- THE QAILY NEBRA8KAN H)ailie flebtaehan Published by tho Studont Publica tion Doard of tho Unlvorelty of Ne braska. EDITORIAL 8TAFF Editor... -....SEARLB F. HOLMES Managing Editor. EARLE H. TAYLOR ABBOClato Editor. FRED McCONNELL ABBodato Editor... BURTON S. HILL BU8INE88 8TAFF Manager C C. BUCHANAN ABB't Manager... JAMES MORRISON Circulation Managor. . . .LEO BREEN SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 12.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, 5 Cent! Each. Affections Cheap at Drake. Tho affections of students in Drake law college aro not vory valuable If a decision rondo rod in tho student court thoro Is of value. The sum of twonty-fivo cents was given Martha Doo for tho loss of ono husband study ing law at Drake, tho said husband falling In hlB contract to marry Mnr-thn. Nebraska Men Making Good. Paul Yotea and J. E. Piko, '10 grad uates from Nobraska, havo been hired by R. W. Harris, tho Milwaukee ox port who is to conduct tho investiga tion of tho Borvlco of the Cincinnati Traction company. Paul Yates, since his graduation has been working in St. Paul and Minneapolis Investigat ing tho traction lineB In those cities. Telephone: Auto 1888. Night Phonee Auto 1888; Editor, Auto 1035; Manager, Auto 1821. Entered at tho postomco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as socond-claaB moil matter, under tho Act of ConKfOBB of March 3, 1879. Thursday, March 14, 1912. Weber Sultorlum. 1100 O St. University 8cnate to Meet. There will bo a meeting of the Uni versity senate Saturday at ten o'clock. MU8IC IN THE 8PRING. Although tho prevailing weather conditions scarcoly warrant a discua Blon of spring activities, it might not como amlBB to mention tho band con certs, which that body has promlsod. During tho last football BeaBon our band was troatod to every trip taken by tho toam, something which haB nover been dono before in thiB uni versity nor In any of tho valley schools. Tho feat wiuh accomplished through tho generosity of tho athletic man agement, spurred on by student senti ment, and tho influence of certain prominent seniors. To reciprocate for this favor the hand nromlsed to glvo weekly con certs during tho spring These con certs aro to bo held on tho campuB every Thursday ovenlng at 7 o'clock. Tho band haB takon an unusually prominent part in school affalrB this year; it haa given ono general con: ccrt'antl has played at Innumerable rallies and all-unlvorsity events. Suf fice it to say that on all theBO occa sions it has boon a credit to tho school. As a rosult of Its fine spirit and oxcellont music it has won nn enviable reputation for Nebraska; the ComhUBker band is known personally in Minnesota, Ames, and Kansas, and ltB reputation 1b Bald to have reached oven Ann Arbor. Last Bprlng band concerts were given at tho various hotels, which proved very popular, especially with students; how much better It will bo to havo tho music on the campus whero tho listeners can loungo about on tho grass instead of dodging teams in the street. It is now apparently "up to the band," and it is hoped that next June, wo can say, "tho band did It." Students Are Fire Laddies. At Louisiana State tho students have a fire brigade Tho brigade has had Beveral chances recently to show what It can do. It put out several "dorm" fires before damage could bo done. -53 Nebraska Has Most Women. Nebraska has more women students than any other university in tho west or In the middle west. Statistics are as follows: Kansas, 846; Missouri, tfBfiT IllinolB. 823; Nobraska, 1,785. UnlvorBity of Washington Dally. New Lindell Hotel 13 AND M STREETS LINCOLN European Plan Rates from $ 1 .00 Up Popular Price Cafe SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN BANQUETS J. C VENABLE Manager cam For your orchestra call O. L. Jones. Auto L-8605. Regent Sends Specimens. Tho botany department haB received another box of BpoclmenB from Re gent Couplnnd, who haB been spend ing the winter In Pasadena, Calif This collection consists of numerous ornaments and souvenirs made from seaweeds native to the Pacific. The moBt useful and unique are baskets Thoy are so well made and the color ing is bucIi that they might well be taken for leather. TO SPEAK ON SOCIALISM. Mrs. Maynard Will Address Professor LeRossignol's Class. Columbia Wins Championship. Columbia won tho baskotball cham pionship of tho east in tho season just passed. It was defeated twice, but won eight games. Yalo HniBhed at the bottom of tho big teams. Y. M. C A. Merchant Tailor Shop Suits Cloanod, Ropairodund ProBsed Shop in Dahomont Y. M. C. A Bldg. fRATERMIIES AND SORORITIES We Want Your Coal Orders. Give Us a Trial Order SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WHITEBREAST COMPANY 1106 0 STREET AUTO 3228 BELL 234 Mrs. M. T. Maynard, of Los Angeles, California, will spoak to tho students of Professor Lo Roasignol'B clasB in Socialism Friday. Mrs .Maynard is ono of tho lecturers on tho Socialist Lyceum course, and Bho comes highly recommended as an enthusiastic speak er on this theory of social reform. Those who wish to hoar tho address aro invited to bo present in U 102 at 10 o'clock Friday morning. Annual Concert BY The College Inn Barber Shop. Stu dent trade solicited. S. L. Chaplin & Co. 127 N. 12th. Juniors of the Univer sity School of Music Temple Theater March 14, 815 You Are Cordially Invited FREE TO ALL OUR CAFE IS OPEN After All Dances and Parties We "cater" to student trade and can serve you and your lady to all kinds of Club Sandwiches, Salads, Oysters any style, Ice Cream and Sherbets Fountain in Connection with Cafe I. THE FOLSOM CAFE 1325-31 N St. ubscribe for the "Ra" SPRING HATS D D Most Beautiful 1000 Showing Why Pay Mori $2.50 4 YOU CAN SUBSO RIBE JT THE ' "RAG" OFFICE -