The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 04, 1912, Image 1
Xlbe Baih IRebraskan VOL. XI. NO. 115. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY APRIL 4, 1912. Price 5 Cents BASEBALL PLAYER ISI INJURED IN PRACTICE BLAINE BALLAH SUFFERS PAIN FUL HURTS IN COLLI8ION. RUNS INTO FOOTBALL GOAL POST Outfield Candidate Sustains Badly Cut Head and Ear, But Will Con tinue Practice. While running back on a fly ball during baseball practice yesterday afternoon Rlalno Ballah, one of the candidates for an outfield berth, col lided with a goal poBt and sustained painful Injuries. Tho loft Bldo of his head was badly cut and his loft oar was seriously torn. Ballah's injuries woro at first thought dangerous, and ho was taken to tho Lincoln sanitarium, but was later removed to tho Dolta Tau house. It was Btatod last night that ho would probably recover from his Injuries In ten days or so. Ho will not withdraw from tho squad, but will roBumo prac tice as soon as he rocovers sufficient ly. Ballah Is one of tho votoran play ers on tho squad and 1b generally con ceded an excellent chanco of landing one of the garden JobB To Remove Posts. Coach Stlehm will have tho goal poBts, relics of football, removed at onco, aB they interfere with tho "Out fielders. Baseball practice yesterday after noon assumed a moro buslneas-llko aspect, the men trying their hands at bat as well as In tho field Tho bat tery men also did a little "warming up," though none of tho pitchers was allowed to cut loose. - ARRESTED IN LIBRARY CRITICIZES J30VEN0R PROFESSOR HOWARD SLAMS GOV ERNOR AND CONDITIONS AT THE PENITENTIARY. Professor Goorge Howard yoBterday In a sociology class criticized tho gov ernor's attitude toward Graham Tay lor, tho noted sociologist, who had found fault with tho Nebraska peni tentiary. Ho commented on tho rudenesB of tho governor's remark about Mr. Tay lor. Governor Aldrlch was said to have declared, "I notice that those who give advlco are soldom put in positions of responsibility." Professor Howard also Bald that the govornor was trying to cover up con ditions at tho penitentiary. "I hap pen to know," ho said, "that only a fow of tho bad conditions havo boon discovered. There aro others which aro far worse " Great applauso greeted Dr. How ard's speech. YOUNG RUSSIAN JEW INVADES BUILDING WHILE CONVEYING LARGE SIZED "JAG." ANOTHER IVY DAY A8PIRANT. Noel A. Negley Decides to Try Out for Senior Honor. Nool A. Negley, at the solicitation of somo oMiIb friends, has decided to try out for tho honor of Ivy Day ora tor. Mr. Negley recently won a prize in an oratorical contest held in this city on the prohibition question. D. M. Rogers, S. Cotner and C. L. Clark aro tho other threo seniors who will make the rage. Tho tryout will be held Friday at 3 p. m. in U 106. Charley Kurb, a young Russian Jew, took It into his head to spend yester day aftornoon amid tho exciting pleas ures that abound on tho university campus and particularly amid tho radlent beauty bo peculiarly Inherent to the library steps. Mr Kurb, who had boon indulging with too much freedom In Joy water, took a stroll over tho campus, and after satisfying himself that tho exterior of tho build ings presented a Biifllclently pleasing effect on the eye, ho decided to try tho syBtom of procedure to bo found on tho Interior of tho institution Thereupon ho hied himself Into no less a place than tho general library, succeeding much better thnn many more cultured gentlemen who havo preceded him In the difficulty feat of getting past the temptations of tho library steps Once on tho inside the visitor spied the librarian and made a request that he be permitted to tako out a book She seemed to reBont tho idea and Boon after tho intruder was removed from tho campus to tho city Jail, where he was searched and locked up. A charge of drunkonneBs will prob ably be placed against him. GIRLS EATJERY LITTLE MANGAER ORR OF CAFETERIA SAYS CO-EDS WASTE TOO FOOD. Manager Orr of the University cafe teria doosn't like tho way tho co-edB eat Not that tho glrla use tholr knlveB as Implements to eat with, or that they Bcrub up their gravy with broad: their manners aro all that could be dt'Blred. The manager, however, thinks that the girls buy too much and eat too little. "Why don't tho girls eat more?" he asked ono coed. "I think it Is really criminal to leave half of one's food upon one's plato when there are so many hungry pooplo In tho world. Isn't tho food good?" "Tho real reason Ib, I think," an swered tho co-ed, "bocaiiBO the help ings aro planned for men A dish of meat that Is Just enough for a man Is throe times too much for one of us. In order to got a variety a girl muBt buy a lot, all of which Bho can't oat." NEBRASKA GAME IS UNLIKELY. Michigan's Open Date Set for Missouri-Nebraska Contest. Judging from advIceB received from the University of Nebraska, Michigan will not hook up In a contort with tho Cornhuskors this coming fall. No vember 2 Is tho date that has boon talked of as bolng tho possible dato for tho contest, and It is practically tho only dato on which tho game could bo played. But now it appears that Nebraska has a game with Mis souri on that dato. So