THE DAILY NEBRASKA! TRUCK Wm TOMORROW RELAY TEAMS FOR MEET AT DRAKE WILL BE CHOSEN AT THAT TIME. '&-, V 1' Tfcil tori of p lirt M Th tori of om (hat on p?rwmftfm mmmTA " - "- VO 1aJ 7AJ inM - . . s ty i kjHi y j - apapapaB v " is v ' '" 'Lv - lv I liIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 4 4bbbbbbbbV V' Hr Jrranik mo mcit it via. Wfco o V HW,., , c,ir' If-TP&Hflttll J Track tryoutt, Thursday, 4:00 p. m. Drake relay jamei, April 20. Amei on home field, April 27. There will bo tryoutH In the L'2U HO and HSO anl runs TliurHtluy at 4 p in . for the purpose of picking tlu relay teams for the.Druko moot at Doh MoIiioh Tho larK'Ht squad of HprlnUTH that Noforasku linH over had arc (Mitcrod for tho preliminaries Thero Ih not a quartet that the coach could pick at the proHent time that he would be Hiiro contained the best ma terial that Ih offered He expects the races in the tryouts to be run cIobo to the records Anderson, Hates, Kennedy, McOowati, Meeker. Wohlen ber. Kobinson. lllltner and Stoker will compete In the half. May. Wher ry, Harney, ChrlBtmas. Hrannon Cromwell and Reese In the UliO. Har ney. Hrannon. Heaver. Christmas Wherry. McCowan. Hecker, Hiltner and Htrker In the 110 CANDIDATES ARE DISCUSSED. Phi Alpha Tau Holds Bi-monthly Meeting at Temple. Presidential candidates were "the subject of discussion pro and con last night at the regular hi monthly meet ing of Phi Alpha Tau In the Temple Specially prepared addresses wore made on each of the prominent presi dential possibilities and following this the members present indulged in an extemporaneous discussion of the points brought out during the earlier part of the evening Following the program an import ant business meeting was held )?&$$&& a trmpt pttwfffr& h ijr in 4 laal on In h ly ( ajr thai on In lFttf.1 j snrwfNf i, -ffiU; VhUti lnt T3. ' TrJfT A14 Day cant ah tit HU & WX-lykM. SnaflRsMk w . ' J v j3sEs?.i HBYaUflWi BBBBBBF' " WxBiLBBBl 4V"BW' '" " "' ' rr thin j. laMart JaKX..? iaaBK,. ?x2SSSIaaM iWVa , KJaaaW?r.BBBaaakfev ?PSr?7Bm NCCW " . ,u U t K 1 r BTaTaBBUr & . aTaTaTaTaTaTaBati0L ? aBBTaTaBTL. ' im.-; v:- iK ; M" " ' "31- tt A . e ,vb ,w iiKBi;. XL. mfo. nsmfV-r- -mmm iiiiim .'siiV'x -iiiH 'vw? smw "HBBLi !i BBB BW i - . --- - t " 1 IBiBiBHR:::" " .i':3.-J 1BBBBBBBBB . I. 1 ? . I -rri c -iBBBBBBBBS:w ' Kd ilBaB f r r - f-- -. - P J BBBBBBBflBBBBBBBBBBBBBx' 5-754 - BBBBBBBNBBBkniv drMfni y 'LsLsLsLsLsBP; ' Lj- - j ft .' ' - y. - j sr - x -i- - i . ' a- ' t - t- Hi 4rraa( Vit loni of bliti j: ' kood. Bright at tun beam aod brKVjr MizHaI ? 'i - sT- 3fk4f:zaJ fclJtbiJ Who comes to the Oliver, Thurs. Mat. and Night in "The Sping Maid" STOUT IS MADE DEAN; FRAT CHANGES ADOPTED (Continued from page 1 ) nis courts and backstops on the grounds newly acquired east of the athletic Meld was authorized Changes In Title. The following changes in title were made F M Hunter, professor of secondary agricultural education, to head professor, ('has H Lee. adjunct professor of animal husbandry, to as sistant professor, T A Kiesselbach assistant professor of experimental agronomy, to associate professor, H C Fille, instructor in farm manage ment to assistant professor, P H Murker, assistant professor of instruc tional agronomy, to associate profes Bor; K () Stiehm, assistant professor of athletics, to professor and director of athletics; 11 G Clapp. professor of physical education, to head professor; C A Skinner, profcBsor of physics, to head professor; (J K Condra, pro fos8or of geography and economic geology, to head professor; J. J Put nam, Instructor of bacteriology and puthology, to adjunct professor; Mar garet Hannah, fellow in botany, to In structor; Hertha Kramer, Bcholar in botany, to fellow; Donald Folsom, assistant In botany, to scholar; George. Horrowman jr , adjunct pro fessor In chemistry, to assistant pro fessor, Anna Tlbbots, fellow In edu cation, to adjunct professor; Ixnilse Pound, associate professor of English language and literature, to professor of Kngllsh language; C, V Wallace, associate proTeBsor of Kngllsh lan guage and literature, to professor of KngliBh dramatic lltorature; E R Schramm. Instructor goology, to ad junct professor, Kdlth WebBter, as sistant geology, Instructor; Carrie A. Barbour, Instructor paleontology; M. D. Baumgartner, adjunct professor of Germanic languages, assistant profes sor; Joseph Alexis, Instructor Ger manic languages, adjunct professor; (! A Stephens, adjunct professor political economy, assistant profes sor, P M Muck, jr , associate profes sor rhetoric, professor, Marguerite McPhee, instructor rhetoric, adjunct professor; Kli.abeth I Reese, in structor, adjunct professor, Ij. J Io garr, clerk in secretary's otllce, chief clerk, T. A Williams, clerk, voucher clerk Medical College Dr. J. .M Aikin, clinical professor of nervous diseases, to professor of mental and nerous diseases; Dr Jas S Goetz, instructor In internal medicine, to adjunct pro fessor of therapeutics; Dr. Ernest T .Maiming, instructor in therapeutics, to instructor In medicine; Dr. Alfred Jefferson, Instructor In therapeutics and clinical assistant in gynecology, to instructor in therapeutics; Dr. R C Moore, professor of diseases of the mind, to professor emeritus of dis eases of the mind Tho board approwd the recent ac Hon of the facult of the college of agriculture, in deciding to grant the degree of Bachelor of Science in homo economics to oung women registered in the regular four-year course In tho department of home economics The board also approved the action of the faculty of the graduate college in pro iding for advanced degrees in the various branches of engineering. Two-year Plan Revived. In order to accommodate worthy students who are compelled to go Into tho Held of teaching before grad uation, the board decided to reivo the practice of issuing tho two-year certificate The committee to whom this matter was formerly committed waB empowered to provide for tho is suing of this certificate in emergency cases where tho Btudent has not the requirements of tho school laws. The board considered tho medical college bids, but Inasmuch as the sum of the lowest bids for structural work, plumbing, heating, wiring and ventila tion exceeded tho amount of the ap propriation, the matter was roferred to the property committee with power to act. Tho property committee will meet in Omaha. Thursday, to go over tho entire matter, with a view to call ing for bids on tho building with cer tain features eliminated. It la hoped that In this way the totals will be brought within the amount of the fuudB available. 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