-',-u, r J -"t Z"' -. J.f v '- . j- I' -?- s. - t '- s "' '.4 ,., THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Hatl TFlebrashan PubliBhod by tho Studont Publica tion Board of tho University of No braBka. EDITORIAL STAFF Editor 8E&RLE F. HOLMES Managing Editor. EARLE H. TAYLOR ABBOclato Editor. FRED McCONNELL ABBooiato Editor... BURTON 8. HILL BU8INE88 STAFF Managor C. C. BUCHANAN AflB't Manager... JAMES MORRISON Circulation Manager LEO BREEN SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, 6 Centi Each. Telephone: Auto 1808. Night Phonet Auto 1888; Editor, Auto 1035; Manager, Auto 1821. Entered at tho poatofllco at Lincoln, Nobrnnka, an socond-clasB mall matter, undor tho Aot of ConroBS of March 3, 1879. TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 1912 LITERATURE AND SLANG. The modern patrons of lltorature look askanco at tho growing usage and alarming popularity of slang. Somo attrlbuto It to tho demandB of now creatloiiB and Inventions, others to the inherent tendency In tho Amer ican to try flomothlng now and orig inal. Whatever tho cause. It hecomeB ovldont from the following exchange that slang Is not distinctly a product of modernism, but rather one of a long and gradual growth: " 'Booze,' as a word connected with taking Btrong waters, dntes back two centuries, and In tho spelling 'bouzo' may ho found at oven as remote a date as 1300 'Fresh,' in Its significa tion of forward, comos from 1830. 'Some pumpkins,' popular slang in bucolic circles, is of ancient Uncage. 'Gab has been slang for a century. 'Stag ' on tho fence between slang and English, haB survived generations. In tho 'Knickerbocker Magazine' of 1856 wo find an author telling of 'a party of old brlcka who . . . aro keep ing up a small stag party at tho end of the room.' 'Squelch' in the seven teenth century was in good use. Of two words in vogue to express drunk onnesB half a century ago, 'tight Is much alive, while 'whittled' has been dropped. There aro no fixed laws to gaugo the life of alang or to predict Us entrance Into tho language. Will 'high-brow,' for example, find its way Into the mouths pf grandchlldron yet unborn, or will It take itB place In tho ranks of obsolete curiosities?" Col lier's Weekly. 8PRIG, GEDDLE 8PRIG. It would afford ub the keenest pleasure to meet face to face the man who Is. responsible for those charm ing lines, "Snow, benutiful Bnow." This white and ordinarily wonderful nrtlcle haB ceased to bo a bleslng or a luxury and has assumed tho aspect of a pest. It has made progress to and from an eight o'clock class a feat of great daring; it delays tho street cars, makes work for the freBhmen, and gives tho ardent fusser an opportunity to aBEume the air of a martyr as ho enters tho parlor and tracks liquid mud across the polished floor. ThoBO and other features make ono forget that Bnow Is a "white blanket, which warms Mother Earth and protects the little plants which will soon peep forth," In fact, wo very much doubt whether tho "little plants" will over again "peep forth;" we aro forced to pity the merchants who have laid in a stock of flannel trousers and ten nis bIjoob; we have visions of a num bor of our co-eds In furs dancing about tho festive May pole but these are only visions. Next wook bolng vaca tion, wo may bo blessed with several lnchoa of rain, which will necessitate roturning to school In gondolas. Juniors to Meet Today. A mooting of tho Junior class will bo held In tho Temple theatre at 11:30 o'clock thla morning for tho election of minor officers. BELATED 8PRINGTIME. Whore Is tho fresh and balmy Spring wo usually have right now; whoro are tho larks that sweetly sing on the lm trco's leafy bough? Oh, where 1b tho ripplo of the brook, and fragrant blossoms there; oh, whero is tho cool and shady nook, far from the city, and itB care? Alas tho Bnow 1b drifted deep, and it still comes drifting down; the blossoms all aro still aBleep, for tho fields aro whlto all 'round. Though winter long has passed away, the real Spring's slow to 'pear. Oh, what is tho reason for delay; don't you think its queer? PEANUT. All students should visit the "Col lege Inn Barbr Shop at 127 North 12th. S L. Chaplin, Prop. SENIOR COMMITTEES NAMED TOM JAMES SELECTED CHAIR MAN FOR" IVY DAY, GEORGE LEONARD FOR INVITATIONS. President Cub Lofgren of tho senior class announced the following ap pointments to senior committees for tho presont term: Invitation Committee George K. Leonard, chairman, R. E. DavleB. John Selleck7 Searlo Holmes, Alvlna Zum winklo, Florence Rush. Ivy Day Committee Tom James, chairman, Henry Pearso, R. D. Haw loy, John Hlppey, Marie Loe. Hazel Teeters, Merle Thomas. Class Gift Committee W. R. Grls wold, chairman, W. L Bates, R. T. Guthrie, W. J. Krug, Ruth Haller, Cor nelia Lindsay, Juno Brown. Convocation Committee Guy C. Klddoo, chairman, Harold Wake, Or vlllo Pierce, Jean McGahey, Louise Barr. Class Play Manager V. C. Haicall. Class Debt Committee Lewis An ('erson, chairman, ErnoBt Wohlenborg, Verna Hydor, Opal Coryell. A class meeting for tho purpose of electing tho Ivy Day orator will bt held Tuesday, March 20. Freshmen to Elect Today. Tho freshman election will bo held at Momorlal hall at 11:30 o'clock to day. MoCullough is the only candi date announced so far and all ru mors that there 1b to be a dark horse In tho field seem to be without foundation. WHOLE CHAPTER AT WEDDING PI Phis Go to Omaha for Hamilton-f- Fitzgerald Nuptials. The entire PI Phi chapter went to Omaha yesterday to attend the wed ding of Miss Zora Fitzgerald and Earl Hamilton, which took place last even ing at tho brldo'a homo. Tho Delta UpsllonB, who went from Lincoln to nttond tho wedding, wore Verne Bates, Tom James, Harvey Rathbone, John Selleck and Leon Nelson. (OAT SHIRTS BU DO White Fancy Pleated and Plain $1.00 r scat New Lindefl Hotel 13 AND M STREETS LINCOLN European Plan Rates from $ 1 .00 Up Popular Price Cafe SPECIAL ATTENTION GFEN BANQUETS J. C VENABLE Manager lBBBBKiBBBBEHaaaBBBBBBBBBBBBfVG aBBHBBBBB?MBBKiaBBHBBBBBBI BaBajBaaaaaaaaK& $ A ?$,v HbH I IIHKWiiW llMaiwWMBHMBHiSl GERTRUDE DALLAS The Leading Lady in Chas. Klein's Successful Play The Gamblers At the Oliver Tonight :: Wednesday anj Wednesday Mat. Subscribe for the "Rag"' n r I r ru7i r '