it 1b evident that there will bo no Michigan game for them, and tho question now arises as to whom will be Michigan's oppo nents on that date. Michigan pally. QUO VADISJLUB HEREG ROYAL ORDER OF "WEARY WILL- IE8" INSTAL8 NEW CHAPTER AT NEBRA8KA. At laBt It has come. In all big unl vorBltles thoro is usually a royal order of "bums" of some kind, but none such evor reached Nebraska until yos terday. For a long tlmo tho possibility of getting a chapter of "Quo Vadls," a national organization, at Nebraska haB boen agitated, and It was finally ac complished by "Bat" Nelson, "Mick" Rhomans and "Jugo" Sherwood, who procured a charter a few days ago. Tho Quo VadlB club will consist of thirteen -members, and Is organized for tho purpose of Boeing that tho football team will always bo repre sented by a fow loyal Nebraska root ers, at tho least, while playing away from home. Tho requisition of mem bership to tho club Is that tho pros pective pledge must havo "bummed" at least ono thousand mllos without paying any faro for his ride. Tho official badgo will bo an open tomato can with an "N" on tho turnod u p lid, and tho name of tho club, "Quo Vadls." In black on the red back ground of the can TIiIb badgo will be worn on the vest tho Bame as any other fraternal badge STUDENT SLUGGED AND ROBBED JJYHIGHW1M C. M. 8HERWOOD L08E8 POCKET BOOK CONTAINGIN $15. HE WAS STRUCK FROM BEHIND ELEVEN MAKEJHE CLUB Special Tryout Will Be Held April 16 for Other Aspirants. Tho following persons were elected to membership In tho Dramatic club aB a reBult of work done In tho tryout which was held Tuosday evening: Donald Ahrons, Thad Saunders, Clif ford Scott, Frank Kruso, Ned Allison, RovIb Gist, Eva Burton, Clara Wilson, Beatrice Iangtln, Kitty Mockett and Mrs. S McKolvle. A special tryout will bo hold Tues day, April 16, for thoso whoso work warranted further consideration. TRAGEDIES OF THE FORMAL. Both Men and Maids Say Others Are Playing Policy Game. Tho height of the fraternity and sorority formal season Is now on. Many aro tho attempts made by the wily oneB to secure tho coveted "bid." For the two or throe weeks before tho sorority invitations come out tho house Is bosleged by numerous call ers Tho girls are taken to tho Lin coln hotel, to shows and to dances. Frequent assertions of "what a fine bunch you girls have. I Buro am strong for you," aro heard. But tho day tho Invitations come out what a difference thoro is! Tho men who failed to "got in" pass up their co-ed friends with a curt nod. Thoao who were invited aro distantly cordial, but havo already turned their attention towards some other sorority. The fraternities, too, havo their grievances. . "Yes, these glrlB are cer tainly policy workers," said ono dis gusted youth. "Tho years we don't "Have our formal hardly any of our follows are asked. But the years we do! Why, the girls fall all over them selves to be nice. It certainly Is a skin game." Darkness Prevents Fraternity Man Recognizing Assailant and No Cluo la Found. While roturnlng homo at about 11 o'clock Monday night, c. M. Sherwood was attacked by a highwayman and robbed of Ills pockotbook containing about 15 in cash. Mr. Sherwood, who is a member of tho Kappa Sigma fraternity, was walk ing along Slxtoenth Btroot botwoon P and Q when a man stepped up in tho dark from behind a treo and struck tho student a blow bohlnd tho oar. Tho assault so stunnod and surprised Sherwood that ho was unablo to do fond himself. Before ho had recov ered tho assailant had searched him and made oft with his pockotbook. Is Reported to Police. Tho matter was reported to tho police However, tho darkness pre vented any Identification of tho man by Sherwood and no clue has boon found. Taking Into consideration tho fact that It was on tho same night that tho robbory occurred at tho Alpha Tau Omega houeo, It appears olthor that the local footpads consider tho fraternity people easy pickings or they were taking ample advantago of tho prlvllogo of April fool's day. BURTTALKSJOYJ.C.A. HE URGES COLLEGE 8TUDENT8 TO INTEREST THEM8ELVE8 IN SOCIAL 8ERVICE. At tho Tuosday Y. W. C. A. mooting Henry F. Burt, social Borvlce special ist, of tho Men and Religion Move ment, now associated with Dr. Gra ham Taylor, discussed different phases of child welfare. Mr. Burt told of his experiences In sottloment work, principally In Chicago, among tho for eign element, and spoko of tho now nttltude now taken toward tho child, it being treated as an offondant in tho courts, who needs correction rather than punishment. Mr. Burt urges collogo students to Interest themselves in social service of Borne kind, as it Ib his belief that if collego people do not got this spirit during collogo they never do got it. The mooting was led by Dr. Walker of tho department of botany. Miss Nolle Klrkwood sang. TO ENTERTAIN 80PHOMORE8. Silver Serpents Plan Reception for 8econd-Year Girls. Tho Silver Serpents, tho Junior girls' lntorsororlty organization, will enter tain all sophomore girls Saturday afternoon" Tho party will bo held in the faculty room of tho Temple from 3 to 5. Dancing and other stunts will have a place on tho pro gram. All sophomore girls are urged to attend. ft-