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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1912)
r . i THE DAILY NIBBABKAN 111 i il i . - i -i fET ABOUT PEOPLE C. H. Froy,. orlBt, 1138 O 81 Ted Marrlnor, Cloanor and Hatter, 235 No. 11th. Y. M. C. A. barber shop opens at 7:30 a. m. Studont trado solicited. Best service. Havo Graves print it for you. 233 North Eleventh 8t. George Bros., expert printers, e Cravers and embossers, 13th and N. Thornburg's Orchestra delights dancers with popular hits. Auto B 2566. tf 8ee our new line of programs. Printing Co., 125 N. 12th. Boyd NO DATE 8ET FOR BANQUET. Inter-Fraternity Council Will 8ettlo Matter at Next Meeting. The date of the Pan-Hellenic ban quet, the big annual feed of the Qrook world, has not been, doflnitoly decided. The next meeting of the inter-fraternity council will tako up the matter and determine tho time. Last year the event took place the night before Ivy Day, and if the same custom Is followed this year, as is generally con jectured, it will put the banquet on the evening of April 21. The College Inn Barber Shop. Stu dent trade solicited. S. L. Chaplin ft Co. 127 N. 12th. FARKl PLAY FRIDAY NIGHT. wish to assure him of our sympathy for his loss; therefore, be It Resolvod, That we, he second-year elass of tho University of Nobraaka Colloge of Law, do horoby oxpross to our classmate our sympathy, and our owij sorrow that we cannot do more to help him. ANAN RAYMOND, JEAN B. CAIN. T. Q. THOMPSON. Committee. Pharmaceutical Meeting. Tho Pharmaceutical Society will meet at U 4 Friday, April 5, at 4:30 p. m. 80CIAL WORKER 8PEAK8. Graham Taylor Talks to Miss Eaves' Professional Class. Graham Taylor spoke before Miss Eaves' professional class in social work Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock on the definite opportunities open to both men and women In social settle ments, government service, play grounds, municipal work, and various socializing institutions. Thero wore several outsiders present at this meeting. Negro Paper on Exchange. It might bo of Interest to our read ers to know that wo havo on our ex change list "Tho Tuskegeo 8tudent," a paper entirely edited and managed by negroes. It comes out weekly dur lng the school year and bi-weekly dur ing the summer vacation; the sub scription prlqe Is 50 cents a year. "The College Chap" Will Be Presented at Temple. j The University Farm seniors will givo "The Colloge Chap" in tho Tem ple Friday evening. Tho cast has been practising for many "weeks under the leadership of Mildred Bevins and will undoubtedly make a creditable showing. A largo attendance from tho Farm is assured. Resolutions of Sympathy. Whereas, Our fellow-student, Ernest H. Hahno, has suffered a great sorrow in the death of his mother; Whereas, Wo, his friends and fellow students, roallzo how little wo can do for him in this hour of his grief, yet Accredited Nebraska High Schools. High School Inspector A. A. Rold has returned from tho meeting of the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, held at Chi cago, March 20 to 23. The following Nebraska high schools wore accred ited by tho association: Albion, Ash land, Auburn, Aurora, Beatrice, Blair, Croto, David City, Doano college acad emy. Falls City Fremont, Friend, Go nova, Grand Island, HastlngB, Hast ings collego academy, Havolock, He bron. Holdrogo, Kearney, Lincoln, Mc Cook, Nebraska City, Nebraska mili tary academy, Nebraska Wesleyan academy, Norfolk, North Platte, Omaha, Pawneo City, Plattsmouth, Schuyler, Seward, South Omaha, Su perior, teachorB' colloge high school, Tecumaoh, University Placo, Wahoo, York. A course in domestic Bclence will bo Installed in tho Grand Island public schools. F B. K. Keys re Here Now U. of N. Kings New U. of N. Bar Pins New U. of N. Spoons f j r I C7TTP UNIVERSITY il-YlLILl 1 1 JEWELER Established 1871 1143 0 Street UNI. JEWELER YOU CAN subsori be: AT THE "RAG" OFFICE r There's nothingin spring styles as popular as the English model. The cut above shows the Kuppenheimer adap tation of the idea. Unpadded shoulders, soft rolling lapels, high closing vest, narrow trous ers English in idea but American in prefection of tailoring. We've a full line of them -also everyting else in spring toga for young men. MAGEE & DEEMER 11090 Street rmti: tfJfflmwMSwJMM H till VfH F?jwlrn""llt7issH2N ntf) MSm isilBBSMfiBBKM 1 The moment you put on clothes made to your meas ure, you see the vast differ ence between merchant tailored and ready made. Our way" costs no more. Be sure to seo our line first College Tailors College View, Nebraska Phon -4-0 We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD REr FRESHMENTS in the city Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Fou tain Pens $1.00 Safety Razors Student's 3-Course Lunch I5fe tfehif cijiiora v Tj V .i fc,.' " v1l " t-J: Ar v':Ttvs ' Vs -j W "N . ."- JSi 4 - m