The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 09, 1912, Image 4
THE DAILY NEBEA8KAN TEGNER SOCIETY BANQUETS NUMBER OF TOASTS RENDERED BY MEMBERS OF ORGANIZATION. :'( ONE CANDIDATE UNDECIDED TWO MEN ONLY HAVE OPENLY ANNOUNCED FOR PO8ITJ0NS ON CORNHUSKEQ. There Ih an air of uncertainty about the sophomore clasH elections for posl tioiiH on the CornhuHkor The elec tloiiB will be hold Thursday morning, following the ull university rail) One candidate for managing editor has announced, another Ih undecided hh to whether or not to rome out and one man In In the field for biiHinesB mana ger Chandler Trimble Ih a candidate for managing editor and Lawrence Robin Bon Ih Htlll uncertain aa to his Inten tions In regard to innklng a tight for this position J. I, Drlscoll Ih making a ranvan for business man ager All are, fraternity men. Trim ble bolonglng to Alpha Tail Omega, Drlscoll to Phi Kappa Psl and Robin Bon to Beta Theta PI AH are well known In their class aB they have been active In Kb affairs as well aa In general unlverBlty matters. COPYING NEBRASKA'S PLAN. Wisconsin Installs Practice Courses In Pleading In Law College. The fact that a great number of the Institutions of the law college aie he lng copied by other universities should be convincing evidence that this col lege is one of the best in the United States The following is an account of the installing of a practice orlgl nated or adopted a great many yeais ago by the college ' In order to teach students In the law school how to plead canes, prac tlce courses in pleading have been Btarted at the University of Wlscon sin A practice court has been estab lished, which is conducted essentiallv the same as a real law court and each student In the law school is required to conduct two or more cases In this court Not only must he prepare the pleadlngB and the drawing up of the case, but he must also carry through the various steps in the case from the beginning to the final judgment" The Tegner Society banquet hold in the Temple last Saturday evoning was well attended, and an enjoyable time was spent Charles Krlckson served In the capacity of toaBtmaster and railed upon the following to speak MIbs Clara Pearson, "Mem orleH from School Life." Arvid An demon of Omaha, "Tegner in tho Past." O W Sjogren, "Tegner in tho 'resent. " Miss AgneB Samuelson, "Tegner in the Future." J Alexis, 'The Aim of Our Society," Charles Warner, "Friends of the Society " The Alexis Male Quartette rendered Swedish and Norwegian selections, and at the close of the banquet all Joined In the Hinging of Swedish na tlonal airs COACH GETTING LINE ON BASEBALL PLAYERS MY8TERIOU8 IMPRINT8 FOUND ON OLD BOULDER (Continued from page 1 ) human hand and foot is apparently not known. Tho rock is tho clasB memorial of the claBB of 1892 A dolay In ship inent wan all that saved it from at one time going to the campus of tho Uni versity of Iowa, for which Professor Harbour was about to purchase It Par yvsur Bteaka, Okopa aatd Qmlak Barrio Vlalt The New York Chop House Open Day and Night 1840 O Straat THE FIRST SAVINGS BANK 4 pir Mflt litinit " "" $L00 Opens on Account With the Tint NatlcuuJ Bank, Or. 10th ud O. (Continued from page 1 ) good men Oliver, an exceptionally good fielder and a good man with the Htlck, especially In laying down bunts, is almost certain to land a berth Hvde another good outfielder, 1b an all round player and can be played either behind the baL or in the infield an well as in the gardens Ballah and K Frank are two others that may land a berth In the outfield Manager Eager has not yet an nounced any schedule, but it is ex pected that he will be able to do so before the end of the week TWO SENIOR COMMITTEES. One to Deal With Ballot Reform Other Class Deficit. President Lofgren of the senior class has named two committees, one to meet with the representatives of the other classes to consider the Aus tralian ballot system, and the other to deal with the question of tho class deficit The members aro as follows Australian Ballot Committee John Power, chairman. Clarence Clark, and Ralph Hallderson