The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 10, 1912, Image 1

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    Xlbe H)atl IFlebraekan
Price 5 Cents
Number of New Appointments Made
and Erection of Three Tennis
Courts Authorized.
Little Guard Has No Opposition for
Leadership of Cornhusker
Basketball Team.
At its busiest session of tho year
tho Board of Regents adopted the
plan proposed by the fraternity
alumni for changes In the personnol
of the inter-fraternity council, failed
to take any action on bids for tho
erection of the medical college, named
Professor Stout head of the College of
Engineering, authorized the erection
of three tonnic courts on the new
athletic field, and revised the stand
ing of a number of members of the
In connection with the adoption of
tho changes In the inter-fraternity
council, a committeo consisting of the
Chancellor and tho president of the
Board of Regents was appointed with
power to act in making bucIi minor
changes and modifications as might
seem desirable after consulting with
active and alumni members of tho
fraternities, and such other persons
as might bo interested.
Stout Now Dean.
Among tho main changes In title
and now appointments made, tho most
Important was tho naming of Prof.
O. V. P. Stout as dean of tho college
-XLLiJnginoerlng According to tho ac
tion of the board, tho UtToTsTTo "be
come effective Immediately.
Sinco tho departure of former Dean
C. II. Richards, last September, tho
engineering college has been without
an official head, although Chancellor
Avery has been performing the duties
of acting dean.
Now appointments made by the
board other than that of Dean Stout
were as follows: II. I... Nye, foreman
of tho Culbertson demonstration
farm; Efilo Myers, stenographer and
laboratory assistant, department of
animal patholo'gy; Dr. O. Alexander
Young, Instructor in mental and nerv
ous diseases; Dr II B. Hamilton,
clinical assistant In medicine; Dr.
Clarence Rubondall, clinical assistant
in diseases of tho noso and throat;
Dr. J. B. Potts, clinical assistant In
diseases of oyo and ear; D. T. Lane,
clerical assistant, farmers' Institute.
Tho resignations of Harriet Folger,
associate professor of home econom
1cb, and O. W. Sjogren wore accepted.
Tho board authorized tho appoint
ment of a committee to negotiate for
tho purchaBo of tho Ferguson tract at
Culbertson for tho establishment of
tho Culbertson sub-station.
Tablet to Andrews.
Tho board also authorized a popu
lar subscription for tho erection of a
tablot in tho Temple building In honor
of Chancellor Emeritus Andrews.
It was also decided that Coach
Stiehm should bo recognized aa do
partmentally Independent of tho de
partment of physical education and
that, subject to tho order of the chan
cellor or tho board, tho University
athletic board should bo given tho
power to Interpret any rules or regu
lations Id the Institution made am
biguous by the change.
The construction of three clay ten-
(Contlnued on page 4.)
Elections at tho State University,
held Tuesday morning for tho pur
pose of choosing football and basket
ball captains for the coming year, re
sulted In a tio vote in tho former caBe
and tho choice of Sam Currier in tho
Dewey Harmon and ErneBt Erank
were the opposing candidates in the
field for the football captaincy. Tho
vote stood four to four, only eight of
the sixteen men eligiblo to voto be
ing present. This was tho second
football election this year, tho one laBt
fall when "Jerry" Warner was chosen
to lead tho Cornhuskers for tho sea
son of 1913, having been rendered
old by tho latter'B leaving school.
May Resort to Proxy.
Six of last fall's letter men are now
out of school (Jibson, Shonka, Elliott,
(hauner, Warner and Potter. The
rules roquiro a majority of the men
eligible to vote to elect. Sixteen men
received letters last fall and became
eligible. With six out of school and
four standing pat for either candidate
tho required nino votes can not be
obtained except by proxy.
-LoXgreiL-amLSwiuiaQii were ab&ejiU
from tho meeting on Tuesday, tho
latter boing sick with tho mumps.
For whom the voteB of Uicbo two men
will go is, of course, not certain, al
though they are thought to favor
Frank. Even with both of their votes,
however, the latter would still require
tho support of some of tho others.
Dr. Clapp has called a second meet
ing of tho team men eligible to ote
for April 17.
Tho election of Sam Carrier to head
Nebraska's basketball team was unan
imous. Not the First Deadlock.
This la not tho first deadlock which
has occurred in the election of Ne
braska's football captains. The last
one occurred when "Buck" Beltzer
was elected as a compromise candi
date. This former fight was carried
on with tho T. N. E. affiliation as an
issue and disrupted tho team to such
an extent that, with excellent mater
ial, Colo and Beltzer had tho poorest
team of years tho next season.
To prevent any auch friction from
occurring again, tho board enforced a
rulo that the football team should
elect its captain at a meeting to bo
held Immediately after tho giving out
of Initials or olso that It Bhould pasa
over to tho board. This rulo can
hardly apply to UiIb cfltao, aa It did
not take Into consideration tho with
drawal of a captain from school. It Is
probable, however, that If a deadlock
appears to bo certain after another
voto, tho athletic board will take over
tho election.
The samples of the senior invita
tions havo arrived and orders will be
taken in the library from this noon
until f p m . Friday.
