoted to the dematxlB of
iicsh gathering or copy reading, but
rather to the airing of ideas, the spin
ning of yarns, and the Hinoking of to
bacco. to say nothing of the conninnp
lion of lood.
The news heelers ha e so far worked
with such untiring energy and willing
ness ol spirit that it becomes lining
and proper to show them the uppre
elation that their effoits have aroused
The reporters are bound together by
the feeling of fellow sufferers and
their organization lias gradually be
come perfected to a high degree.
The arious indi iduals have thril
ling experiences to relate, in fact,
one "cub" claims to have been threat
ened with execution for announcing,
in I-Ybruary the discovery of a bli'de
of grass With such narratives as
these the smoker will be enlivened
and the spirit of Industry fostered.
Some critical reader made the re
mark that the column entitled "About
People" seems to be mostly about art
vert isers and it is somet lines.
Gift to Mechanical Engineers.
The H V Johns Manville Company,
of Milwaukee has donated to the Me
chanical Engineering department n
three action cabinet (Ulert with sam
ples of molded pipe coering and In
Kiilating materials
By "Q. T."
Chapter III.
You leinember how the Artist,
I'eiinv," received Hill's check He
took it to the bank and received a
bundle of suit old green that made his
hcjnd buzz like a bee In a bottle lui
mediatel) be not Hied several of his
brother Artists, and they held a con
clave but even then there was some
of It left. "Penny" scratched his bead
and lellected that it he paid his debts
there would not be enough to go
round, so he decided to do a little
rushing and get engaged Then
Father would have to come aciosn
Meanwhile Hills Cirl v.unl ex
pected the diamond ring Hill had prom
Ised her You boo, the trouble was
that Hill liked tho Artist, so ho sent
the money to keep "Penny" In school
Instead of buying the (llrl her ring
There are some people made that way
yet, you know. That was a bad step
off! Hut Hill did not know very much
about girls Ho was bossing a gnng
of men out In the hills and cutting his
way through life with a steam shovel
He was busy during the day, but at
night he would go to sleep watching a
star out of the open tent (lap
He certainly made a big mistake In
not sending her that ring. A ring sort
of keeps her mind busy If It Isn't
busy on one thing It will bo on an
other They say that most girls pre
fer a short excitement to a long en
gagement However that may bo, she
soon begins to look upon the excel
lent frat pin so fondly bestowed as a
sort of Sold" tag which, indeed, it
often is Hill surely made a bad mis
take but lie really thought be was
doing the right thing
t any rate, the rtist. having made
his decision, began to rush Hill's Clrl
on Hill's money! It seemed perfectly
proper to him and be never noticed
how people watched them, and wills
pored to each other He told her that
her eyes were like two violets under
the sun of her hair and she believed
It -because she was a blond as you
remember Sometimes you can get
away with these if you are very clever
and a good actor The Artist know a
beautiful face when he saw it. and he
did not need a galvanometer to mean
ure the current of his thought when
she opened her eyes wide close to his
He called often after that
Chapter IV
The rtist and The Cirl had gradu
ated that vear and Hill's money was
nearly all spent. The Artist was
afiaid he was going dead broke pretty
soon So when lie discovered mat the
(iirl's father was "well to do" as they
hiiv. bo decided to marry her She
was blond, you know, and very ro
mantic, and because the Artist was
also romantic and on the whole a
charming fellow, she forgot all about
Hill So they agreed to marry papah
or nv papah!
Now about this time Engineer Bill
began lo wonder about bis little af
fair back hero in Lincoln He wanted
souk cue to mend bis socks. Engineer
ing is hard on socks.
One day, to bis delight and surprise,
he received a telegram that said in the
regulation ten words "Hill' Come
to our wedding next Saturday 20th
NELLIE" Whereupon Hill joyfully
informed his employer that he had
' the Keenest little joker of a girl you
ever saw, who was tired of waiting
'or bun and who had telegraphed him
to (ome home and marry her right
off" which, "job or no job' he would
do ' immediately " Then, because he I
felt strongly on the matter, he "set I
'em up" to all the boys at the nearest
pl-ice of refreshment and left on the
next train, amid friendly yells of ap
proval from the assembled
Arrived at the frat bouse, he began
to pound out a thundering, rollicking
rag on the piano, while enthusiastic
iindei classmen beat on his shoulders
Finn iv he spun lound and announced
that be had "come back to get mar
n d " and they were all pitif"l idiots
'f they did not know to whom but
be bunged if he'd tell them "
Then there tell u strange silence on
4 pir oint Interest m tn diPoiti
$1.00 Opens an Account
With the Firit National Bank.
Oor. 10th and O.
T ATaTP My Upstairs Store is Full of those Stunning
LAIJ1C $5.00 and $6.00 Values at
Design No. 787
Four-Button Regular Sack
It's Worth Noticing
Perhaps you've worn a -coat in which the
hair cloth broke and worked thro to the
outside. You won't have that experience
with clothes we make because we use
only the very best grade of hair cloth
and can guarantee that
The Fronts of Our Coats
Do Not Break
That's why so many of the well dressed
men in town prefer us as their tailors.
We also guarantee our linings to give
satisfactory wear. Have us make your
Spring and Summer clothes to order for
for only $25 to $50.
Tailoring Company
143 South 12th Street
Lincoln, Nebraska Fine Tailoring
75c Seal Fobs 50c
The University Book Store
340 North 11th Street
and 85 cents buys $1.00 worth of Athletic or
Baseball Goods at
Lawlor Cycle and Sporting Goods House
1415 O
$2,50 and $2.95
e for the "Rag'"