The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 02, 1912, Image 3

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C. H. Frey, florist, 1133 O fit
Dr. Orr, district chief of the Phi Rho
Sigma fraternity, visited the Iowa
chapter of the organization last wook.
Tod Marrlner, Cleaner and Hatter,
235 No. 11th.
Y. M. C. A barber shop opens at
7:30 a. m. Student trade solicited.
Best servlco.
Lloyd Smith, ox. '12, is in the city
today and is Btaylng at tho Phi Psl
Guy Reed, after having been forced
to remain at his homo for a week on
account of mumps, will bo in school
today or tomorrow to continue his
studies In the law school Ho will
also resume his work of coaching the
track team.
Have Graves print It for you. 233
North Eleventh St.
George Bros., expert printers, en
gravers and embossers, 13th and N.
Jack Temple, ex-' 12, was In Lincoln
Friday and Saturday to attend the
party and annual banquet of Phi
Kappa Psi. Jack has embarked In
the banking business at Lexington,
Thornburg's Orchestra
dancers with popular hits.
Auto B-
Prof Sarka Hrbkova returned from
Clarkson, Neb., where she delivered
an address in the Bohemian language
on "Komonsky: His Significance In
Education " This Is tho third address
Miss Hrbkova has given In ClarkBon.
rr.uslc in 1911 and is a membor of tho
Delta Gamma sorority.
8ee our new line of programs. Boyd
Printing Co., 125 N. 12th.
Reporters Wanted.
' To fill the vacancy on tho roporto
rlal staff tho "Rag" needs a reporter
who is familiar with tho Botany and
Geology departments, and who can
take the time and onorgy to got ovory
bit of news that theso departments
offer. Tho opportunity for news from
this sourco Ib one worth consideration.
In fact, one which cannot well be over
looked. Applicants are asked to cal) at the
"Rag" office any afternoon between
3:30 ahd 5 o'clock.
Crews Meet Difficulties.
Crews at tho different universities
are being badly dolayed this spring
bj tho weather conditions. During
the two weeks that it has been pos
sible for tho Syracuse mon to take to
the water at all, ice has been encoun
tered which made tho longest free
path about a half mile long Under
these conditions the men will have
difficulty In getting into -proper form.
Pennsylvania has been tho most for
tunate and has had more chance to
get Its men out.
Make your datea early with Hagen
sIck'B Orchestra. Auto B-2990. tl
Y. W. C. A. to Hear Burt.
Henry F Burt, associated with Gra
ham Taylor In social service work for
the "Men and Religion Forward Move
ment," will spoak Tuesday afternoon
at r o'clock in the Y. W. C. A. rooms
Mr Hurt is In charge of tho Peabody
settlement In Minneapolis, and Is in
terested in various social movements
Miss Nell Kirkwood will sing at this
Weber Sultorium. 1100 O St.
The engagement of Miss Mattio
Woodworth and Leslie Allan HIggins
was announced at tho Alpha Omicron
Pi banquet Saturday night. Tho an
nouncement cards were attached with"
ribbons to red candy hearts, which
were served with the last course. Mr.
Higglns graduated from Nebraska in
1907 and 1b a membor of Alpha Thota
Chi. Miss Woodworth belonged to
tho claBB of 1909.
Alumni Miss Several Numbers as Re
sult of Blockaded Train.
Th marriage of Miss Camille Hall
and Ellery Davis has boon announced.
Miss Hall graduated from Nebraska In
1907 and 1b a membor of Kappa Alpha
Theta. Mr. Davis 1b the eldeBt Bon of
Dean and Mrs. Ellery W. Davis. He
graduated from tho University In 1907
and from Columbia school of agri
culture In 1909 Mr and Mrs. Davis
will roBide In Lincoln.
Tho marriage of MIbb Elsie Moore
of Seward and George Evans of Beaver
Crossing haa been announced. MIbs
Moore graduated from tho school of
Several former Nebraska students
met heartrending delays on account
of tho floods Friday. A number of
alumni from Omaha wero coming
down for one of the formal parties on
the 6 o'clock train.
An Ice gorge had formed above tho
bridge at ABhland and tho engineer
was afraid to run tho train across until
it had broken. This took some two
hourB and a half.
In the inoantlmo tho young men
wore getting anxIouB They attempt
ed to telegraph to tho young women
In Lincoln. The hard-hearted ticket
agent refused to send any message
except ono relating to tho railroad
company's business.
The train finally pulled Into Lincoln
about 9 p. m., and tho alumni started
an undignified footrace to the Lincoln
Clothes for College Men
IF you get that new Spring Suit
at the New Young Men's Store you
know it is new and correct.
New Location
1234 O.
There's nothing in spring
styles as popular as the
English model.
The cut above shows
the Kuppenheimer adap
tation of the idea.
Unpadded shoulders,
soft rolling lapels, high
closing vest, narrow trous
ers English in idea but
American in prefection of
We've a full line of
them also everyting else
in spring togs for young
1109O Street
The moment you put on
clothes made to your meas
ure, you see the vast differ
ence between merchant
tailored and ready made.
Our way costs no more.
Be sure to see our line first.
College Tailors
College View, Nebraska
Phon -40
We serve the purest and
best HOT and COLD RE
FRESHMENTS in the city
Huylers Chocolates
$1.00 Foutain Pens
$1.00 Safety Razors
Student's 3-Course Lunch 15c