THE DAILY NEBRASKAN fiCtllV lU UUlOKall IUr will bo gladly rccolved and seriously considered. Published by the Studont Publico- Hon Board of tho University of No- If the weathor continues in Its pres brnska. ent calm and placid strain wo may havo to coasd publication becauso of tho resulting dearth of subject mat- EDITORIAL 8TAFF Editor SBAIILE F. HOLMES t0r, Managing Editor. EARLE H. TAYLOR Assoclato Editor. FRED McCONNELL For your orchestra-call O. L. Jones, Associate Editor. . .BURTON S. HILL Auto L-8605. f I : i BU8INE88 8TAFF Manager C. C. BUCHANAN Ass't Managor... JAMES MORRISON Circulation Managor LEO BREEN SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, S Cents Each: Telephone: Auto 1888. Nloht Phones Auto 1888; Editor, Auto 1035; Manager, Auto 1821. Twenty-five Cents Only. RIFLE CLUB TO BANQUET. Cup Will Be Awarded to Man Making High General Average. Entered at ttyo poBtofUco at Lincoln, NebruHlca, as BBcond-claaB mall matter, under tho Aot of Congress of March 3, 1870. THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1912 ROUNDING OFF THE CORNERS. It Is generally conceded that tho buBlnoBS of a university or college is to round off the "rough corners" of a follow'B character, mental and phys ical. Tho inodorn conception of thiB process has como to lose Bight of tho mental polishing, and to lay undue omphuBlB upon tho production of "smooth lookB." Tho pupil who dls playB a ready tendency to adopt tho "English" BUlt, tho cloth hat, and tho "tailor made" 1b genorally acknowl edged to have mudo a marked ad vance. His companion who doggedly porslstB in parting hla hair in the middle, and turning down tho brim of his hat in front 1b deslgnatod as one, whom tho roilnlng influences of col logo havo not affected. A snw)th outward appearance 1b no doubt a distinct advantage, and one which should como with tho associa tions of collogo life, especially in a co-oducational Institution. In accom plishing thlB end, howovor, tho col logo 1b apparently approaching a Berl ouii difficulty, for tho material la an nually becoming moro "outwardly re fined and Bmooth looking." If this tendency continuos tho college will soon find itself robbed of its mission, for tho present day high school gradu ato can wear an English suit with tho Bamo nonchalance as doeB tho college sophomore. Should not tho emphasis bo Bhifted from tho smoothing process to the mental rounding off. As Abo Martin haa wisely remarked, "Every folia has a ago when ho wants to havo his pic turo takon with his fiat on." It 1b apparently at this age that tho fresh man reaches tho refining influences of the University, whore ho 1b pleased to discover that hlB superiors havo mado little or no advanco in tho mat tor of "smooth looks." A littlo dlaaUualonlzlng along this lino might do no harm. ALUMNI INTEREST. Tho Interest which waB displayed In tho article written by Horace B. EngllBh only goes to prove that alumni articles are of groat valuo to tho paper. Accordingly wo urge all alumni who tako tho paper either to wrlto some thing of their own experiences or to porsuado thoso who do not subscribe to contribute. Any suggestions which you can A banquet will bo hold by momborB of tho Pershing Rifle Club at the Lin coln hotel at 0:00 o'clock Friday night. All of tho members of tho club, about twenty-live, havo boon asked to bo proBent. At this time the cup awarded to thb mon making tho highest general score In the intercollegiate shootB this year will bo proBonted Tho name of tho winner has not been divulged and will not bo genorally known until tho presentation. PIANO RECITAL AT CONVOCATION Miss Edith Burllnglm Will Play at Temple This Morning. Miss Edith Burllnglm will give a piano recital at convocation this morning, which ia to bo held In tho Temple theatre. The recital will con sist of tho following numbers: Prelude. E minor MondelsBohn Gtfvotto Gluck-Brahnis Tho Ealo MacUowell Improvisation MacDowell Tho Lark Glinka-Balaklrew Rhapsody, No. 12 Liszt All students Bhould visit tho "Col lego Inn Barber 8hop at 127 North 12th. S L. Chaplin, Prop. Track Men Attention. All candidates for the track team are requested to moot on tho main floor in tho Gym, Thursday, at 11:00 o'clock. COACH STEIHM. CALENDAR. Thursday, March 28. Pershing Rifles. Friday, March 29. Union. Palladian. , Botanical Seminar. Annual Gymnastic Exhibition. Armory-Alpha Omicron Pi formal party. Pill Kappa Psl party. Tomplo. Dolta Tau Delta banquet. Delta Chi Iioubo party. Saturday, March 30. Agricultural Club. Students' Dobating Club. Alpha Chi Omega formal. Senior Masquerade, Music Templo. Phi Kappa PbI annual banquot. Komenaky Club meeting. Delta Tau Delta house party. Kearney Club. Tomplo. Hall, Last 8enlor 8oclal Function. WALT Stands for the latest and best in Sheet Music 121r3 0 St CLUETT SHIRTS $1.50 Collars to Match OODLES 13 U d d OF TIES, 50 Cents, KNITTED, 25 Cents THE NEW MODEL Think of every feature you wish a typewriter to possess, then carefully examine the Model 5 L. C. Smith; you will find every feature there. More L. C. Smith typewriters used in the dif ferent departments of the University than all other makes combined. The result of carefully testing every machine manufactured. Don't rent a typewriter. Purchase one on easy terms. Nebraska Typewriter Company DISTRIBUTERS 143 South 13th Stroet Lincoln, Nebraska Auto B2080 Boll 1299 uii New Lindell Hotel J 3 AND M STREETS LINCOLN European Plan Rates from $ 1 .00 Up Popular Price Cafe SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN BANQUETS J. C VENABLE M anager OUR CAFE IS OPEN After All Dances and Parties We "cater" to student trade and can serve you and your lady to all kinds of Club Sandwiches,, Salads, Oysters any style, Ice Cream and Sherbets Fountain in Connection with Cafe THE FOLSOM CAFE 1325-31 N St. Subscribe for the "Rag"