THE DAILY NEBBABKAN ir 4 GERMAN COMEDY PRESENTED HUMOROUS ONE-ACT. PLAY 18 GIVEN BY MEMBERS OF CCHAU8PIELER. An unusually largo numbor of Gor man studonts Wodnosday ovonlng availed thomsolvoB of tho opportunity to hoar Bomo gonulno "Dutch" gossip, tho hall and hoarty sort of gossip v(hich is bo charactorlBtlc of the Ger mans. Tho attraction offered was a ono-act comedy, entitled "Dor Kaf feoklatach." In it three women had engagements to tako dinner with Frau Muollor. On arrival thoy immediately plunged into a lively discussion of tho latoBt nows, and tho climax was reached when two of tho women fainted. Tho cast follows: Frau Muollor, Ella Morrison; Frau Schulze, Ruth Roinhardt; Frau Ioh mann, Lucy Hart; Frau Mutiker, Mar Jorio Denton. "Minna von Barnhelm" will bo pre sented April 19. Work on thiB, the big German dramatic ovont of the year, is well under way and is rapidly approaching the desired state of per fection. General rehearsals aro being hold two evenlngB a week and sopar ato scenes at various hours through out tho wook. ABOUT PEOPLE During tho spring recess Dean Davis will read a paper boforo a meeting of deans at tho University of Minnesota and will attend tho moot ing of tho North Central association at Chicago. C. H. Froy, floriBt, 1133 O 8t. tf Tho English club will meet with MIbs Crawford at tho home of Dr. BesBoy, 1507 R St., Sat. March 16. Ted Marrlnor; Cleaner and Hatter, 235 No. 11th. George Bros., export printers, en gravers and embossers, 13th and N. Watch Unland's window for tho Big Saturday Hat Salo in tho spring styles. Stetson, Schoblo, Gordon and Mallory makes. Whltobreast Co. 1142 O SM 106-3 You're mad as a March hare if you fail to examine our spring suits before buying. Kensingtons suits that the best merchant tailors couldn't begin to equal at the price $25 to $40. Then to meet the need of high grade clothes at slightly lower prices, we have Kuppenheimer8 at $20 to $35. And for the college man, L Systems full of life and ginger $20 to $30. Come and see our splendid showing of spring models. MAGEE & DEEMER CLASSIFIED COLUMN LOST LOST Alpha Thota Chi pin; namo on back. Roturn to "Rag" ofTlco. LOST An Alpha Omlcron PI pin. Loavo at tho "Rag" office for re ward. 102-2t LOST In U. hall, a Waterman Ideal fountain pon. Roturn to "Rag" ofllco. 103-3 L08T Gray Fownet kid glove, Mon day. Please return to "Rag" office. 104-lt LOST Either in U. hall or on campus, a copy of tho Spanish book "El Capi tan Voneno." Roturn to "Rag" ofllco. Reward. 105-3t Lincoln Aurora Red Oak vont the copying of tho army uniform by organizations, and although Ne braska has no law prohibiting it, tho University has always been In favor of the protective movement To bo sure, tho color 1b the samo, but bandB of tho school colors rod on tho campuB, green at tho Farm have boon placed on tho caps, shoulder straps and sleeves, so that tho uni forms aro distinctive and should not bo mistaken for tho regulation uniform. Have GraveB print it for you. 233 North Eleventh St. Thornburg's Orchestra dolIghtB dancers with popular hits Auto B 255G. tf Boyd Printing Co. Is at 125 North 12th Btreot. 103- 3iJ Student trade solicited at the Y. M. C. A. Barbor Shop, south end of base ment. All hair-cuts 25 cents. WILL NOT LOSE UNIFORMS. Cadets Do Not Wear Regulation Army Garb, Anyway. Captain Yates says that there is no danger of tho cadets bolng forced to stop wearing tho regulation army uni form, becauBo thoy do not, and novor have worn tho rogulatlon army uni form. Ambiguous as this may soem, it 1b novortholoBB " true, for tho uni form worn by the cadets is especially marked so that it will not bo mis taken for a regulation uniform. Movements aro being mado to pro- Make your dates early with Hagen sick's OrcheBtra. Auto B-2990. tf No "M's" at Minnesota. The University of Minnesota has ro fusod to grant "M'b" to tho members of tho football team because of dam ages done to tho Northwestern train which took them to tho Wisconsin game. Tho railroad company has submitted a bill for damagos amount ing to $48 and tho letters will not bo granted until someone admits his guilt and tho debt Is paid. Uniforms Necessary at Hop. Purdue is to have a military hop at which only cadets in uniform will be admitted. Weber Suitorium. 1100 O St. ATTEND Chas. W. Fleming's Auction Sale 2:30 P. M. 7:3QP.M. Dhas.W. Fleming, 1311 0 St. Jiweler and Diamond Mtrchanl T I f))l Sick, nervous hoadaohe from eye-strain causes general mm depression of spirits. It is amaing what a person can be mado to suffer because of defective vision. Correctly fitted glasses will afford relief in the majority of cases. Established 1871 f f n I v rrr'-r REGISTERED 1143 0 Street KM. ""V 1 1 W2j I I 0PT0METRI8T FOUND FOUND A fountain pen. Identify it at tho "Rag" ofllco 104-lt HAVE IN Do Your Laundry U. of N. Y. M. C. A. CAFETERIA Meals at cost of materialsand service UNIVERSITY TEMPLE Try a lunch at th Y. M. a A. Lanch Room. Cafeteria Plaa. City Y.M.C.A. 13th an . HERPOLSHEIMER'S CAFE Dlnae Ui30 to li30 '1C Stfpjwt fi30 to 7i30 Jl Also Cafeterlan Stylo Weekly shipments of tho best thoro is in chocolate. Leonard Clark Huyler'e 1A hit mean's Lowney's AiiAftrettr California violota fresh every day. Meier Drug Co, I3th and O AT THE THEATRES Oliver Theatre WED. MAT. & NIQHT, MAR. 20 The Great Musical Comedy 8uccea "THREE TWINS" Qeo. Ebner, Gertrude Hutchinson and Company of 62 THUR8DAY NIGHT, MARCH 21 MARGARET ANGLIN In "Green Stockings." LINCOLN MATTvEoXpirny) BVBNINQB AT 8jo ORPHEUM 7?a0aB ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Week Com. Mon. Nlflht, Mar. 11th REYN0LD8 AND DONEGAN RAY 8AMUEL8 8CHENCK & VAN BOYLE &. BRAZIL 8IX BRACK8 WIN8CH & POORE MARLO-ALDO TRIO PRICES Matinee, 15c and 28c Nights, 15c, 25c, 35c and 60c Dr. Orin Lamb DENTIST I), of If. Clan at '11 B3740 208 Ganter Bldg. 12th O WARTHON'S Original, Electric, Shoe Repair Factory Always reliable and up to the minute 142 North 12th Street RHTW0) I T ML w II UKOLH-MHR. TTSee us for your f next job of printing. Personal supervison enables us to make each job please. 128 N. 14 St 53" The moment you put on clothes made to your meas ure, you see the vast differ ence between merchant tailored and ready made. Our way costs no more. Be sure to see our line first. College Tailors College View, Nebraska Phone 48 We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD RE FRESHMENTS in the city Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Foutain Pens -$1.00 Safety Razors Student's 3-Course Lunch 15c ejhMh ctllo 1 &j?t0T;iriM'-f?rmmi m pij