The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 12, 1912, Image 1

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, V
VOL. XL NO. 104.
Price 5 Cents
" i '' '
Oniy High Grade Materials Will Bo
Used, According to Announce
ment by Management.
vodchor-drawn on
paid out will
The cafeteria room Is doBlgned
primarily for men, but women will
not bo excluded. They will bo espe
cially welcome to dine In the Univer
sity Y. W. C. A. rooms, acrosB tho
hall from tho cafeteria room. Stu
dontB bringing lunches from home
maj ubo tho cafeteria room as a lunch
Only creamery buttor, non-frozen
meat, high-grade coffee, and other
flrst-clasB materials will bo used. Tho
following aro boitio of tho prices.
Those will bo ralBed or lowerod as
experience may show to be necessary
to carry out tho Rogents' wish to pro
Oyster stow only seven contB; Boup,
two contB; pie, four cents, and our
old frlond roast beef, but seven little
copper pennies. How does tho above
sound, hungry readers? No, wo are
not quoting from a menu In tho Para
dlso cafe, those aro simply somo of
tho prices that will prevail at tho now
Temple cafeteria, beginning today.
The formal opening of tho Univer
sity Y. M. C. A. cafeteria will occur
today, all supplies and equipment hav
ing been secured and placed In readl
nesa. Tho first meal was servod Mon
day In order to mako certain that
overythlng was shipshape.
Tho prices decided upon are slightly
lower than thoso at tho downtown
eating places, DUt not sufficiently so
to Injure tho business of tho latter
Tho cafotorla Is planned to accom
modato seventy persons at ono time,
but In tho ovent of an unexpectedly
heavy patronage, moro tables can bo
plaood In tho University Y. M. C. A.
rooms Tho tables will seat four to
eight persons.
List of Rules Adopted.
Tho following rulos have boon mado
In regard to the conduct of the cafo
terla: 1. Tho University of Nobraslta shall
provide equipment and retain title to
tho samo. It may rosumo possession
, at any time tho regents may direct.
2, ThlB equipment shall bo loaned
to iho UnlvorBlty Y. M. C. A., to be
uboQ In conducting a cafotorla for the
benefit of University students.
3. Subject to tho orders of the
orders of tho Board of Regonts, a
committee of five men, appointed by
tho Y. M. C. A. and approved by tho
Regent, shall havo complete control
of tbo cafotorla and Its management.
Tho tenure of office of this commlttoo
or any member thoroof may be termi
nated at any time by tho University
Y. M. C. A. or by tho Board of Re
gents. 4. Tho members of this committee
shall receive no compensation for
their Borvlcos; nor shall any profit
accrue from tha cafotoila-to any or
ganization or individual Suould the
cafotorla bo discontinued, all prop
erty, Including cash on hand, shall re
vert tc tho University of Nebraska.
5. All accounts of tho cafotorla shall
at all times bo open to public Inspec
tion at tho finance offico of ho Unl
vorelty. fi. Tho cafotorla Bhall bo open to
students, officers, employes and alumni
of tho Unlvorslty. It Is not lntondod
for tho ubo of tbo general public.
MemberH of Committee.
Tho following havo teen namea an
members of tho commlttoo in charge:
A. A. Reed, chairman, L. J. Marsh,
D. M. Rogers, B. L. Palno, S. Avory.
Ralph Orr has been secured as busi
ness manhger, and will place all or
ders for supplies. T. A. Williams,
assistant In the University flnanco
office, will bo treasurer. All moneys
Thursday will bo Phi Bota Kappa
day, as was announced last wook,
and tho convocation will bo given
over to tho usual program for that
day. Tho finals In tho lntor-class do
batos will bo hold, In which tho sopho
more team will moot tho Junior trio
for tho championship, after whloh tho
pnnouncomonto of Phi Bota Kappa
honors will be made.
vldo wholoBomo food for BtudentB at The teams which will moot In tbo
roHt of BimnlloB find lnhnr- rebate will bo composed of Z. C.
Some of tho Trices.
Roast beef, 7 cents; oyBtor stow, 7
contB; potatoes, 4 cents; poas, 4
cent3; corn, 4 cents; soupB, 2 cents;
bread (without butter), 1 cent; rolls.
1 cent; doughnutB, 1 cent; ploB, 4
contB; coffoo (without cream), 2
cents; macaroni and cheese, 4 cents ;
peaches, 5 cents; prunoB, 3 cents;
pineapple, 5 contB; goosoborrloB, 5
cents; oatmeal (without cream), 2
cents; rice (without cream), 2ootHs;
butter, 1 cent; cream, 2 cents ;sugar,
water, tomato catsup and other ac
cessories, free. .
Dickonaon, Harvoy Hobb and Raymond
Smith, for tho Bophomoroa, and Clay
ton Radcllffo, Harry Burtls and Jo
romo RForbes, for tho Juniors. Tho
Bophomores will uphold tho affirma
tive side of tho quostlon, dealing with
tho recall of tho Judiciary.
The Phi Bota Kappa announcements
will bo made whllo the JudgOB aro
conferring on the debate. ProfoBBOr
Stout, Bccrotar of tho society, Bald
that out of 'ho ontlro conlor class,
from twonty-two to thirty-eight will be
chosen to wear tho koy These now
niombers will be electod at a meeting
of tho socle' y Wednesday night.
Jayhnwkor Authorities Have Oppor
tunity to 8ecure Desired Con
tests Last of This Week.
Nebraska University wrestlers made
a good showing at tho amateur tour
nament at Kansas City, Gunthor win
ning in the llghtwolght class from his
opponent, a Kansas Unlvorslty man.
