The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 06, 1912, Image 4

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for Men
1200 of the Newest I (frets in Washable Neckwear
iMcii'h r()c Miinhattan Washable 1-in-hands 1200 of the
ncwi'Ht effects in washable neckwear made from the famous
MaliMttan Oxford shirting, guaranteed fast color. K. ,. Kr.aia.
We have assembled a collection of washable neckwear for the one
day sale, which in coloring and design surpass all other 50c washable
Ifeicfee &toenzel Gx duC
An uitlcle by )i cliipp. In a recent
Ihhu of I be Medical TlnieH. Ih high
In ItH piaiscH of tbe heriedtH of college
athletics Tlie article Ih one of a
Kroup on Huh topic, Home of wliicb
are Htronh opposed to participation
In atbleticH v
Dr Clapp belleveH tbat nearly all
tbe caHeH of HerloiiH or permanent In
jury are due to tbe following cuuhpb
Too little preliminary training, or tbo
oppoblte condition; a lack of proper
medical supervision, tbe exuberated
Importance placed upon victory, or a
coiiHlderable number of similar causes
all of which may be eliminated, and
are helrm eliminated
"Probably the most Important otlo
logical factor In chhoh of remote physl
cal breakdown and premature deatt
among college athletes Ih tbe Hiidden
cessation of all physical activities and
cIohc devotion to Hedentary occupa
tloiiH Immediately after graduation It
Ih inanlfeHtly unfair to attribute those
untoward results to athletics," he says.
The article is concluded by the fol
lowing Htimiiiaiy of effoctH, good, bad
and otherwise which Dr Clapp has
compiled aH a result of more thau
twenty years of personal observation.
"Our athletics are by no means con
ducted Ideally at the present lime, but
I beliove. the general effect to be do
cidedly benellcial, furthermore, those
in charge of this important branch of
college acthity are keenly alive to the
real evils and needs and conditions
are gradually Improving year by year
"The more important beneficial ef
fects. injurious effects and remedies
for the Mime may be summed up as
Hcncllcial effects -
(a) Better general health
lb) Increased abllit to perforin
muscular work
(ci Increased abilit to perform
mental work
Id) Character de elopment
"Injurious effects (part of these are
not fairly traceable to athletics) -
(a) Immediate and temporary phys
ical Injury
(b) Permanent and remote physl
cal Injury
(c) Applause of fellow students apt
to give athlete an exaggerated idea of
his importance in relation to his fel
lows "Remedies
(a) Careful medical examination
before participation In strenuous phys
ical activities is allowed
(b) Careful medical supervision to
pieeiit undert rained or overtrained
students or those otherwise unfit
f i out taking part in competition
(c) I'Mucation of athletes to under
stand the necessity of continuing Bome
form of plnsical activity after gradu
ut ion
(d ) 1 )c elopment of intra mural nth
let lea in older to niininii.e the ten
dencv to over woik "
V. M. C A..
Merchant Tailor Shop
Suits Cleaned, Ruptured and Pressed
Shop in Basement Y. MCA Bid)?.
ivv,4egft y IJm
is ! 'Jm
T .1
I Hill
' 'M7
I '11 lAr
Regal Shoes
Aristocrat Model
Y3UR shoes for Easter should be appropriate to the rest of your Spring costume.
Probably you, like everyone else who is discriminating in drc-s, want the satis
faction of knowing that your footwear is correct for the season.
Regal Shoes, made for Men, insure you just that satibfaction.
Our Regal windows arc carefully studied by those people who want definite knowl
edge of the season's authentic cu.stom styles. You can select, with perfect security, any mod
el displayed and know that if yon wear them een on hil'th Avenue, New York, your shoes
arc correct and faultless.
This Spring's patterns in Men's Regal , in newebt shapes ami seasonable leathers, are
shown today simultaneously in all the principal cities from Xew York to San Francisco.
Flat - sole, Low
heel Fashions
For Men
Regal Prices are
These are new "English Walking-shoe"
models that incorporate
extume style with stalwart, manly
expulsion, but are not eccentric
Hade with wide, low, right-and-left
heels; broad shank and ilat tread.
The Aristocrat Model is
Incoming Style
Shown in Our Windows
fc O n-T-r-
Aristocrat Model
eier oz: oimon
Cor. 10th & O Sts.
Lincoln, Nebr.