THE DILY NEBRA8KAN r. ALUMNI CALLED TO HELP GET BIGGER UNIVERSITY LANCA8TER COUNTY GRADUATE8 ORANIZE A880CIATION FLING OUTLINE8 NEED8. Alumni of tho University of Ne braska mot in tho UnlverBlty cafe teria, Monday evening, for a banquet and to form an alumni association. About sixty former students of the school were present. Tho organiza tion is to bo known as tho Lancaster County Alumni Association. Tho principal addresa of the even ing was made by Prof. F. M. Fling, who talked on the needs of tho Uni versity. Professor Fling stated that there were only two buildings on the campus, tho physical and engineer ing laboratories, which were modern and had not been outgrown by tho departments they occupied. Tho hall occupied by the botanical department has been condemned for two yearB as unsafe, the old University hall in the center of the campus is not good for more than a few years, the library has been doublestacked and is now nearly filled to roplotion. Tho speaker declared that if the alumni of the University took the matter in hand they could secure a change in University conditions. Higher salaries, more ground for tho campus, a group of buildings cost ing in tho neighborhood of a million and a half dollars to be built in the next ten years, and a raise In profes sional salaries and appropriations for departments so as to put tho teaching force on a piano with other state in stitutions In tho west, were the changes which Professor Fling de clared to be Imperative. Chancellor Avery acted as toast master. Among the others to speak were N. Z. Qnell, Mrs. Paul Clark, O. W. Mlor, S. P. Dobbs, Tom L. Hall, F. E. Edgerton, Miss Alice Ensign, A. A. Reed, Frank E. Bishop aQd G W. Klino. L. C. OberlloB was elected president of tho association, with Lawrence FoBsler vice president and G. W. Kline, secretary and treasurer." ABOUT PEOPLE C. H. Frey. florist, 1133 O St. tf v Ted Marrlner, Cleaner and Hatter, 235 No. 11th. Have GraveB print It for you. 233 North Eleventh St. Louis Weaver, ex. 13, Is visiting at tho Delta Upsllon house. George Bros., expert printers, en gravers and embossers, 13th and N. Thornburg's Orchestra delights dancers with popular hits. Auto B 25Bf tf Student trade solicited at the Y. M. C. A. Barber Shop, south end of base ment. All halr-cutB 25 cents. Watch Unland's window for tho Big Saturday Hat Sale in the spring styles. Stetson, Schoblo, Gordon and Mallory makes. Whltebreast Co. 1142 O St. 106-3 Make your dates early with Hagen alck's Orchestra. Auto B-2990. tf See our new line of programs. Boyd Printing Co., 125 N. 12th. ts&u TL'bW. Right in your Pocket book, that's where our clothes argument willstrike you. It' 8 not what you pay for clothes that counts, but what you get for what you pay. In our L SYSTEMS for spring, you get splendid fabrics and beautifully tail ored garments that are de signed for you. They have ginger and pep" without any sacri fice of good taste they have the exclusiveneas of style that college men re quire $20 to $30. YIAGEE & DEEMER Lincoln Aurora Red Oak Weber Sultorlum. 1100 O 8t. "Jerry" Smith Returns. Monday "Jerry" Smith, '88. visited his Alma Mater. He passed through Lincoln a short time ago, but It waB not until Monday that he had a chance to vlBlt the University since he graduated In '88. While here he vis ited and was entertained by the bot any -department Ilia visit waa to have b'eon much more extended, but ho was dotaUied in New, York by busi ness, matters, and leaves here today for San Francisco, where ho takes ship for the Hawaiian Islands. For your orchestra call O. L. JoneB. Auto L-8605. FARM NOTES. Tho Farm Y. M. C A. now numbors 107 members the high mark of tho year. Now offlcerB for next year are: E. J. Mattock, president; ('. A. Mur ray, vice president; W. G. Rice, sec retary; H. R. Day, treasurer. V. E. McClean, a freshman, left for hla home in Fremont last week. Senator E. P. Brown spoke at con vocation Tuesday morning. HIb sub ject was "The Theoretical and tho Practical Man." CLASSIFIED COLUMN L08T junch of keyB. Ownor s name on tho key ring. Return to this office. 108-3t Y. 7V. C A. Merchant Tailor Shop Suits Cloanod, Ropairod and Prossod Shop in Basomont Y. M. C. A. Bldg. AT THE THEATRES O C K. E R ENGRAVING GO. Outgoing, EogriTlif tod Embossing In 48 hours. Room 316 Browned Block Oliver Theatre THUR. MAT. A NIGHT, MAR. 28 The Comedy With Specialties "CASEY JONES" Mat., 25 & 10c. Night, 60 to 15c Frl., 8at. & 8at. Mat, Mar. 29-30 THE ABORN OPERA CO. THE BOHEMIAN GIRL Night $1.50 to 50c. Mat. $1.00 to 50c HAVE EVANS Do Your Laundry U. of N. Y. M. C. A. CAFETERIA Meals at cost of materials and service UNIVERSITY TEMPLE ff Try a lunch at tka Y. M. O. A.. Lunch Room. Cafeteria Plan. City Y.M.C.X. 13Ui aid . HERPOLSHEIMER'S CAFE Dloacf Ui30 to )i30 IE Sxspftt 5i30 U 730 Z3C Also Cafatarlan Style LINCOLN MATBvBBXT8p0roy)a,' ORPHEUM nn 030 Anto 1038 ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Week Com. Monday Night, Mar. 25 LITTLE LORD ROBERT THE FIVE 8ULLY8 MAX HART'8 SIX 8TEPPER8 BROWN "fc, NEWMAN A. O. DUNCAN THE PARR0FF8 JETTER AND ROGERS- PRICES Matinee, 15o and 2So Nights, 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c WAR THON'S Original, Electric, Shoe Repair Factory Always reliable and up to the minute 142 North 12th Street M Weekly shipments of the best there is in chocolates. Huyler'B Whitman's Lowney'a ii(xrtti' California violets fresh every day. Meier Drug Co. I3th and O Dr. Orin Lamb DENTIST V. ofM. Glut of '11 B3740 208 Canter Bldg. I2tk O (MIOTma) JTSee ub for your I next job of printing. Personal supervison enables us to make each job please. 128 N. 14 St Work on tho new plant industry building will commence just aB soon as tho weather permits. Dean Eugene Davenport, dean of the College of Agriculture of the Uni versity of Illinois, will speak at com mencement. Mr. Davenport 1b the author of several agricultural books and is known as a national authority on agricultural subjects. GET YOUR- PHI BETA KUPA KEY $3.50to $8.00eit Eslibllthed 1871 WW f W Wnnnn UNIVERSITY 1143 0 Street jTl "iL 1 I f JEL- 1 I JEWELER fcitL. aVu I fe-L The moment you put on clothes made to your meas ure, you see the vast differ ence between merchant tailored and ready made. Our way costs no more. Be sure to seo our line first College Tailors College View, Nebraska Phon -4-0 We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD RE FRESHMENTS in the city Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Foutain Pens $1.00 Safety Razors Student's 3-Course Lunch ,15c 7&hif n u .aaHa m cuHJvima ifiii'i'iiaaini i ii ii .- " -h, v:, ;?. r ?'"'J:. , t 'xf-.-t, , :.,