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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1912)
rt the'daily nebraskan 4 SJaile flebrasfcan Published by the Studont Publica tion Doard of tho Unlvorslty of Ne braska. EDITORIAL STAFF Editor SBARLE F. HOLMES Managing Editor. BARLE H. TAYLOR Assoclato Editor. FRED MoCONNBLL ABBodato Editor... -BURTON B. HILL BUSINESS 8TAFF Manager C. C. BUCHANAN Ass't Manager... JAME8 MORRISON Circulation Manager LEO BRBEN SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, 6 Centa Baoh. Telephone: Auto 1888. Night Phonet Auto 1888; Editor, Auto in.1K; Mananer. Auto 1821 . , --. d dinner last week. The essence of his toast was to tho offoct that the cngl neer should broaden his life 'While in col logo to such an extont that ho can proclaim himself a cultured man as well as a technical individual while praotlclng his profession. All students should rislt the "CoV lere Inn Barber Shop at 127 North 12th. 8 L. Chaplin, Prop. utp Entorod at thKToBTofnce at Llnooln, Nebraska, a" bccoikI-oIohb mall matter, undor tho Aot of CongroM of March 3, 1879. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1912. Hindoo Studont Magazine. "Tho Span of Life," a magazine with a subscription list of 1500 stu dontfl in tho United StatoB and India, is published by tho Hindoo students at tho University of Washington. It Is printed entirely In English, and Is undor tho direction of tho Hindoo students In tho American colleges. For your orchestra call O. L. Joses. Auto L-8606. LIVE QUE8TION8. Tho presort administration of tho Ndbraakan announced as Its policy tho athorlng and publishing of news; news to the exclusion of all olso. Tho carrying out of this policy has proven a problem which has demanded nil our onorgy and time; wo have done our best, which haB not boon anything startling, and have sought to carry to our readers Information which at loaBt carrleB with It a fresh atmoB phero At this time, when news 1b particu larly Bcarce, it might be well to men tion another aim which wo have al wayB bad In mind, but which we have not made much of This aim, which 1b Bharod by many other University Institutions, Is to Instil Into tho under graduates and alumni a doop regard for tho Bchool; a regard which will prompt them to portray, at every op portunity, tho advantages and flno fea tures of their Alma Mater. Tho "Rag." In its present capacity, moaning its sizo and circulation, can not bo favorably compared with the dallies of other institutions. In this far it cannot inspire the roaderB with much loyalty and enthusiasm. It can, however, accomplish some thing by bringing up for discussion "live" questions questions which con corn tho welfare' of tho University, and which should bo of interest to every student and alumnus If such an in terest can bo created through Its columns tho NobraBkan will consider that It has dono a largo part of Its duty to the school Dr. Orin Lamb DENTIST U. of II. Class of '11 B3740 208 Cantor Bldg. 12th O THE FIRST SAVINGS BANK 4 pir cut Merest - "p8" $100 Opons on Account With the first National Bank, Oof. 10th and O. CALENDAR. WALT Stands for the latest and best in Sheet Music 1215 O St. CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 12th al O Strt P. J. HALL. PniUnt . U. JOHNSON. VUs-PruUbat W. W. HACKNBY, JR.. Ant. Caafc. Friday, April 6. Union Literary Society. Palladlan Literary Society. Sigma Nu formal. Senior Play School of Agriculture Temple. Band hop. Frat Hall. Saturday, April 7. Tegner Society. Studont Debating Society. Sigma Nu banquet. Tegner banquet. Medical Society dance . Silver Serpent reception. Sigma Tau dance. Sigma Phi Epsllon llOUBO DO YOU INTEND TO STUDY MEDICINE? Rush Medical College In Affiliation with The University of Chicago Oilers a course ol tour ears leading to the degree ol M. D. Also a Mill hospital year. RBQUIREMRNTS FOR ADMISSION Two year of t'ollitirn work Advanced nnil Iluupiuch Courbos in all department Address Demi of thn Modiciil enurm-H The University of Chicago, Chicago CLASSIFIED COLUMN LOST I OST A pair of jfra gloves. Finder return to "Rag" oluco. 113-3t LOST On campus, Mooro'a non-leak-ablo fountain pen with gold trlm mlngB. Reward for return to No braBkan office. 114-Bt OC K E R ENGRAVING CO. DislfiiBg, , Eagmlig nd Eabottlig li 48 boors. noon 316 Browmll Hock' UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET YELLOW FRONT Ysur Pttrsmgi StllelM 44 99 Try a lunoh at tks Y. M. a A. Lmoh Room. OafsterU Pisa. Oily Y.MC.A. 15th and . U. of N. Y. M. C. A. CAFETERIA Meals at cost of materials and service UNIVERSITY TEMPLE HAVE EVANS Do Your Laundry y. yv. c a. Merchant Tailor Shop Suits Cleaned, Repaired and Pressed Shop in Basomont Y M. C. A. Bldg. Advice to Engineers. Dean Cooley of Michigan, well er membered by NebraBka studontB who heard him speak at the Cornhuskor banquet, spoke to tho sophomore en gineers of his school at their claBS Try Our Luncheonettes They are always the best We serve hot and oold drinks all winter long. LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN South Weit Cor. 14th O HERPOLSHEIMER'S GAFE L Dinaw UiSO to liSO Tfi r SvppM f i30 to 7i30 Also Oafeterlan Style AT THE THEATRES Oliver Theatre Tonight at 8 P. M. E. H. 80THERN and julia Marlowe -In "ROMEO and JULIET' Gallery 75e. On sale at Gallery Entrance 7:30 Wed. evening. Sat. Mat. A Night, April 4. THE HEART BREAKER8 With George Damerel. LINCOLN MA"t$8FA?tt)M'm ORPHEUM Bell 030 Aato 1538 ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Week Com. Mon. Night, April 1st HUGH HERBE8T & COMPNY Miss Norton and Paul Nicholson Carl Henry and Nellie Francis BOUDINI BROTHER8 JUGGLING BURKES Will Roehm's Athletic Girls BERT JORDON PRICE8 Matinee, 15c and 25c Nights, 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c WARTHON'S Original, Electric, Shoe Repair Factory Always reliable and up to the minute 142 North 12th Street (pRIHTIIw) flPSeo us for your M next job of printing. Personal supervision' enables us to make each job please. 128 N. 14 St Capital Tailoring & Clothes Co. Suits cleaned and pressed by the month $1.50. High Class Tailoring Auto LI8338 ll-4-O O St. Weekly shipments of tho best there is in ohocolutes. Huylor'a lAhltman'e Lowney's lia-rttl'a California violets fresh every day. Meier Drug Co. 13th and O Low Tans For Men in the New Arab Toe, Better see 'em 1415 $3.50 ost. Friday Band Ho -Fraternity Hall April 5 Jones' Orchestra $1.25 Subscribe for the "Rag" I -