Ruby, In tho welterweight division,
and61 Miller, In tho middleweight, also
rocelvod much pralso from Kansas
City sporting writers. Neither of
their opponents was able to bocuto a
fall, tho matches being decided solely
on points
This wook tho CornhuBkors will be
gin to proparo themselves for tho dual
moots with Iowa and KanBaB and tho
subsequent weBtorn lntor-colleglato
tournoy In Urbana, III., In which No
braBka was triumphant last spring.
Tho Cornhuskers aro to havo tho ad
vantage of professional coaching,
George Glon, tho Aurora grappler,
having agrood to work out at tho Unl
vorBlty gymnasium ovory day this
week whllo In training for his mat
battle "of next Thursday night at tho
Oliver theater with Oscar Wasem.
Glon will take on tho Cornhuskor
wrestlerB and school them In thtS flnor
points of tho mat game, Incidentally
getting tho oxorclso needed to put
1 him In trim for Ills state champion
ship go with WaBom. Tho Aurora
athloto declares that Mlllor and Ruby
aro a pair of promising grapplers and
is confident ho can toach thom enough
of tho tricks to -make thom winners
against all opponents In tho coming
Tho annual banquet of tho Engineer
ing society was held Saturday oven
ing at tho Llndoll hotel. Ono hun
dred and' Blxty undergraduates and
alumni wore proaont. A. L. Hoagland,
'00, acted as toastmastor. Tho follow
ing toaatB wore responded to:
"Expectation," G. K. Leonard.
"Commutation," Prof. G. H. Morse.
"Ventilation," Prof. J. D. Hoffman.
"Cultivation," Prof. L. W. Chase.
"Valuation," Prof. O. V. P. Stout.
"Integration," Prof. G. R. Chatburn.
Tho following guosts of tho society
mado short talks: Doan Davis of the
collogo of arts and sciences; State
Railway Commissioners Hurd and
KateB, and F. B. Ryan. Tho engineer
ing quartet rendered several parodies
on popular ragtlmo songs.
One of the most Interesting Bpeochos
of tho evening was that of Professor
Chatburn, who denied tho charge, ro
contly made by another professor in
tho Unlvorslty, that oheatlng was duo
to tho Institution Into tho high school
and tho University of vocational sub
jects. Tho Engineering society desires to
thank tho students of tho collogo for
their support In making Engineers'
Wook a sudcesB.
Kansas Is gottlng dosporato and in
a letter to Coach Stlohm rocalls somo
of Its formor "demands" by offering
NobraBka several propositions In re
gard to playing tho championship
sorlos to decide tho basketball tltlo
of tho valley. Tho negotiations for
tho gamos havo boon up In tho air
for Bomo tlmo owing to the fact that
Coach Stlohm has lnalstod that Kan
sas shall not dlctato, but that Ne
braska Bhould, at least, havo some
thing to say in regard to where and
when tho gamoB should bo played.
Managor Hamilton In his letter mado
an offer to moot Nebraska on any
neutral court of rogulatlon dlmon
Blons, or to play ono game each at
Lincoln, Lawrence and Manhattan, or
all at Kansas City. Ho also volun
teered to lot tho officials commlttoo
of tho Missouri Valley conforonco
chooBe tho officials In tho ovont tho
two teams were unablo to agroo.
Now Up to Kansas.
Coach Stlehm, In replying, has put
tho matter up to Kansas in a fair way
and It now romalns with KansaB
whether or not the series will bo
played. Hd offered to moot Kansas,
Thursday, Friday and Saturday of
this wook at Omaha, tho only days
on which Nebraska playors will bo
able to mako a trip owing to spring
vacation which comeB next wook and
to faculty objections to another ox
tendod trip such aB nropoBed by tho
Kansas coach. Coficn Stlehm sug
gested Hyland as referee and Hoopes
as umplro.
There was a rumor current yester
day that Kansas had threatened to
break off athlotlc relations with Ne
braska if Nebraska refused to con
cede to tho demand for a champion
ship series. Tho rumor was based
on a nowspapor story sent out under
a Lawrence datollno. Coach Stlohm,
however, stated that tho rumor had
no foundation whatsoever and thai
only yesterday morning ho recolv$l
a letter from Managpr Hamilton sta
lng that tho date of May 3 for tho
track meet and November 10 for tho
football gamo In Lincoln woro satis
factory and would bo accepted.
Tho Nebraska team, which had
practically suspended practice, began
work again last night to got In con
dition for tho series.
Botany Specimens Saved.
By tho prompt work of the botany
department Wednesday afternoon it
is doubtful If any of tho botany speci
mens that wero in tho herbarium in
tho museum will be Injured. Somo
were in danger of boing rulped by
water, but thoy woro moved to tho
green house and dried.
German Clubs to Meet.
Tho Vorein Germanla and tho
Schauspleler will hold a joint mooting
at 7:45 p. m., Wednesday, In tho
MubIc hall of tho Temple. At thlB
time a one-act play, entitled "Dor
Kaffe.oklatBch," will be given.
All members of the Schauspleler
Vorein are urged to bo present at
7:30 o'clock, as an important busi
ness meeting of the club will be held
boforo tho program.
Seo bulletin board in U. hall.
8lo Alpha Dine and Dance.
The Sigma Alpha Epsllon fraternity
hold its annual banquet Saturday
night and its biennial formal party ,
Friday night. About seventy members
were present at tho banquet and. somo
eighty couples enjoyed tho formal
party. The decorations wero in pur
ple and gold, tho fraternity colors.
Mr, and Mrs. Evorett Sawyer wero
tho chaperones, and Messrs. and
Mosdames Greon, Pomerono, Widener,
Field and Steer were patrons and
patronesses at the party.
Dftft .,.
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