Committee on Class Debf Louis Anderson, chairman, W. C Becker, Dale BoyleB, R. W. Garrett, Carl Rob wer, Kenneth Warner. Opal Coryell, Verna Hyder. and Marjorie Selleck The last named committee will meet at 11 -SO o clock Thursday morning in V 102 to consider the several plans which have been proposed to pay qJT the debt charged against tho class of 1912 Miss Agee to Speak. Miss Etta Ageol general secretary of the City Young Woman's Christian Association, will speak Tuesday after noon at r o'clock in tho Y. W C A rooms on "Commercialized Recrea tion " HERE'S SOMETHING FREE. Qua-tette Will Give Concert Preceding Lecture on "Life in l-idla." Tlieie will be a frei cnlci talninent in the theatre of the Yenijde at G.10 tonight, in. mediated .ifter Biipper A quattelh from the Glee ( hit) will give a twenty minute concert, which will be followed by an illustrated lecture on "Life in India," by Dr Murphy of Lincoln Medical College Dr Murphy has been In India for a number of vents and Is in this country pursuing giuduate stud His lecture will be Illustrated by steieoptlcon viewB of the different phases of life there, cm especially the advance of modem civilization Shower and Inauguration. Tho annual inauguration of the Y V C. A officers took placo Satur day evening in the Y W C A rooms. Theie was alBo a "shower" for the rooms, each committee giving, with a clever poem as a presentation bpoech, some needed article Miss Mabel Daniels read an Faster selection SIMMONS the PRINTER PRINTING ErM G Ft f I tN G EnBOStING Auto. 3319. 317 South lath St. CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 12th and O Striata P. Jl HALL. PrMl V. ft. JOHNSON. VI-Prul(Jat W. VT. HACKNHY. JR.. Ami. Dewey Becomes Captain. First Lieutenant A W Dewoy was UiBt night promoted to till the vacancy in Company M caused by tho dopar ture of Captain A T. Newman for the Philippines Sergeant R E Kellner of Company A was appointed to the first lieutenancy of the company HAVE IN Do Your Laundry UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET YELLOW FRONT Your Patranagi Solicited Farmers Give Play. "The (Allege Chap " tho Farm senior play, was given at the Temple last Saturday night before a largo audience. Tills was the flrat dramatic attempt on the part of the seniors at tho Farm. WARTHON'S Original, Electric, Shoe Repair Factory Always reliable and up to the minute 142 North 12th Street v w a rierilev s 1 ail ots Suits $20 Unhand n Nifty Styles Try Our Luncheonettes They aro always tho best We serve hot and cold drinks all winter lonjr. LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN South West Cor. 14th O DO YOU REALIZE THAT These are tha men that maka thla paper possible? Tha subscription arlca lan't a droa In the bucket. They halp us; wi must help them. PATRONIZE THE MEN ON THIS LI8T They Will Treat Yau Right BANKS First Saringe Bank Central National Bank BAKERIE8 Folsom BARBER SHOPS Y. ,M C. A Barber Shop. Chaplin CLEANERS Tod Marriuer. J. C. Wood & Co. Weber CLOTHING C L Anderson & Co. Armstrong Clothing Cm. Farquahar Fulk's new Btore Mageo tc Deemer Mayer Bros. Palaca Clothing Co. Spelar & Simon CONFECTIONERY Lincoln Candy Kitotam DENTISTS Dr. Orin Lamb BRT G00D3 Miller tc Pain Rudgo & Guenzel DRUGGIaTS Molor Drug Co. Riggs ENGRAVING Ockor Engraving Co. FLORISTS J C. H. Frey FURNISHINGS Armstrong Clothing Co. ; Budd Magoe & Doemer Mayer Bros. Palace Clothing Co. Speior tc Simon Rudgo & Guenzel HATTERS Armstrong Clothing 0. Budd Fulk's new Btore Magoe tc Deomer Mayer Bros. Palace Clothing Cc Speier & Simon Rudgo & Guenzel HOTELS Tho New Lindell. JEWELERS Hallett Tucker LAUNDRIES Evans MUSIC Walt Thornburg JoneB, Orchestra University School of Music. OPTICIAN Shean Hallott PRINTERS Boyd Printing Co. George Bros. Simmons Van Tine Graves Prlntery RESTAURANTS U. of N. Cafeteria. Horpolsheimor Y. M. C. A. Spa SHOES Beckman Bros. Budd Brno Shoe Co. Men's Bootery Mayer Btob Miller A Paine SHOE REPAIRING Warthon's. TAILORS College Tallora. Fulk's new store Hefiley the Tailor. Y M C A Tailor Shop. THEATERS Oliver Orpheum TYPEWRITERS Nebraska Typewriter Dzoh.