TV Xlbe S)af l? IFlebraehan VOL. XI. NO. 106. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY MARCH 14, 1912. Price S Ccnta -'-fssr""' . A ( THIRTY-EIGHT RECEIVE PHI BETA KAPPA HONORS 8ENIOR6 REWARDED FOR EXCEL LENCE IN 8CHOLAR8HIP. CO-EDS HAVE LARGE MAJORITY Thirty-one of Recipient of Key are Girls Black Masque Announce ments Also Made. MEDICAL BLDG. PLANS HERE THREE-8TORY 8TRUCTURE OF DORIC DE8IGN WILL BE ERECTED. Thirty-olght members of the senior class of the College of Arts and Sci ence wero this morning honored with election to Phi "Beta Kappa. Co-eds formed a largo majority, only seven men securing the privilege of wear ing tho coveted key. The total number Is larger than usual. Tho names of tho fortunate students were announced by Prof. O. U. P. Stout, secretary of the local chapter of tho Phi Beta Kappa society, at chapel this morning. Inter-class Debate. Tho announcement of the winners of the key was preceded by the Inter clasB championship debate between the Junior and sophomore teams. The subject of the debate was tho recnll of tho Judiciary. Tho list of membeib selected to Black Masque, the senior girls' organization, was alBo an nounced. In order that as many students as posBlblo might be able to attend the chapel exercises all classes were dis missed at ten o'clock. Following is tho list of those select ed to Phi Beta Kappa: Frloda Elizabeth Arnold, Lincoln; Edna Biles, Ponder; Alice Orintha Chambers, West Point; Leroy Ben jamin Clark, Lincoln; Verna Grace Coloman; Wauneta Emma Cook; Wll ma Ruth Crossley, Kearney; Celia Grace DaviB; Frances Alleen Dun ham; Rebecca Flnley Evorsole. Elm Creek; Donald Folsom, Lincoln; Ralph Wallace Garrett, Madison; Mabolle Francos Gowlng, Lincoln; Florence Marie Grimm, Lincoln; Lloyd Dick son Halatoad, Tocumseh; Emma Ev elyn Hanthorn, Lincoln; Thomas Joan Hargreaves, Wymore; Irma Hor man, Lincoln; Searlo Francis Holmes Omaha; Marlel Theresa Jones, Lin coln; Nelllo Content Klmberley, Lin coln; Margaret Anita Kunkel, Osceo la; Leta Blanche Linch; Cornelia Frances Llndsey, Lincoln; Jean Eli zabeth McGahey, Lincoln; Elsie For est Mathews; Ruth Munger, Lincoln; Emma Josephine Oak; Anna Charlotte Pagols, Beatrico; Walter Robert Power, Beatrice; Ethel Jane Purln ton, .Wilcox; Ethel Augusta Scott, Kearney; Marjorlo Cornelia Selleck, Lincoln; Lora Viola Smith, Lincoln; Hazel Martha Stanton, Polk; Grace Isabel Walker, Douglas; Esther War ner, Lincoln; Alvina Caroline Wllhel mina Zumwinkel, Utica. Plans for the new medical school building wore recolved at tho super intendent's office Wednesday morning from Shepley Rutan & Coolidgo, tho Boston architects. Tho building will bo erected In Om aha In one of tho finest residence sec tions of the city, and will bo sur rounded by a tract of land donptod to tho University by several Oinaiia phy sicians. The plans call for a threo-Btory and basement structure of dorlc archi tecture which will bo built of brick with terra cotta trimmings. The funds for tho new medical build ing wore appropriated by tho last leg islature. They amount to approxi mately $90,000, and will bo devoted en tirely to the erection of the building as tho land for It has already been pn vlded for. Superintendent Chowens is several Bets of plans executed pects to advertise for bids within a few days. MEDICS WILL VISIT OMAHA ,3TUDENT8 TO VI8IT VARIOU8 H08PITAL8 OF CITY PURINQ -TRIP TOMORROW. having makl aiid ex- fore SIGMA XI MEETING FRIDAY. important Discoveries In Botany Will Be Discussed. A meeting of the Sigma XI has been called for Friday at 7:30 o'clock in room 110 in Nebraska hall. Tho pro gram will consist of a number of pa pers on tho topic, "Tho Most Impor tant Discovery in Botany of tho 20th Century, and tho Most Important Present Problem." It wil be discus sed from the following standpoints: Phylology, Prof. Bessey; Physiology, Prof. Pool; Cytology, Prof. Walker; Genetics, Prof. Emerson; Pathology, Prof. Wilcox. AM members and any others inter ested, in the subject are urged to be present. Medical students will leave for Omaha tomorrow at 7:15, via tho Bur lington. They will bo met by autos, at the depot In Omaha, grouped into divisions and taken to tho following hospitals: Methodist, Clarkson, Swed ish Mission, County and Wise Memor ial At noon tho crowd will dine at tho Commercial Club. Tho afternoon will bo spent in attondlng clinics at tho various hoBpitala, as In the morning, hut an exchange will bo made, bo that each division will be assigned to a different hospital, thus a groat variety of cases may be seen. Roll call will be taken at Omaha and a report will bo sent back to the var ious Instructors here, so that no ab- nces will bo charged against those ng the trip. Those who leave be Frlday morning should call Dr. BrldgeB to ascertain to what group thoy are to bo assigned. NEBRASKA NOT LIKELY TO MEET KANSAS TEAM JAYHAWKER6 DEMAND GUARAN TEE OF THEIR EXPEN8E8. (ORNHUSKEkS (AN (LAIN TITLE Coach Stlehm Refuses to Keep His Players Here Through 8prlng Vacation. TELLS OF LIFE OF INDIA Miss Olive Griffeth Speaks at Y. W. C. A. Meeting. JUDGE TALK8 TO PI DELT8. Newspaper Fraternity Has Under Con sideration Gridiron Club Banquet. Judge Wlllard Stewart of the Lan caster district court spoko at a din ner