The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 09, 1912, Image 2
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN S)ail Webrashan Published by tho Student Publica tion Hoard of tbo Unlvorfllty of Nebraska, SIGMA TAU ELECTS EDITORIAL 8TAFF Editor SIOAULE F HOLMES Managing Editor. KAItLE II. TAYLOR AfiHodato Editor FRED McCONNELL ABBOClato Editor... HURTON S. HILL BU8INE88 STAFF Manager C. C. BUCHANAN AflB't Manager... JAMES MORRISON Circulation Manager LEO BREEN SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, 6 Cent Each. TEN MEN CHOSEN TO MEMBER SHIP IN HONORARY EN- i GINEERING FRATERNITY. Tbo following men have boon elect ed to Sigma Tan, the honorary en glneerlng fraternity Stanley Bracken, (Jcorge Carter, Harry Cotton, John Stibal Lloyd Wal ters C It Wilson, Paul JobiiHton, C K I'alne, Clen Walker, .1 A WaterB All BtudentB should tIbR tho "Col lege Inn Barbor Shop at 127 North 12th. S L Chaplin, Prop. Telephone: Auto 1888. Nljjht Phones Auto 1888; Editor, Auto 1035; Manager, Auto 1821. Kntrod ut tho iotof!lco at Lincoln, Nctiraaka, iib H&ooiul-claflB mull matter, under the Act of Congress of Mnrcti 3, 1879 TUESDAY, APRIL 9, W12 HIDDEN HISTORIES. Derisive remarks as to the cramped condition of our campiiB bavo fur niahed the critically Inclined visitors nnd tho pessimistic natives with a topic of conversation for many yearB TheHe remarks have not boon with out point, for It must bo admitted that the Nebruska rumpus 1b not enormous A large proportion of tho available apace la occupied by buildings, and the opportunities for viewing Nature in her own environment are reduced to a minimum The prospects for an Immediate change for the better are not start ling the best alternative then, seems to lie In a full appreciation of the blessings that are crowded upon iih The er insignificance of the campus has led the studentH to pass their col lege davs wholly oblhlous of the time nnd painstaking care that has been spent In providing the grounds with its attractions These attractions are not confined to tho fountain, the lamp post, nnd the circular stone bench but extend to the IJnden the Ivy on the Library and the huge boulder whose history appears in today's issue Invest Iga tlon will prove that most all of these and manv other adornment are the possessors of a past, which is worth looking into It will be our aim to bilng to light some of these hidden histories Cor mvs torles). and thereby to stimulate an interest in them which will help to deaden the sting of a diminutive campus and enable the Nebiaska stu dent to "tell the visitor a few things" It is a strange but universal truth that the school honor which the ' othei" fellow oi bunch grabs is either "not worth while" or obtained by "graft " PIANO RECITAL AT CONVOCATION Arvld Samucl8onB, Playing Will Be Feature This Morning. Convocation this morning will con slst of a piano iocltal given at the Temple by Arvld Samuelson of the Vnlverslty School of Music Tho pro gram Is as follows Chapln Hallate A flat Chopin Etude C minor Liszt- Ciondollera G flat. Mozart- PiiBtoruln Valae. Strauss-Schultz Erlor (By request) Aiabesinies on tho Beautiful Blue Danube Walt GENERAL RALLY THURSDAY. Quartette and Chorus Will Participate In Program. Preparations are under way for the nil university rally to be held Thurs day morning A number of speakers have been secured and the (llee Club quartette and the choniB will render selections The rally Is not to be held In the Interests of any single organlza tion or phnse of activity, but will be devoted to arousing enthusiasm along general lines "DIPLOMAT" REHEARSAL. The entire cast of "The Diplomat," Including the chorus, will rehearse in the study room of the Temple this evening at 7:00 o'clock sharp. For the sake of secrecy, none of the music has been written,, so that It will be necessary for every member of the cast to learn each song. For your orchestra call O. L. JoneB Auto L-8605. FARM NOTES. State Senator oilis of Ord. is visit lag his daughter Miss Ruth Ollls Misses Marv Pallas and Rose ('aha of Wahoo. are visiting Miss Caroline Calm at the H E hall Mrs Nella Stoddard of Auburn, is visiting her daughter. Miss Lois Stod (laid, at the H E hall Miss Morris territorial secretary for the Y W C has been a week end guest at the H.E hall The seniors at the Farm will give a party In the assembly loom of grl cultural Hall piil TI, and a dance at the Temple prll U0 ' , i An Easter vesper service was held! at the Kami Sundav under the auspices of the Christian associations Miss Morris ten itorial secretary, do livered an Easter message About twentv of the senior boys In the soils class took a soil Biirvey Thursday afternoon Leaving Lincoln about 2 '10 o'clock, they were taken to the cave south of the city and there studied the formation of the different layeis of soil forming rocks JfinMKnlilllDtlJtlaaaaaaaaK New Lindefl Hotel 13 AND M STREETS LINCOLN European Plan Rates from $ 1 .00 Up Popular Price Cafe SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN BANQUETS J. C VENABLE Manager THE NEW MODEL "; Think of every feature you wish ;i typewriter to possess, then carefully examine the Model 5 L. C. Smith; you will find every feature there. More L. C. Smith typewriters used in the dif ferent departments of the University than all other makes combined. The result of carefully testing every machine manufactured. Don't rent a typewriter. Purchase one on easy terms. Nebraska Typewriter Company N DISTRIBUTERS 143 South 13th Street Lincoln, Nebraska Auto B2080 Bell 1299 Miss Helen Westover is visiting at j the Alpha O house for a few days Some of the girls who camo to Lincoln for the Alpha O formal vvero compelled I to remain until last Friday, owing to i the floods. Weber Sultorium 1100 O St. The College Inn Barber Shop. Stu dent trade solicited. 8. L. Chaplin & Co. 127 N. 12th. Shffmfk J. C. WOOD and CO. The Best Is Always the Cheapest 1822 N St. Auto 1292 Bell 117 0LEANERS and DYERS J;r WALT Stands for the latest and best in Sheet Music 1215 0 St. V. M. C. A. Merchant Tailor Shop Suits Cleaned, Repaired and Prossed Shop in Basement Y. M. C. A Bldg. Easter Hat Men LOOK ME UP THIS WEEK 1415 O STREET Who were unable to get waited on Saturday $2.50 BUDD Subscribe for the "Rag'r