The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 10, 1912, Image 2
THE DAILY NEBRA8KAN H)atl Bebrafehan Published by tho Studont Publica tion Board of tho University of Ne braska. INTERFRAT BASEBALL SCHEDULE IS COMPLETED EDITORIAL STAFF Editor 8EARI.E F. HOLMES Managing Editor EARLE H. TAYLOR ABfloclato Editor. FRED McCONNELL AflHoclato Editor... BURTON S. HILL BU8INE88 8TAFF Manager C C. BUCHANAN AHH't Manager... JAMES MORRI80N Circulation Manager LEO BREEN SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Coplei, 6 Cents Each. OPENING GAMES WILL BE PLAYED NEXT SATURDAY AND CLOS ING CONTEST JUNE 4. Telephone: Auto 1888. Night Phone Auto 1888; Editor, Auto 1035; Manager, Auto 1821. Kntercd nt the poslofllco at Lincoln, NchriiHk.i. an Httcotul-clnas mall mutter. iiplir tho Act of ConBro88 of March 3. 187'J WEDNESDAY, APRIL in, 1!)12 NOT A "SELL." Some Htudent with an ubnormnlly developed sense oi humor has, wit tingly or unwittingly, Bought to cast reflection upon the honeHty and verac ity of the "Rag" This ho accomplished by portray ing, with artiBtic touch, upon the "his torical ' rock, a mystical hand This foul deed was dono in tho Bplrlt of fun. but it wrought haoc in the olhcPH of the publication, whose staff vH kept busy yesterday explaining that the Btory of the footprint was not a mth, but the statement of a tact "Truth is stranger than fiction " The print is there, on tho southeast corner of tho rock; it Is the impies Blon of a left foot (or hand), and as tho chai actor of the member will prove, is not tho work of stone cutters or nature fakerB Let us reiterate wo did not chisel out the linage, nor did wo call attention of the readers merely ia "aell" Uiuiil. Tllft. llhejiom enon has been there for many con turles SIGNS OF THE SEASON. That time of the school year Is now here when John, or Mary, as tho case may be, apponds to the letter home "I expect to get a job aB soon as tho train stops at the homo depot; In fact, my conscience lias boon hurting mo for seeial montliB, and I will bo very glad to get out and eain enough to support in) self tor the sumniei " P. S 'I hope to eai n enough to pay part of next )oar's expenses " Or, as Mary might add. '1 hao bought tho deareBt piece of goods for a summer dress 1 11 have to ask for u little moio money now, but of coin so you undei stand I am really tuning mono), for tho goods aro much cheaper hero than they are at homo 1 belioe that 1 will take up plain sewing this summer; you boo I hao become iuite skillful in my sew lng at the Farm " 1 S. "Toll father that I will need only two more chocks " (Note Tho ltter extract is imagin ary, but, it is to bo hoped, not unjust.) The College Inn Barber Shop Stu dent trade solicited. 8. L. Chaplin & Co. 127 1. 12th. All Btudents Bhould yIbU th "Col lege Inn Barber Shop at 127 Norta 12th. S L. Chaplin, Prop. For yotor orcheBtra call O. L. Jones. Auto L-8605. The Inter fraternity baBeball schedule has been drafted and opening games will be played Saturday, April 13 The Unul gamoB will be played June 4, and the championship contest will occur June 8 All games schedule'd for the week during encampment may bo postponed by agreement betweeu tho contesting teams, but otherwise all games must be phi)od on tho date scheduled The schedule follows: Alpha Tau Omega Delta Tau, 11 If), April If), Beta, S W, April 27, Kappa Sigma 1 DO, May 1 , Alpha Theta Chi, S :!