Aa usual, tho invitations are of two
varloties, paper and leather; the
former are to sell at two for a quar
ter, the latter at a quarter each. The
cover design is out of tho ordinary
and Ib declared by those who have
seen the samples to bo the hand
Bomest that has appeared In years.
In order that the supply may bo
had as soon as possible it will be
necossary to return tho samples to
tho manufacturer Saturday; hence all
orders must be received during one
of tho three coming days. They can
be ordered only at the table In tho
hall of the library, where tho samples
will bo on exhibition. To insure ship
ping expenses a deposit of 2." cents
will bo required
$11,500 IF MADE BY
Meetings Will Commence Friday
Evening With Rally at Which
Chancellor Will Speak.
Work on tho 12 inch equatorial tele
scope being made by students In the
Mechanical Engineering department Ib
being rapidly pushed forward Over
half of tho parts have been com
pleted. It has been five years since
the planFWoro llfBt made, Tnost -of
that time having been consumed in
making the patteriiB. It will not re
quire nearly that length of time to
finish tho remaining partB. Tho tele
scope, If made by contract, would cost
$11,.')00 It will require considerable
room and will demand a new observatory.
Special machlno tools had to be con
structed and changes made In old ma
chines to meet the demands of the
work required on tho telescope. Ono
of the most Important of these, though
not made primarily for work on tho
telescope, is a graduating engine de
signed and constructed by W. S.
Payne of tho Department of Mechan
ical Engineering. This Ib a machlno
for graduating metal dlscB. It can bo
adjusted so as to divide a circle Into
parts aB small as five minutes. It Is
tho result of soveral years of effort at
odd times on tho part of Mr. Payne,
and though operating successfully, It
Is not yet perfected to the extent do
Blred by him. The Inventor Intends
to apply it to tho graduation of linear
scales as well as to circular gradua
tions. Tho machine Is constructed on
an entirely different plan than thoae
employed by tho manufacturers of
surveying and similar instruments.
S. O. Cotner was called to Omaha
by the sudden death of his grand
father, who died of heart failure last
Saturday. The deceased was founder
of Cotner University, and celebrated
his fiftieth wedding anniversary last
May 10 is tho date which has been
Bet for tho second semester Junior
Hop. Although the balmy spring will
bo present in all of Its glory that
night, a cool and pleasant dance is
promised nevertheless. The dance
will bo held in tho Lincoln Hotel, and
the conventional charge of $1.25 will
be exacted.
C. J. Bachorltch la chairman of! the
committee and Will Randall master
of ceremonies.
Tho annual convention of tho North
Central Territorial Y W. C A. Con
ference will be held hero Friday, Sat
urday and Sunday of this week. Over
two hundred delegates aro to be hero
from sixty-five schools In six BtatoB.
Tho district includes Minnesota, Iowa,
North Dakota, South Dakota and Ne
braska. Prominent workerB from all
parta of tho country outside of tho
conference aro expected to bo hero,
some of them being scheduled for ad
dresses at tho meetings or tho ban
quet. Ivocal University glrlB will
swell tho attendance to about four
Tho delegatos will be entertained at
tho homos of local members. Almost
all the sororities have asked for from
several to as many aa a dozen. So
rority slsterB from other schools aro
especially In demand.
White to Speak.
Meetings will commence Friday
evening with a big rally at tho Tem
ple. Chancellor Avery will deliver
tho opening addreBS of welcome. Tho
main speech of tho evening will bo
by Frank Newhall White on tho sub
ject of "A Great .Man's Definition of
Saturday morning and afternoon
will bo taken up by technical councils
of workers from various schools.
Different plana of work will bo dlB
cusscd and helpful Ideas exchanged
from ono school to another. Local
workerB aro expecting these to bo
Bomo of tho most Interesting meet
ings of tho convention.
Saturday night the big event, tho
banquet, will bo enjoyed at tho First
ChriBtlan church, Fourteenth and M
streets. ToaBta and addreascB will bo
given by many representatives. Aa
the number of delogatea may bo
largor than counted on, a limit may
bo necessary and tho local secretary
advlsea tho Unlveralty members to
buy their tickets early. Those aro
for sale at tho Temple.
Vesper 8ervlce 8unday.
Sunday morning tho convention will
attend the First Presbyterian church
to hear an address by Dr. W. W. Law
rence of Lincoln. Sunday afternoon
a vesper service will bo held at the
Temple, when Miss Oolooah Burner,
of New York, national student secre
tary of tho Y. W. C. A., will speak.
Prominent Y. W. C. A. workers who
will bo here aro Mrs. E. L. Gault, wife
of the president of the University of
South Dakota; Mrs. L. L. Crandall,
of Minneapolis, chairman of the com
mittee In charge of tho territorial
convention, and Mtb. Emma F. Dyers,
executive secretary of the conference.
In addition to these, a number of
members of tho faculty ot the schools
represented will be present.
Republicans to Meet.
A meeting of the University Re
publican Club will be held at the Capi
tal Hotel at 7:30 o'clock this evening.
Officers will be elected.