The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 05, 1912, Image 2
THE DAILY NEBRA8KAN ail fflebrnshan PubllBhcd by tho Student Publica tion Doard of tho Unlvorslty of Ne braska. EDITORIAL STAFF Editor 8EARLE F. HOLMES Managing Editor. EARLE H. TAYLOR ABBodato Editor. FRED McCONNELL ABBOClato Editor... BURTON 8. HILL BU8INE88 8TAFF Manager C. C. BUCHANAN ABB't Manager... JAMES MORRISON Circulation Manager LEO BREEN SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. 8lngle Copies, B Centa Each. STUDENTS GOING TO ISLANDS QUINTET 8ECURE P08ITION8 IN 8CHOOL AND MILITARY SER VICE IN PHILIPPINES. Telephone: Auto 1888. Night Phonea Auto 1888; Editor, Auto 1035; Manager, Auto 1821. Entered at tho postofllco at Lincoln, Nehrnnka, na second-class mall mattor. undor tho Act of Congress of March 8, 1870. THURSDAY, April 4, 1912. AN OPINION. The following Is an anonymoiiH opinion received by the editor touch ing on the newly Instituted manner or chooBlng the Ivy Dny orator: "A recent Iseue of the "Rag" con tained an announcement of the Ivj Day tryoutB, which ran aB follows 'Before thla year the orator has boon selected by the senior claBB In the name manner as Ib any clans affair, this year, however, tho aspirant nniBt show what he can do beforo tho posi tion 1b awarded him.' "Ib thin one tryout a sulllclent teat? Ono of tho contOBtantB haB won tho position of altornato on tho Intercolle giate debating team for tho past two yearB; another won a placo on tho debating squad two years ago, and was a member of tho winning team In the IntorclasB debato four years ago Another Btudent who was an appli cant -for-Uic- position beforo tho try out waB decided upon was a membof of tho Intercollegiate team that met Iowa this year. "All these positions were won by tryoutB. Does UiIb not show what these candidates 'can do'? It surely proveB them compotent. Then wouldn't It bo more In accordance with tho spirit of tho day to have the class make the selection from these men, who have surely shown tbeniBolveB compotent. and more bo since the class Is tho best Judge of tho personality and competence of the candidates?" Five Nebraska students havo ac cepted government positions in tho Philippines and will sail from San Francisco April 24. Three of tho five are glrlfl and are under contract to stay for two years. They are MIsb Anna EaBt, Edith For rest and Bessie Roberta. MIbb East, clasB of 1912, will teach domestic science In Manila. MIsb Forrest, 1910, a Chi Omega, will alBo teach domestic science. MIbb Roberts expects a high school poflltlon. Allen Newman, 1912, will become a lieutenant in tho constabulary. Mr. Swanson will also havo an army pobI tlon He graduated In 1908. The trip will be made by way of Honolulu and Japan Stops will be made at both placeB. Somo of the party are nlready planning to return by wny of Europe at the end of two years. All students should rlslt th "Col lego Inn Barber Shop at 127 North 12th. S L. Chaplin, Prop. CALENDAR. Saturday, April 7. Togner Society. Student Debating Society. Sigma Nu banquot. Tegner banquet. Medical Socloty dance. Sllvor Serpent reception. Sigma Tau dance. Sigma Phi Epsilon hOUBO. For your orchestra call O. L. Jones. Auto L-8G05. Report on Junior Hop. The following Ib the financial report of tho Junior hop held Decembor 9, 1911: Ttccetpts -108 tickets Bold at $1 25 $135.00 Expenditures Lincoln hotel $71 00 OrchoBtra 28 00 Doorkeeper 2.00 Cab for chaperono 2.50 Printing 1B.00 - $122.50 ONE HOUR TOO LONG. Dr. W. H Pylo, profeBBor of pBychol ogy at tho University of Missouri, at a lecture recently delivered before the Btudenta of that Bchool, declared that the professor who lectures a wholo hour at a tlmo without giving the students time to react upon the mate rial given them Ib waBtlng about half hlB tlmo. V Ho designates thirty or forty min utes as tho maximum time during which a student can recelvo new ideas efficiently. "After that," he declared, "the attention wanders, and tho ma terial presented is not gniBped " TheBe are truly encouraging words, und It is our slncorost wIbIi that the same theory will Bpoedlly ImproBB It self upon tho minds of our own faculty Balance on hand $12.50 E. C. HYDE. Chairman Weber Suitorlum, 1100 O St. CONVOCATION PROGRAMS. All University Rally Will April 11. Be Held Yee, 'Tls Impregnable. Wo voice our decided opinion that the old fashioned Macedonian phalanx looked like a flimsy fence beside three co-eda going up tho hill ut three min utes of eight. Wo defy any poor malo to get by that combination. Ex. ProfoBBor Crumann of tho convoca tion committee announces the follow ing convocation programs: Tuesday, April 9 Piano recital by Arvld Samuelflon. In the Temple. Thursday, April 11 All University rally. Tuesday. April- 16 Albert Watklna of tho State HlBtorlcal society, who will Bpeak on "Social and Economic Conditions In tho Cotton Bolt." Mock Inauguration Soon. Tho inauguration of tho Y. W. C. A officers for next year will take placo Saturday evonlng, April C, in tho Y W. C. A. rooms. All University glrla are Invited to attend. Thla will be a "Jollification," not the real installa tion of officers, which takes place a fow weeks later. Hats New Light Weight Derbies Velours Easter Novelties $2.50 Why N6t BUDD omoiwow s T Hat Day at the "Palace." Just received by express 50 dozen Late Style Spring Hats, new, nobby, novelties and staples, every shape, eveyy color. All at special prices. $2.50 Hats for $1.90 $3 Hats for $2.40 $3.50 Hats for $2.90 Palace Clothing 1419 Company o st. Easter Footwear Correct Styles FOR Yotmg Women AND Young Men Shoe Department Chr?-z? .1v9 cpm LYytsiJZv ' 54LU& o nuis Hef fley's Tailors Suits $20 Up nth and n Nifty Styles "1 vi i - ?xMl5l mhuuMH