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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1912)
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN ABOUT PEOPLE CLASSIFIED COLUMN AT THE THEATRES LOST V s-v 'V- C. H Froy, florist, 1133 0 St. tf Dana Van Diihoii loft for Omaha to Bpotid tho woek end. Have C! raves print It for yon. 233 North Eleventh St. The Foresters' club hold a smoker at Delta Upsllon houso last nlRht. Ted Marrlner, Cleaner and Hatter, 235 No. 11th. Tho ForeBtors will bold their bop in tho Temple next Friday nlRht. George BroB . expert printers, en gravers and embossers, 13th and N. Tbornburg's Orchestra delights dancers with popular hits. Auto B 2556 tf P. O Swanson has gono to IiIb homo in Holdrege with a bad case of tho mumps. Y. M. C. A. barber shop opens at 7:30 a. m. Student trade solicited Best service. Tho English club will meet this evening with Miss Whymau at 120 South Twenty-eighth Btreet Mr and Mrs. .loo Fradonberg of Omaha were chaperonea at an Alpha Theta Chi bouse party laBt night Tho Household Arts club will hold its regular mooting on Tuesday even ing. April !). at 330 North Thirteenth. Mth C D. Reus of Falls City and Catherine Little of Fnllerton were vis ItorB at tho Chi Omega houso last t week. C W Smith, Ml. of Wilbor under went a Berious operation for append! dtis Monday at the Lincoln sani tarium Hazel Rawlins of Holdrege and Esther Hunter of Aurora returned to their homos after a visit of a few days at Tri Delt houso. Ruth K.vans. Cladys Simpson. Fran cis Nolan and Vernon Story left yes t onlay to spend the week-end at Falr-bir-'- 'b with friend Joan and MaiW Hargiave and Miss Cladys Veaes left for Wyniore to spent Si.turdav and Sunday there at the homo of the Hargraves Tho Y V C inauguration party Saturday evening Is open to all of the University girls, regardless of whether they are members or not, and all are invited to attend Y W. C. A rooniB, 8 o'clock. The College Inn Barber Shop. Stu dent trade solicited. S. L. Chaplin L Co. 127 N. 12th. Mako your dates early with Hagen uick'a Orchestra Auto B-2990 tf Capital TaMorino & Clothes Co. Suit cleaned and preied by the month $1.50. High Cla Tailoring Auto L KjjH ll--e O t. Heffley's Suits $20 Up no. A good breakfast is a splendid beginning for the day. A good suit a splendid beginning for the season. Right now we have some nobby ones for young fellows that will get you off the mark in good shape. Live spring styles in L Systems and Kuppenhei mers the English model too if you like $20 to $35. Todays the last chance before Easter. JVIAQEE&EEMER 1109 O Street U. of N. Y. M. C. A. CAFETERIA Meals at cost of materialsand service UNIVERSITY TEMPLE 44 SPA 9f Try a lunch at tha Y. M. C. A.. Lunch Room. Cafeteria Plan. City Y.M.C.A. 13th and p. Weekly shipments of tho beat thoro is in chocolates. Huyler's Whitman's Louney's f iiefrttra California violets fresh every day. Meier Drug Co. I 3t It nncl O HERPOLSHEIMER'S CAFE Dinner Ui30 to Ii30 ) Supper 5i30 to 7i30 LdL Also Cafeterlan Style Tailors and n Nifty Styles HAVE EVANS Do Your Laundry LOST- On campus Moore's non leak able fountain pen with gold trim mlngB. Reward for return to No braakan ofllce 1 1 1 5t FOUND FOtI-A Rosary in Prof Marbonr'H class about tso w 'ks ago Call at tho Rag otllco 1 17 it THE FIRST SAVINGS BANK 4 pir oint Intersil dp" $100 Opens an Account With the First National Bank, Oor. 10th and O. Fee your Btoaki, Chops asd Quick Bsrrio Visit Tho New York Chop House Open Day and Night 1840 O 8trest Weber Sultorlum. 1100 O St. T&nrrrmr'' 1 1 1 Did You Ever Get "Busheled" while trying on a suit of ready made clothes from the "pile?" It is a common custom among salesmen to criss-cross the clothes with a chalk mark while trying them on and assure you that The "Fit Will fie Tailored Equal to Custom Made" but the result is they" lose their original lines and look like a "hand-me-down." The act of rehashing, called "busheling," is not practiced by us. We give you the best custom-tailoring first-handed and at a reasonable price. See our new Spring and Summer woolen none finer in the world at $25 to $50. C. L. ANDERSON Tailoring Company 143 South 12th Street Lincoln, Nebraska Fine Tailoring Today 2:30 Tonight 8:15 GEORGE DAMEREL In tho Waltz Musical Comody "The Heart breakers" Mat , $1 to 50c. Night, $1 50 to 50c. Thurs. Mat. and Night, April 11. "THE SPRING MAJD" With Mizzl Hajos. I IHPfil U MATINHI2S(l!icept Monday) :j LinUULIl IJVHNINOS AT H;jo ORPHEUM y;V-?5H ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Week Com. Mon. Night April 1st HUGH HERBE8T & COMPNY Miss Norton and Paul Nicholson Carl Henry and Nellie Francis BOUDINI BROTHERS JUGGLING BURKES Will Roehm's Athletic Girls BERT JORDON PRICES Matinee, 15c and 25c Nights, 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c iu.mTA.v iSESSs