The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 03, 1912, Image 4
THE DAILt NEBEABKAN X BOOMING A NEBRASKA Elton Fulmor, Graduate of University In 1887, May Succeed Dr. Wiley. A full-Blzod boom 1b now on for tho appointment of Elton Fulmor, chomlflt of tho Btnto of Washington and gradu ate of NobraBka University, to tho ofllco made vacant by tho rocont resig nation of Dr. Wlloy as head of the United States bureau of chomlBtry. Mr. Fulmer graduated from tho Uni versity of Nebraska In 1887 with tho dogroe of bachelor of science. Ne braska alumni aro falling In behind tho boom of tholr follow-graduato in a moat loyal manner. Among thoBo back of Mr Fulmer 1b Chancellor Samuel Avory of tho State UnlvorBlty. who haB written a strong lottor of endorsement to President Taft. Tho appointment, although nom inally modo by Secretary WllBon. will undoubtedly bo made In actuality by tho president Mr. Fulmer graduated a year before the Chancellor did. and as an assist ant professor had tho lattor In one of hlB classes for a year. Mr. Fulmer Ib a brother of Chancellor Fulmer of Ne braska WeBlayan Unlvorslty. Other Influential Nebraska alumni are also working hard In tho interests of Mr. Fulmer. All of tho Nebraska delegation in congroBs has been ad vised in tho mattor and tholr support solicited. It has boon promised by all who havo beon heard from so far Heffley's Tailo s Suits $20 Up nth and n Nifty Styles Weber Sultorlum. 1100 O St. TO DISCUSS PENITENTIARY. Dr. M. A. Bullock May Oppose Graham Taylor's View. Dr. M. A. Bullock will speak at con vocation Thursday morning on some phase of tho Btato penitentiary ques tion. It has boon rumored that he would take a Btand in opposition to some of the statements made by Gra ham Taylor at Tuesday's convocation. Dr. Bullock, who Is paBtor of tho Vine Congressional church, Is also superin tendent of tho Nebraska Prison Association. Make your dates early with Hagen ilck'B Orchestra. Auto B-299. tf SIMMONS the PRINTER PRINTING ENGRAVING EVBOSt-lNG Auto. 3319. 317 South lath St. Wm ynrSteib, Chops aad Qmlek Serrioe Visit The New York Chop House Open Day and Night 1840 O Street The University of Chicago HONE STUNT 19th Yemr Correspondence Study Dept. ofleri 1W claw-room CQurw to non ret!tt tu dents One may thui do part work for a Bach elor" degree. Elementary course In many tub lectt, other lor Teacher. Writer. Accountant. Hanker, and those In different vocation He tin any time U. of C (Dir. Z) Chlc.BO. IU. 'Ji THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LAW SCHOOL Three-year course loading to dogroo of Doctor of Law (J. D.), which, by tho Quarter system, may bo completed in two and one-fourth calondar years. College education required for regular admission, ono year of law being counted toward college degree. Law , library of 36,000 volumes. The summer Quarter offers special opportunities to students, teachers, and practitioners. First term 1912, June 17-July 24 86cond term July 25-Aunust 30 Courses open In all departments of Uio University during tho Summer Quarter. FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES We Want Your Coal Orders. Give Us a Trial Order SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WHITEBREAST COMPANY II06 0 STREET AUTO 8228 BELL 284 NOW IS THE TIME For all True Students to RENEW THeir Subscriptions TWiT-gffj,ZLgwljM t lBB sIhbbbB THE NEW MODEL Think of every feature, you wish a typewriter to possess, then carefully examine the Model 5 L. C. Smith; you will find every feature there. More L. C. Smith typewriters used in the dif ferent departments of the University than all other makes combined. The result of carefully testing every machine manufactured. Don't rent a typewriter. Purchase one on easy terms. '"' Nebraska Typewriter Company DISTRIBUTERS 143 South 13th Street Auto B2080 Lincoln, Nebraska Bell 1299 DO YOU REALIZE THAT Those are the man that make this seer pesslble? The subscrlptien price Isn't a aires in the bucket. They help us; we must help them. fATKNIZE THE MEN ON THIS LI8T tj They Will Treat Yeu Right BANKS First Sarins Bank Central National Bank BAKERIES Foluom BARBER SHOPS Y. M. C. A. Barbor Shop. Chaplin Oreen's CLEANERS Ted Marrlnor. J. C. Wood Co. Weber CLOTHING Armstrong Clothing Co. Farquahar Maeoe tc. Deemer Mayer Bros. Palace Clothing Co. Speier & Simon COAL Whltebreaat CONFECTIONERY Lincoln Candy KlUtMM DENTISTS Dr. Orin Lamb : DOCTORS '" -,; Huklll & Preston. BRT GOODS ' ( Miller tc Paine Rudgo ft Ouenzel DRUGGISTS Meier Drug Co. . Rlggs FLORISTS C. H. Frey FURNISHINGS ' Armstrong Clothing Co. Budd Mageo & Deemer Mayer Bros. Palace Clothing Co. Spoler & Simon Rudge & Guenzel I HATTERS Armstrong Clothing Ce. ' Budd Magee tc Deemer Mayer BroB. Palace Clothing Cc Speier tc Simon Rudgo & Guenzel HOTELS Tho New Llndell. JEWELERS Ockor Engraving Co. Hallett Tucker LAUNDRIES Brans MUSIC Walt Hagenslck Thornburg Jones, Orchestra .JJnlvorslty School of Mania OPTICIAN Shean Hallett PRINTERS Boyd Printing Co. George Bros. Simmons Van Tine OraveB Prlntery RESTAURANTS U. of N. Cafeteria, Herpolsholmer Y. M. C. A. Spa SHOES Budd Byrne Shoo Co. Men's Bootory Mayer Bros. Miller St Paine SHOE REPAIRING Warthon'B. TAILORS Heffloy the Tallo. College Tailors. THEATER8 OllTer Orpheum TYPEWRITERS Nebraska Typewriter Bxok. .-- I 4 v-