THE DAILY NEBRASKAN H)aile Bebtashan PubllBhod by tho Studont Publica tion Board of tho Unlvoralty of Ne braska. EDITORIAL 8TAFF Editor 8EARLE F. HOLMES Managing Editor. EARLE H. TAYLOR ABBodato Editor. FRED McCONNELL AsBocloto Editor... DURTON S. HILL BU8INE88 8TAFF Manager C. C. BUCHANAN ABB't Manager... JAME8 MORRISON Circulation Manager LEO BREBN SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, 0 Cent Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. Night Phones Auto 1888; Editor, Auto 1035; Manager, Auto 1821. Entered at tho poatodlco at Lincoln, Nebranka, as Becond-claaa mall mattor. unrtor tho Act of Congrosa of March 3, 1870. work and tho length of tho struggle for tho men result In much needless hard fcoling between tho varlouB fra ternities? TIiub the quoBtion presents Itself; thoro are many additional arguments on both sides which will boar Investi gation. Wo stand open to suggestions, In the way of editorials, on this bud-Ject. All students should visit the "Col lego Inn Barber Shop at 127 North 12th. S L. Chaplin, Prop. TUESDAY, APRIL 1912 ONE YEAR OR ONE WEEK7 THE ORNAMENTAL FOUNTAIN. Now that spring haB Blgnlfled her firm intention of remaining until she is superceded by Bummer, It might not bo out of tho way to turn on the drinking fountain. Tho EngllBh Bpar rowB need baths. served for threo years as a Union sol dier, and during that time ho mot with all tho hardships of army lifo. Not withstanding this, ho was ablo to koop a dally record of his experiences, and it 1b from this diary that ho based his talk to tho regiment. CLASSIFIED COLUMN L08T I OST A pair of gray gloves, return to "Rag' offlcn. Finder iu;n LOST On campuB, Mooro'B non-leak-ablo fountain pen with gold trim mings. Reward for return to No braskan office. 114-5t For your orchestra call O. L. Jones. Auto L-8606. NEBRASKA FARM NOTES. CharleB HayoB. '15, spent Sunday at IiIb homo In Omaha. Tho Sophomoro pledging rulo wIiobo proposal has caused bo much (IIbcub nlnii among tho local Greeks. 1b a question which Is worthy of some con sideration. ThlH syBtem 1b now in effect in many universities, but Is, as yet, bo young that Its success or fail ure cannot be determined. It 1b argued that a year's oxperlenco in tho University aa a non-fraternity man will enablo tho now studont to accuBtom himself to tho nocesBltiefl and now experiences of collego life. He 1b not greeted upon hiB entranco to the University by a round of Bmokers, dancosX and promiscuous handshakings, which tond to give him the wrong impression of tho purpose of an education Furthermore, his flrBt week of school can bo dovotod to tho initial application to his Btudles, which la bo eBBentlal; liia mind Is not in tho continual state of excitement whichis the -reBulL-iif- iuniiocUirlng and Indecision as to "what to do." A year's time to decldo would, in a great many Instances, avoid the mlB lakoB in choico of a fraternity which aro under tho present rushing system qulto frequent. A freshman, usually lacking In mature judgmont, and very apt to bo Influenced by "white col larB" and a social reputation, rannot safely choose his friends after bIx days' acquaintance Nor, for that matter, nolthor can a fraternity, compoBod of from flftoon to twenty men Tho freshman who 1b strenuously "rushed" by a Bovoral fraternities can have, at beBt, two or throo dates with each organization Can hls'hoBts, In that short time, de cldo whether or not they wIbIi to bo his constant companions for four years9 Can they tell whother ho la a follow who "has tho goods on him," or whether ho has come to school for tho express purpose of "making a fra ternity?" These constitute the main arguments In favor of tho now plan. On tho other hand, tho financial status of tho fraternities presents a serious prob lem, even under tho present aystom, and tho pledging or initiating of now men who support tho houao fund and tho table, often forestalls Indebtedness A fraternity returning In the fall with eight or a dozon