) 'I lift. f THE DAILY NEBBASKAN A fo TELLS OF SUMMER SCHOOL UNIVERSITY JOURNAL MAKE8 OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT OF VARIETY OP 8UBJECT8. Tho February University Journal, which has boon In preBB for tho laBt wook, wuh put In circulation tho first of tho wook. It contains tho ofllclal announcement of tho coursos offorod at tho BUinmor BOBBlon and for tho moat part Ib dovotcd to that subject. From tho announcements In tho pa per, tho BOBBlon UiIb summer will bo bettor and more courson will bo of fered than over before. Twonty-flvo departments will offer courBOB and for tho student who wishes to mako up work, the graduate Btudont who Is ful filling his roflldonco retiulremonts, and tho school teacher who takes advan tage of tho summer to work ahead, exceptional opportunities are offorod In a variety of subjects. For undergraduatoB of tho Univer sity tho courses havo boon so ar ranged that a maximum of nine hours can bo gained. More courses are available than havo boon boforo. GraduatoB will And work which will apply for tholr master's degrees. For toachers, oBpocially strong courses havo been arrangod Ono hundred froo scholarships uro open to thorn if thoy wish to qualify for tho work. Registration dayB will bo Juno 14 16, and claBBos will begin Monday, Juno 17. continuing till August 9. From Juno 10 to 14 will bo held tho annual Bchool xt superintendence to which principals and superintendents from all ovor tho Btato will come. STUDENTS JISPLAY ECLAT ELITE VISIT DANCING ACADEMY IN BALL ROOM C08TUME. " One of Lincoln's moat popular dancing acadomlos" waB rocontly gTaced by tho presence- of sovoral of tho UnlYorslty'B Boclal elite. Thoy appeared in dross suits and party gowns and aatonlBhod tho "natives'' by tho grandeur of their prosonco and tho perfect ease with which they re ceived tho open-mouthed wonder which greeted them. Although they did not indulgo In tho "popular" forms of dancing, thoy seemed to bo perfectly at home, and woro even ablo to Bhow tho moat ac complished a few "stepB" In tho way of tho "UoBton" and tho like. This merely goes to prove that tho .pollego studont 1b Impervious to hlB surroundings, that tho atmosphere affects him llttlo or no, and that ho can conduct hlmaolf with credit In any Btrata of society. Books Are Count's Gift. Two books, ono hla own work, tho other hlB translation Into English, have been received by Chancollor Avory of tho University from Count Luetzow, Bohemian nobleman, who visited in Lincoln at tho Chancellor's homo tho first of last month. The books aro tho "HlBtory of Dohomla," by tho count, and a translation of "The Labyrinth of tho World." by Ko monsky, Bohemia's great educator. .Tho count haa now completed hla tour of this country and yesterday 'sailed from Now York for Europe. All students should visit tho "Col lego Inn Barber Shop at 127 North J 2th. S L. Chaplin, Prop. Mako your dates early with Hagen lck's Orchestra. Auto B-2990. tf For your orchestra call O. L. Jones. Auto -8606. Webor Sultorlum. 1100 O St. FRATERNITY HALL For University and FraUrnlty Engagements $15.00 Call E. J. Faulkner, Manager, Auto BI589 -A THE NEW MODEL Think of every feature you wish a typewriter to possess, then carefully examine the Model 5 L. C. Smith; you will find every feature there. More L. C. Smith typewriters used in the dif ferent departments of the University than all other makes combined. The result of carefully testing every machine' manufactured. Don't rent a typewriter. Purchase one on easy terniT y Nebraska Typewriter Company DISTRIBUTERS 143 South 1Qth Street Auto B2080 J. C. WOOD and CO. The Best Is Always the Cheapest 1322 N St Auto 1292 Bell 147 GLEANERS and DYERS J;r DO YOU INTEND TO STUDY MEDICINE? Rush Medical College In Affiliation wiflT The University of Chicago Often course of four years leading to the decree of M. D. Also a fifth hospital year. REQUIREMENTS POR ADMISSION Two years of collogq work Advanced and Rottuarcu Cournou in nil department. AddreaH Doan of the Modlcnl cournox The University of Chicago, Chicago Orpheum Chop House We Warrant Satisfaction 1418 O St Open All Night THE FIRST SAVINGS BANK 4 pir cut litemt " pbh $L00 Opens on Account With the First National Bank, Oor. 10th and O. Lincoln, Nebraska Bell 1299 ATTEND Chas. W. Fleming's Auction Sale 2:30 F. M. 7:30P.iV. Chas. W. Fleming, 131 10 St. Jualer and Diamond Merchant WALT Stands for the latest and best in Sheet Music 1215 O St. U. of N. Y. M. C. A. CAFETERIA Meals at cost of materialsand service UNIVERSITY TEMPLE DO Villi REALIZE THAT These are the men that make this paper possible? The subscrlptien price Isn't a drop - in the bucket. They help us; we must help them. PATRONIZE THE MEN ON THIS LI8T They Will Treat Yeu Rlflht BANKS First Savage Bank Central National Bank BAKERIES Folaom BARBER SHOPS Y. M. C A Barber Shop Chaplin Green s CLEANERS J. C. Wood & Co. Weber CLOTHING Armstrong Clothing Co. Farquahar Magee & Doemor Mayer Bros. Palace Clothi-ag (.'o. Speler & Simon COAL Whitebreast CONFECTIONERY Lincoln Candy Kitchen DRY GOOD3 Millor & Pains? Rudgo & Guonzol DRUGGISTS Molor Drug Co. Rigge FLORISTS C H. Frey FURNISHINGS Armstrong Clothing Co Budd Magoe & Doemor Mayer Bros. Palace Clothing Co. Speior & Simon Rudge & Guenzel HATTERS Armstrong Clothing Ce Budd ' Magoo & Deomer Mayer Bros. Palace Clothing Cc Speier & Simon Rudge & Guenzel JEWELERS Hallett Tucker LAUNDRIES Evans MUSIC Walt Hagensick Thornburg Jonea, Orchestra University School of Jdtwlo. OPTICIAN Shean Hallett PRINTERS ' George BroB. Simmons Van Tine Graves Printery RESTAURANTS Herpolshelmer Y. M. C. A. Spa SHOE8 Budd Byrne Shoo Co. Men's Bootory Mayer Bros. Millor & Paine TAILORS College Tailors. THEATERS Oliver Orpheum TYPEWRITERS Nebraska Typewriter Hxch. r WjigKW HmtyA I ,WjSIW.It4il4.AJ Miunvmiv u" ipi wvnn wim