vfl , '' 1 j J.T- .. U ' - i THE DAILY NEBRABKAN '. V . rt. t E- L- r Wr V., ? . PROPOSED CHANGES IN RULE8 FAVOR NEBRASKA (Contlnuod from pago 1.) of Hfudbnts who, in their estimation, do not warrant being reinstated. ThlB may bo optional with each Institu tion. "That all Hlgned statements, except ing thoso already actod upon by stu dont commlttoos Bhall bo submitted to the conference eligibility commit tee through oach faculty committee The conforenco eligibility committee to pass upon each Individual case ac cording to Its own merits. "That tho conforenco eligibility com mittee shall present Its finding to oach Institution. An acceptance of this report shall bo considered as tho final act of reinstatement. "That If It Is found at any tlmo that a student haB misrepresented his signed atatomont or has subsequently boon found guilty of participating In athletic cotoBtif contrary to the spirit of tho amateur rule as Inter preted by tho MtBsourl Valley confer ence, ho shall thereby bocome Ineligi ble and subject to tho discipline com mlttoo of his Institution." Chancellor Has Bad Cold. YoBtorday Chancollor Avery was confined to the houso on account of a bad cold and sore throat. All la week ho was travollng through th Bta'to speaking ovory day. and this, combined Avlth tho cold woather, has ls. causf.d him to cgqbo work and tako a Bhort reBt. Weber Sultorlum. 1100 O St. FELLOWSHIP OFFERED GIRLS. Annual Bryn Mawr Announcements Are Received by Miss Ensign. An announcement of tho fellow ships offered by Bryn Mawr College hap boon received and posted on tho bulletin boards by Miss Ensign, call ing tho attention of Nebraska Uni versity glrlB to opportunities for study at tho eastorn Institution. Fifteen fellowships, of tho valuo of $625, and twenty scholarships, of tho valuo of $260, are offered every year by Bryn Mawr. Thoso are open to studentB of schoolB of high standing, Including the students at Bryn Mawr. Candidates for fellowships must have completed at least one year of gradu ate work, while scholarships will be given to thoBe next In merit, who may be seniors. In awarding the BcholarBhlpB and felJjmshlpB the recommendations of professors and Indications of future BUccosB in academic work will bo con sidered. Applications Bhould bo made not later than tho 15th of April pro ceding tha -academic year In which tho scholarship is to be given. Miss Ensign will glvo any Information she can about the subject to thoso inter ested. For your orchestra call O. L. .Jones. Auto L-8605. Mako your datOB early with, Hagen slck'e Orchestra. Auto B-2990. tf BANQUET TO BE AT LINDELL. More Than One Hundred Tickets Bought by Engineers. The Engineering society banquet will be hold at the Llndoll hotel, and not at the Lincoln aB first announced. Tho committee In obarge announces that over one hundred tickets have been sold and it 1b hoped to sell at least eoventy-flve more by noon to day. Among the prominent engineers about he mate who will bo present are; State Ehgtaber Price. B, O. Adams of tfce. gag qgaa and prob ably E. J. Robinson, tho earliest prac ticing graduate of the - engineering cbllogo, and who now has charge of tho evaluation work for the Chicago, Burlington & Qulnoy railroad. ATTEND Chas. W. Fleming's Auction Sale 55:30 F. M. 7:30P.m. Ghas. W.Fleming, 131 10 St. Jeweler and Diamond Merchant UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET YELLOW FRONT Your Patronage Solicited 1 OC KL E R ENGRAVING CO. Dttlfoing, Engraving and Embossing In 48 hoars. - Room 316 Browned Block New Lindell Hotel 13 AND M STREETS LINCOLN European Plan . Rates from $ 1 .00 'Up Popular Price Cafe SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN BANQUETS J. C VENABLE Cheer Up HULKIL & PRESTON, Burlington Block, 13 and O St. Try Our Luncheonettes They are always the beBt We serve hot and cold drinks all winter long. LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN South West Cor. 14th O THE FIRST SAVIN6S BANK 4 pir cut littrut rm - bmi $100 Opens an Account With the i t Natioaal Bank, Oor. 10th aid O. Orpheum Chop House We Warrant Satisfaction 1418 O St Open All Night SIMMONS the PRINTER PRINTING ENGRAVING EMBOSSING Auto. 3319. 317 South lath St. J Mi inag er - - TVloat of Our Troubles are Imaginary, if Your Eyes Need Attention Call at J. C. WOOD and CO. Th Bast It Always tha Cheapest 1822 N St Auto 1292 Ball 147 0LEAKERS ani DYERS ?:?," DO YOl REALIZE THAT Then are the men that make this paper possible? The subscription price Isn't a drop 'In tho bucket. They help us; wo must help them. PATRONIZE THE MEN Oti THIS LI8T They Will Treat You Right BANKS First Savings Bank Central National Bank BAKERIES Folsom .. , BARBER SHOPS Chaplin Green's CLEANERS J. C. Wood & Co. Weber CLOTHING ' Armstrong Clothing Go. Farquahar Mageo & Doemer Mayer Bros. Palace Clothlug Co. Speier & Simon COAL Whitebreast '! -V r CONFECTIONERT Lincoln Candy kitchssi ' DRY GOOD3 Miller & PAlne Rudge & Guenzol DRUGGISTS Moler Drug Co. Riggs FLORISTS C. H. Froy FURNISHINGS . ; ,. Armstrong Clothing Co. Budd Magee & Deemer Mayer Bros. , Palace Clothing Co. - - S.poior & Simon Rudge Guenzel ( h HATTERS Armstrong Clothing C. Budd Magee & Deemer Wayer- Bros, Palace Clothing Cc Spoler a Simon Rudge & Guekxel "" ; JEWELERS Hallett Tucker ;, LAUNDRIES Evans MUSIC Walt Hagonslck m Thornburg Jones, 'Orchestra j j University School of llwdc. OPTICIAN Shean Hallett o - PRINTERS , Geqrge Bros. ' it' Simmons ' ' j Van Tine " - QroveB-Prlntory f J f T RESTAURANTS Horpolshelmer Y. M. c. A. Spa SHOES Budtf- ByrsJtrShoe Co. Men's Bootory . Mayer Bros. Miller $ Pains TAILORS College Tailors. i A )- P W Ij THEATERS I Oliver i i Orphoura TYPEWRITERS i Nebraska Typewriter Sxoku j - 1 yVl v A VI .V' aBWEiawBBtwitiiBWtwwiBBsaaaa lit.wnntmmiimjtm hqBii . s