men, part of whom live In Lincoln, faces a Berlous propo sition. There also arlaoa tho quoatlon, Would not a groat many desirable men be MIbb Efllo Oravort, '15, fcpent Sun day at her home in Omaha. H. E. Abbott. '14, spent Sunday with hiB parentB, near Tecumseh, Neb. (Joorgo Petring, '11, spent Sunday with hiB sister, Miss Kathrlno Petring, at H. E hall. UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET YELLOW FRONT Your Patrenagi Saddled Dr L. P Sturdevant will address tho boys of the School of Agriculture at convocation this morning. Claude Nlder, who has been absent from Hchool for some timo on account of sicknesB, came back to school again today. Henry Rueter and Henry Stubbe. both Bophomores at tho Farm, Bpont Sunday. March 31, with Mr. Rueter's father, near Wabash, Neb. The first regiment of tho School of Agxlculturecivd.ota had thelrjlrst bat talion drill on tho campus yeBtenTay. The carnival given by tho Y. W. C A. glrla Saturday night wna a bucccsb In every way The Benlor8 had a pho tograph studio, tho Junlora Imperson ated tho faculty, the Bophomores had a gypsy fortuno-teller in one booth slide in a aido room. The freBhmon elide in a aido room. Tho freshman had a menagerlo, the Ceres Club sold candy and the Y. M ('. A. had a bpo clal booth Ice cream was also Bold by the Y. W. C A. glrlB. During tho evening a musical program was ren dered Fifty dollarB was cloarod and this money will bo UBed to help send delegates to CaBcado, Colo , to the Y W. C A. Bummer conference 44 ff Try a lunch at tba Y. M. a . Lanoh Room. (Materia PUa. City Y.M.C.JL 13th ant P. U. of N. . M. C. A. CAFETERIA Meals at cost of materlalsand service UNIVERSITY TEMPLE The College Inn Barber Shop. Stu dent trade solicited. S. L. Chaplin & Co. 127 N. 12th. HAVE IN Do Your Laundry Y. VY. C A.. Merchant Tailor Shop Suite Cleaned, Ropairod and Prossod Shop in Basomont Y. M. C. A. Bldg. AT THE THEATRES Oliver Theatre Wed. at 8 P. M. Promptly, Apr. 3. E. H. 80THERN and JULIA MARLOWE In "ROMEO and JULIET' Gallery 75c. On sale at Gallery Entrance 7:30 Wed. evening. 8at. Mat. &. Night., April 4. THE HEART BREAKER8 With George Oamerel. LINCOLN MABBvi!AK?r)',J' ORPHEUM 2;,.,.9&. ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Week Com. Mon. Night, April 1st HUGH HERBE8T & COMPNY Miss Norton and Paul Nicholson Carl Henry and Nellie Francis BOUDINI BROTHERS JUGGLING BURKES Will Roehm's Athletic Girls BERT JORDON PRICE8 Matinee, 15c and 25c Nights, 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c WARTHON'S Original, Electric, Shoe Repair Factory Always reliable and up to the minute 142 North 12th Street Is Appointed Bacteriologist. Samuel Cooperamith, M. A. 1912, haa received an appointment aa bacterlolo gist in tho Bureau of Chemistry at Washington. Ho has boon a fellow In the Zoology department of Nebras ka Unlvoralty for tho paat two yoara, and is an A. B. graduate of tho Uni versity of North Carolina. He expectB to go to Washington in a couplo of days. Tells of Civil War. Profeaaor Barber gave tho cadet 'splkod" long beforo tho expiration of regiment an lntoreBtlng talk laat night the achool year? Would not secret on his Civil War experiences. Ho iii i- - .. . -- , Easter Hats, $2.50 HERPOLSHEIMER'S CAFE Dinner JliJO to JiJQ 'Iff Sufpt fi30 t 7.30 IdC Also Cafsterlan Style (RIHTIHa)! flPSee us for your lf next job of printing. Personal Bupervison enables ub to make each job please. 128 N. 14 St Capital Tailoring &Clo Co. Suit cleaned and pressed by the month $1.50. High Class Tailoring Auto L 8ja8 1I-4C5 O St. Weekly shipments of tho best there is in chocolates. Huylor'e Uhltman's LOUney'S llerttl'as California violets fresh every day. Meier DrugCo, I3th and O Cheer Up Most of Our Troubles are Imaginary. If Your Eyes Need Attention Oat 11 at HUKILL & PRESTON, Burlington Block, 13 and O Ste. J. C. WOOD and CO. Tha t Is Always the Cheapest 1822 N St Auto 1292 Ball 147 0LEAKERS mi DYERS -A EST y- BUDD Why Pay More Subscribe for the "Rag" 'S 1415 0