Ebe Datls Hebraskan VOL. XL NO. 121. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY APRIL 12, 1912. Price 5 Cents CORNHUSKER CAMPAIGN HAS SUCCESSFUL DAY CONVENTION OF Y. W. C. A. COLLEGE WORKERS OPENS MORE THAN TWO HUNDRED EX PECTED TO ARRIVE TODAY. THOSE WHO ARE RESPONSIBLE ABOUT FIVE HUNDRED COPIES SOLD THURSDAY. EXPECTEI TO REACH 1,500 TODAY Many 8tudents Volunteer to Take Orders for Annual Professors First to Seek Receipts. YeBterday was a biiBy day for the CornhuBker people as the rush for orderB was even greater than ex pected. Professor Hinmaii was the first to hasten across the campus the moment the campaign wqb on, and obtained a receipt for one of the an nuals. Dr. Condra and Dean O. V. 1. Stout proved close bccoikIb. A largo number of students ox pressed their willingness to aid In the taking of orders, but owing to the fact that only a few were needed, the first on the spot in the morning were chosen. Among thiB number were Gus Iofgren, "Biddy" .Mead and "Stub" Hascall, who headed the list in the numbor of orderB taken. A Busy Spot. At the entrance of the chapel, where the all-Univprsity convocation was held, there were two tables with a large sign on each to the effect that "orders for the CornhuBker are taken here," and from a general observation, it could easily have been seen that the youths in charge had about as much as they could attend to in mak ing out the receipts for the students At the end of the day's campaign, a count was made of the number of ' Cornhuskors Bold, and It was found that the number was about five hun dred. "Tomorrow," in the wordB of Business Manager Coffee, "we'll make the number 1,500 or bust." Copy All In Soon. Slnco the call for all the copy to be in by Friday was made, much of the best material that will appear In the book was turned in during the time the order takers were busy on the campus Some of tho editors still ha e a few write-upB and Jokes yet to bo handed In, but special terniB were made with theso authors, as their work requires a few days longer in order that something might happen which would bo worth comment In the book. This being tho case, any other good write-ups, or jokes espe cially, will be accepted a few days late. More than ever beforo tho annual of this year will portray the truo Ne braska spirit, and for that reason If no other, it will bo a book that every student In tho University ought to have. Previous editors of tho Corn husker have been invited In to look over tho copy and cartoons, and with out an exception they all agree that "it is hard to beat." Special efforts have boon made to obtain tho matorial that has been of true interest to tho students of Ne braska, and, on account of those things, nothing funny, or of a serious nature, which has boon of Interest to tho loyal Cornhuskora this year, haB been passed without Bomo note. Slight Difference. Bud What la tho difference be tween an ordinary co-ed and a college widow? Wolsor One stays four years and tho other stays for years. The Siren, .sbbbbbbbbbB. BBBBBBBBBBBBBk? L jBBBBBBBBBflBrHfc- MViTu rvif? L & BBBBBiBaBwS t .bbV. .bbbWF' LV Pi .LLW. - K HARRY COFFEE, Business Manager. DANA VAN DU8EN, EdItor-ln-Chlef. CARR REPORTED INELIGIBLE CRACK INFIELDER MAY NOT BE ABLE TO PARTICIPATE IN BASEBALL. It was rumored about tho campus yesterday that Carr, tho crack short stop of the CornhuBker team, would be ineligible to play because of de ficiencies in his studleB. This waa practically confirmed by tho coach and Carr himself, who Bald tho prom ising young inflelder's scholastic rec ord was being examined and that, if possible, his back work would bo made up. Carr was a candidate for the captaincy. Team practice yesterday afternoon was doBigned to enable tho coach to pick tho squad that will go to Doano Saturday. LAST DAY FOR INVITATIONS. This Is the last day In which to order senior invitations and announce ments. They may be ordered at the table In the hall of the Library, upon a deposit of 25 cents. FARM INTER-SOCIETY DEBATE. Davlsson and Ophelian Teams Will Clash Tonight. Tho lntor-socioty debato at tho School of Agriculture will be held this evening. Tho question for debato is: "Re solved, That secondary agricultural education In Nebraska should bo af forded by district agricultural schools, rather than by established high schools." Tho Ophelian Society has tho affirm