THE DAILY NEBRABKAN H)ail IRebrasban I'liblinhod by tho Student Publica tion Hoard of tho UnlvorHlty of No-bniHlui EDITORIAL 8TAFF Editor . SMARMS F HOI-MISS ManaKlriK Keillor HARMS II TAYLOR AHHoelato ISdltor FRISI) McCONNELL ARHoclato Editor. .BURTON S HILL BUSINE8S 8TAFF Manager (' 0. HUCHANAN Ahh'I ManaRor ..JAMES MORRISON Circulation MuniiBnr LEO UREEN 8UD8CRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, 6 Cents Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. Night Phones Auto 1888; Editor, Auto 1035; Manager, Auto 1821. Knterrd nt tho postolllco at Lincoln, Ni'liraHka, n h ho. oncl clans mall matter. luitOr thn Ait of Congress of March 3. 1H7U SATllRDW, APRIL f. 1 ! 1 12 LITEBABY DEPARTMENT ENC.INEER RILL'S EXPERIMENT Ry "Q T" ( Panned by tlu National Hoard of Ci'iiHorHhip ) Now (as jou reinoiiibor) the En Kliicci had a frat brother who wan HtudjhiK the Finn Arta and RuhIiIiik Ho did not know what ho would do when he graduated and he did not cui' much Hut he did want to keep pretending to graduate When the Artist was "pinched" for playing base ball in tho utreet the Engineer paid his fine And when the Artist flunked In math Hill pulled him through his make up examination For theHe thliiKH the itiHt wIioho name was "Penny" (riliuit for Pembllton) waa M'iy Kiateful mid Haid that Hill was "a line old duck, In ppitc of his books full of figures " nd ' Pcnn ' wasn't the onh one that felt that way Eveiy one who knew the urine unsmiling Engineer called him "Old Hill" oi ' Dad" or said 'flood Old Hill 1) His Soul" So ou see, the mlHsed Hill a great deal when he graduated and weiii up north to build some big things he had planned to build Some of them thought he was a free man now Pat fiom it' He was en gaged' He figured It out on the "lheoi of )iob,ibillt" that It would be a good m heme, from a sclent llle standpoint to sort of label his eperl merit with a 'Hands Off" t.ig until he could ome back and write up the ro suits In the county cleik's ofllce He sides noliodv likes to h.i e his e periitHiits tamptied with Hut then he did not warn to bo "precipitate" In these matters so he onl slipped her his pin and didn't sav much Then hij went awa after sa lug goodbe the lllth time While he was awa the Artist called Puyn" lot short was timg to en Jo life Tins was wise in "PeniiN " but uiih ss von own a mint and aie a fr i ml ot Piolessor I riberg it is dan geious There :s nothing ends so 1 1 tilt K 1 .is mini pliasiire However, one dav this man Rutledge that sellk J on the tnket to the gate of learning, having vi i huh else to do compiled, and edited and mailed to the Elder Pembllton, who was not called Penn " an itemized account of the price of admission ' o the Penny," as ou might say, upon receipt of which the elder Pembllton justly and with fatherlv Bolicitude, curtailed and dimln Ished the ounger Pembllton's month In. stipend This was about two years after the Engineer hid gone North Now In order to enjoy life properly, one must have an ample stipend and so oni hero being deprived of his weeklj twin seat at the Orpheum, soon fell into disfavor with the Sorority Swim He would have languished n tirely avvy but the Engineer heard about his trouble "Oood Old Hill.' because he bad Just llnlshed a road cut out in the hills, sent a cheek to the rtlst with several figures written on it And that is whv tho Engineer is still unable to come back and write the results of his experiment All students should visit tho "Col lego Inn Barbr Shop at 127 North 12th S L Chaplin, Prop CALENDAR. Saturday, April 7. Tegner Society Student Debating Society. Sigma Nu banquet Tegner banquet Medical Society dance Silver Sorpent reception. Sigma Tau dance. Sigma Phi Epsllon houso For your orcheBtra call O L Jones. Auto L-8605. ROSS WRITING ARTICLES. Former Nebraska Professor Author of Series In Century Magazine. Prof Edward Ross, formerly of Ne braska, now of Wisconsin, has an e tended series of articles in the ('en tuiv Magazine on "The Middle West'' The ai tides give a comparison with the East In the current number the phase tieated is, "The Influence of State I'nlversltles " OFFICERS GET MEDALS. Captain Warner and Sergeant Cole man Receive Roscoe Pound Gift. Medals were presented to ("apt K I1 Warnei and Sergt A M Colt man ot Co A last night at legirnental re view These medals aie given ( u( h iar by Roscoe Pound to winners ot Co A individual compel Di Pound was a former captain ot the company I WARTHON'S Original, Electric, Shoe Repair Factory Always reliable and up to the minute 142 North 12th Street .UTIaX J-;' PRIHTIMGJ .vC.Q- UN(0LN-ntlK. "TTSeo us for your next job of printing. Personal supervison enaoles us to make each job please. 128 N. 14 St duett Shirts $1.50 Collars to Match Pleated and Plain BUDD Vnr.f i "i i jf ,psj" " New Lindell Hotel J3 AND M STREETS LINCOLN European Plan Rates from $ 1 .00 Up Popular Price Cafe SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN BANQUETS J. C VENABLE Manager OUR CAFE IS OPEN After All Dances and Parties We "cater" to student trade and can serve you and your lady to all kinds of Club Sandwiches, Salads, Oysters any style, Ice Cream and Sherbets Fountain in Connection with Cafe THE FOLSOM CAFE 1325-31 N St. nmmMmBmiaamaJMEiBiS&ds&Mi The moment you put on clothes made to your meas ure, you see the vast differ ence between merchant tailored and ready made. Our way costs no more. Be sure to seo our line first. College Tailors Cnllrc Vi-w, Nebraska i 'hono -0 We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD RE FRESHMENTS in the city Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Foutain Pens $1.00 Safety Razors Student's 3-Course Lunch 15c (ZeJhiJ &17$l?y Kv mm m M SL Ja d A. t. " JILjB-BJ-M-BmaB-L--K--M-IB2k&m-m UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER. S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET YELLOW FRONT Your Patronnrji Solicited Try Our Luncheonettes They are always the best We serve hot and cold drinks all winter long:. LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN South West Cor. 14th O A - -"