of Pi Delta Epsilon at the Linncoln hotel last night. He discussed both the libel laws of Nebraska and tho recent decision of tho United States supreme court in regard to patentee's rights. An informal discussion of the recall of the Judiciary and of ex-Presl-dent Roosevelt's proposed recall of Ju dicial decisions followed. The members of tho fraternity havo under advisement a "Gridiron Club" banquet after tho manner of the fam ous events of tho Washington organ ization of newspaper men. Tho TucBday five o'clock Y. W. C. A. meeting was led by Alma Sullivan. Florence DanlelB sang sevoral selec tions. Miss Olive Griffith, '05, who has spent tho last seven years In India as a missionary, talked on "Women of India," among whom she has been working. MIbs Griffiths spoko of tho curlous lty of these women, and tho difficulty of working with them, because of their Ignorance and lack of training. She states that here more than any other place, women must be taught by women. becauB those of tho better class are continually shut indoors. Y. M. C. A. ELECTION8 TODAY. Polls Open at Ten O'clock and Will Close at Two. Latin Club Meets. Tho regular meeting of the Latin club was held last night and the fol lowing program was given: A chalk talk on tho geography of Italy, Miss Morgan; "Tho Geography of Latulm," Miss Austin; "The Pro ducts of Italy," Miss Elmeyerf "Rome," Miss Pope; "Latin Literature aa Re lated to Roman Birth," MIbs Gaoch ler; "Geographical Influence Upon History of Italy," MIbs Munger. Favor Annual Election. Annual election of class officers, in place of tho present semester system of voting, will be the method In the University of Wisconsin if the recom mendations of tlio student conference of that school are adopted. The pollB of tho Y. M. C. A. elec tion opened UiIb morning at 10 o'clock, and will close promptly at 2:00. As yet no definite results can bo an nounced. The rules of the election aro briefly as follows: Voting shall be by ballot. All those who present a membership card for this year are ontitled to vote. AU those who have contributed $1.00 or more to the support of the associa tion may obtain a membership card by application at the general secre tary's office. The polling place shall bo the infor mation desk in the lobby of tho Tem ple. The polls will be open between the hours of ten and two o'clock and the ballots will be counted immediately after tho polls close. It Is hardly probable that tho cham pionship games botwoon Kansas and Nebraska will now bo played. Kan sas replied to Coach Stlohm's lottor Wednesday and refused to accept Om aha as tho place to play unless Ne braska agreed to guarantoo expenses. In tho last letter sent by Kansas the Jayhawkers offered to play any time, any placo and with officials that could bo agreod upon. Coach Stolhm in replying named Omaha as tho placo; Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week as tho tlmo; and In a tolophono convocation it was agreed that Hy land and Hoopoe should officiate. Demand 8eems Unreasonable. Nothing, however, was said about expenses, both Coach Stolhm and Manager Eager supposing that as long as tho games wore to be played on a neutral floor each team should take half of tho proceeds. And now Kansas comes back with a domand that Ne braska guarantee expenses. Just why Nebraska should pay money out of its treasury, if tho teams failed to draw well In Omaha, In order to defend the title against Kansas when ill has already defeated tho Jayhawkers four times, is hard for Coach Steihm and Manager Eager to see. It looks very much as if Kansas were trying to force Nebraska to refuse to play. Can Claim Championship. If tho games aro not played in Om aha this week they will not bo played at all, for Steihm will not keep tho men here dver Easter vacation in or der to keep them in shape nor will ho assemble the team after the vacation. To keep tho team in condition would mean steady work and if it were to lay off until after the holidays It would take several weoks to got into form again. Nebraska can rightly claim tho and tho coach does not intond to bo obstinate about- it, but if Kansas re fuses to como to terms on its own prd posals then the games will not bo played. ' To Give Three Recitals. Miss Howell's elocution classes will give three recitals Friday morning at 9, 10 and 11 o'clock respectively. These recitals will be held in the Temple theater and are free to all. "Pill" as an Aid to Learning. Tho IlllnoiB Daily Illlni, The Brown Dally Herald and Tho Yaje News all contain quarter page ids' of a well known brand of cigarettes that are' said, or advertised to be a great aid In studying. THETA GRAND OFFICER8 HERE. Reception Given at Chapter House for Two Visiting Officials. Kappa Alpha Theta is entertaining two grand officers this week, Miss Pearl Green, grand socretary and edi tor of the sorority paper, and Mrs. Yale Hoffman, Nebraska 1907, grand treasurer, are visiting at the chapter house. A reception was given yester day, afternoon In their honor. Repre sentatives from all other sororities were invited. 8tudents Fight Traction Line. The Purdue Exponent has boon waging a war on the street car com pany of that city. The students are up In arms- and are demanding better service.