ative. Its team Is E. S. LIndburg, It. C. Graff and II. A. Calkons. Tho members of tho Davlsson de bating team are II. E. Trottor, J. T. McCarthy and F. J. Gingrich. Tho Judges are Dean Burnett, Pro fessor Pugsloy and Ralph Garrett. "Cap Day" April 23. Tho freshman "cap day" will be April 23. There will also be a class meeting the same day at 11:30 o'clock In the chapel. DRAKE TRYOUTS HELD TIME OF VARIOUS EVENTS CON- SIDERED SATISFACTORY FOR DATE OF 8EASON. The tryouts for tho Drake relay teams woro hold yesterday afternoon under Ideal weather conditions. Tho time of tho various events, which Is forbidden publication, is entirely sat isfactory and all that could be ex pected at this time of the season. The roBiiltB of thiB tryout, however, have no bearing on tho prospects of tho regular 'varsity tryoutB, which will bo held in about a wook. Tho general results aro as follows: 220-yard dash First heat, Christ mas, Brannon, Wherry; second heat, Racoly, May, Reese. 410-yard run First heat, Barney, Hiltner, McGowan; second heat, An derson, Racely, Brannon sso-yard run Anderson, Becker, McGowan, Bates, Kennedy. Tho freshman 220-yard dash, which haB no connection with tho meet, but was more of an experiment, was won by Roobo with Zumwinkel and CofTeo second and third. SIXTY TO GRADUATE AT FARM Program for Commencement Week Is Arranged. There will bo sixty graduates at Uio State Farm commencement. Tho pro gram of commencement week Is: Monday, Ophelian and Davlsson Liter ary Societies will entertain tho seniors; Tuesday evening tho Juniors will glvo a reception for tho seniors; Wednesday evening, campfiro; Thurs day evening, alumni banquet; Friday evening, commencement at the Tom plo. Thirty young men will receive mili tary commissions at graduation. Tho Agricultural Club will hold Its regular meeting In U. 5, Saturday, April 13, at 8:00 p. m.. Dr. G. E. Con dra will speak on "Tho Agricultural Survey as Planned by tho National Association of Conservation Commis sioners." Everyone Interested in agriculture Is urged to bo present. EXTENSIVE PROGRAM PREPARED Banquet Saturday Evening Will Be Crowning Feature of Three Days' Meeting. Delegations to tho North Central Territorial Convention of College Y W. C. A Workers aro arriving fast this morning By tho flrBt meeting this evening at tho Temple almost all will hae arrived and Lincoln will con tain over two hundred more collego women than early this morning. Tho entertainment committee has had no difficulty so far In placing tho del egates, as a largo numbor will bo en tertained at local sorority houses. A completo list of those coming could not bo obtained Thursday evening, as It Is expected many more will como than have given notico to tho local managers. Tho banquet Saturday night Is to bo tho crowning feature of tho wholo series of meetings and thoBe desiring to attend aro urged to procure their tickotB early as the number Is limited. The Program. Tho program for tho entire throe days of tho session is as follows: Mrs. L. A. Crandall, chairman of North Central Territorial Commltteo, presiding. Friday Evening. DevotlonB, Mrs. Crandall. Address of Welcome, Chancellor Avery, University of Nebraska. Greetings from tho National Board, Miss Oolooah Burner, national student secretary. Greetings from tho Territorial Com mittee, Mrs. Emma F. ByorB, execu tive secretary of North Central Terri tory. MubIc, Mrs. Lillian Dobbs Holms. AddroBs, Rov. Frank Nowhall White, D D., Minneapolis. Saturday Morning. Address, "The Power of United Ef fort," Miss Viola Marshall. Music, Miss Ruth Malono. Administration and Activities of tho World's Commltteo and tho National Board Miss Burner, Mrs. Ernest Bar ber, Miss Eva F. Morris. Publications, Miss Fannie L. Morris. Music. Group Counolls Faculty Advisory Board, Mlsa Burner, Mlsa Eva F. Morris. Cabinet, Miss Marshall. Commltteo, Miss Fannlo Drake, local secretary, University of Ne braska. Academy and High School Miss Fannlo L. Morris, Miss Grace M Trigg, extension secretary, Lincoln City As sociation Music, Miss Ethel Hodel. Plblo hour, Mrs. Byors. Saturday Afternoon. Song Service. ' The Collego Woman In tho Rural Community, MIsb Jessie Field, na tional secretary for rural work. Music, Miss Evangeline Long. Blblo hour, Mrs. Byors. Denominational Group Teas Host esses: Congregational, Mrs. E. H. Wood, Omaha. N (Continued on pago 4.)