(), May li, Dolta Tau, ll:ir, May 14 Alpha Theta Chi Delta Tau, 10 :!0, April 20; Kappa Sigma, S :'.(), May 4; Delta Upsilon, 11 1."), May 7, Alpha Tau Omega, 8 :(), May 11, Beta, 111."), May 21. Beta Thota Pi Kappa Slgin.i, H-.50, April 13; Alpha Tau Omega. 5i :io, April 27, Delta Tau. 10 :to, May 1; Delta rpsilon, 1 00, May 1."), Alpha Theta Chi, 11:1."), May 21 Delta Tau Alpha Theta Chi, 10 .10 April 20; Beta. 10 HO, Ma) I, Alpha Tau Omega, 11:1."), May II, Kappa Sigma, 10 30, May IS; Delta rpsilon, 10 30, May 23 Delta Upsilon lpha Tau Omega, 11:1."), April 1(5; Kappa Sigma. 11 1. April 23; Alpha Theta ( hi 11 1."., May 7; Beta, 1 00, Ma) 1."., Delta Tau, 10:30, May 2.") Kappa Sigma -Beta, S 30, Apiil :o. Delta Upsilon, 11 l.". April 23, Alpha Tau Omega, 1 00, May i, Alpha Theta Chi, S.30, May 1; Delta Tau, 10 30, May 18. Phi Delta Theta Sigma Phi Epsi Amu !Q::ilVJuay 13: Sigma L'liL :(!".. April 24; Sigma Alpha Epsllon, 10 30 April 27; Phi C.amma Delta, 11 1."), May I); Phi Kappa Psi, 11:1."). May 23; Sigma Nu, 10-30, June 1 Phi Gamma Delta Sigma Nu, S 30, April 20; Sigma Phi Epsllon, 11:1.".. May 2; Phi Delta Theta, 11 13, May 9; Sigma Chi, 11:1."., May 1G; Sigma Alpha Epsllon, 8 30, Juno 1; Phi Kappa Psi, 1 1 !.", June I Phi Kappa Psi Sigma Chi lUl."., April IS, Sigma Nu, 11 1.'., April 30, Sigma Alpha Epsllon, 1 00, May s, Sigma Phi Epsllon, 10 30, May II, Phi Delta Theta, I I."., May 23; Phi (lamina Delta, 1 1."., June 1 Sigma Alpha Epsllon Sigma u 1 00. April 17; Sigma Chi, 11 I.". April 25; Phi Delta Theta, 10 30 April 27; Phi Kappa Psi, 1 00, May S, Sigma Phi Epsllon, 11 l.". May 28, Phi Gamma Delta 8.30, June 1 Sigma Nu Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1:00, April 17; Phi Gamma Delta, 8 30, April 20, Sigma Phi Epsllon, 8.30, May 18; Sigma Chi. 8-30, May 25; Phi Dolta Theta. 10-30. June J. Sigma Chi Phi Kappa Psi. ll-lf, April 18; Phi Delta Theta, TOO, Apiil 24; Sigma Alpha Epsllon, 1 1 : 1.'., April 2.".; Phi Gamma Delta, 11:1,"., Ma) If., Sigma Nu, 8-30 May 25; Sigma Phi Epsllon, 1.00, May 29. Sigma Phi EpBllon Phi Delta Theta, 10-30, April 13; Phi Gamma Delta. 11:15, Mfy 2; Phi Kappa Psi, 10-30, May 11; Sigma Nu, 8:30, May 18; Sigma Alpha Epsllon, 11:15, May 28; Sigma Chi. 1 00, May 29. Weber Sultorlum, 1100 O St, Spring Oxfords in "& thcc" 1415 0 w Design No. 787 Four-Button Regular Sack It's Worth Noticing Perhaps you Ve worn a coat in which the hair cloth broke and worked thro to the outside. You won 't have that experience with clothes we make because we use only the very best grade of hair cloth and can guarantee that The Fronts of Our Coats Do Not Break That's why so many of the well dressed men in town prefer us as their tailors. We also guarantee our linings to give satisfactory wear. Have us make your Spring and Summer clothes to order for for only $25 to $50. C. L. ANDERSON Tailoring Company 143 South 12th Street Lincoln, Nebraska Fine Tailoring THIS COUPON and 85 cents buys $1.00 worth of Athletic or Baseball Goods at Lawlor Cycle and Sporting Goods House 1423 O STREET HAVE N Do Yur Laundry 44 Try a lunch at tha Y. M. a A. Lanoh Room. Oaf tori a Plam. City Y. M. C. A. 13Uh ua . Hef fley's Tailors Suits $20 Up nth and n Nifty Styles J i -