n i mm niiiiii imniniiMwiwwi.1 - i--i- - THE DAILY NEBRASKAN s 4- i ' TO MAKE APPOINTMENTS 800N. (Continued from Pago 1) portant appointment In tho company. Third sergeant loads to first lieuten ant and fourth sergeant to second lieutenant, boBldos which n fifth and poBBlbly a sixth sergeant will be ap pointed from each company. Tho appointments this year, It Is said, will be mado strictly on merit and pulls of no Bort will have an In fluence In gottlng an office, as the man who gets tho highest average In drilling efficiency and tost grado will got tho appointment. Another change from tho usual method of last year Is that men may bo appointed to commands in different companies than their own. If one company haB two men of second sergeant efficiency and another company has no man to compare, with these, one man will be drafted Into tho other company, and no promotion will Uo made from Its ranks to that position. ABOUT PEOPLE fflETr''BBBBBw L-l ?wS'li i ' I I wBfnSt I ' tt Sigma Nu entertained at an In formal house dance last evening. Ed. AdapiB, ex-1913, is In Lincoln over Sunday. Harry Cummlngs, '14, has returned from Excelsior .Springs, Ark., where he lfas been for four weeks on ac count of typhoid fever. Ho Is stay ing at tho Sigma Chi hoiiBe. R. S. McCullough la spending a couple of days at his homo In Omaha. George Bros., expert printers, en gravers and embossers, 13th and N. Thomas Mattors is in tho city a few dayB on business and is Btaying at tho Phi Gamma Delta houso. Frank GraveB, Walter Munson, Howard Milenz, Itosson White, Dill Neldor, Clifford Crooks, Leonard Holt, and other alumni, are Visitors at tho Sigma Alpha EpBilon houBe for the formal party and banquet. The freshmen of Alpha Chi Omega will entertain the active members and alumni at a house party this after noon. In the ovonlng tho Bororlty initiation will bo hold. Whilo tho proprietors woro playing chockors in tho roar of tho storo, a custonvor camo in. One said to tho othor, "Sh-h! Koop quiot and iniiybo ho'll go out." You'll not find us in the rear playing checkers. We're right at the front door ' ready to give you the best of service. And what's more we don't want you to go out. At least not till you are perfectly satisfied with both' the goods you've Bought and the treatment you've received. Come now for ideas in spring togs suits, top coats, hats, shirts we are waiting to show them to you. MAGEE & DEEMER CLASSIFIED COLUMN L08T LOST Delta Gamma bar pin Uo turn to "Rag" office. LOST A small Masonic pin. Finder pleaso loavo at "Rag" office LOST An Alpha Omicron PI pin. Leave at tho "Rag" office for To ward. 102-2t AT THE THEATRES LOST Swan's Safety fountain pon, between campus and 1500 S St. Ro turn to "Rag" office LOST In IT. hall, a Waterman Idoal fountain pon Return to "Rag" office 10.1-H Lincoln Aurora Red Oak Ted Marrinor, Cleaner and Hatter, 235 No. 11th. ' Helen Westovor Is a visitor at the Alpha Omicron Pi house. She Is hero from Schuyler on account of tho sl'ck noBB of her mother. Mario Dally is visiting at tho Chi Omega house, having come to Lincoln to attend tho Sigma Alpha Epsilon formal. Roah Brooker, Chi Omega, left Monday for her homo at Orchard to spend a few days. Havo Graves print It for you. 233 North Eleventh St. . Elma Milllkcn, Lois FoBBlor, Clara Schneider, Mrs. C W. Tumor, Ethel Tukey, Margaret Guthrlo, Dorothy Rlngwalt, Ina Sackett, Abba Bowon, Mrs. Edgar Polley, Ruth Gould, Mrs. Elmer LIndquest, Mrs. Carl Shaffer, Nellie Brldgo, MrB. Clyde Bullock, Margaret Gilbert, Mrs. Earl Roth, Mrs. Wlggenhorn, Abblo Stewart, Au gusta Hornsberger, Emma Hon sber gor, Mrs. Fred Anderson, Edith O'Con nell, Alma Ettlng, Helen Wilson, and Edith Wright. Stella Jewell and Mable Murty left today for Weoplng Water to spend Saturday and Sunday at homo. Mr. and MrsE. W. Roth of Evans ton, 111., members of the class of 1901, aro visiting in Lincoln, in order to attend tho bauquetp of Sigma Alpha Epallon and Delta Ganfma. MIbb Elizabeth Brenizor, '05, was oh tho campus Friday afternoon." She has been at homo for the past few monthB, hut will spend tho remainder of the winter In Texas. Boyd Printing Co. Is at 125 North 12th street. ' 103-3t Mario and Veta Hayden, Chi Ome gas, returned yesterday from Long Beach, Calif., whore they have boen visiting. Louie Hart, John Egan and William Ritchie aro Visitors at tho Beta Thota Pi house. During tho first part of tho wook Dr. Bessie and Dr. Condra gave lec tures boforo the rural life commis sion at Mlndon, .Jobr. C. H. Frey, florist, 1J33 O St tf Nebraska alumnae who have re turned for the Delta Gamma banquet tonight ' are: Wllhelmina Bucher, Student trade solicited at the Y. M. C. A. Barber Shop, south end of base ment. AH hair-cuts 25 conts. . y ty Of fr Jt , , T fv r "h r T j 'T r 'T ENGINEERS' WEEK. Banquet. v6:00 p. m.f March Llndcll Hotel. J 7 ?J 7f f rf J T T rf J A,ll students should visit the "Col lege Inn Barber Shop at 127 North 12th. S L. Chaplin, Prop. Professor Le Rosslgnol to Speak. Prof. L. E. Lo Rosslgnol will speak to tho University Students' guild at the FlrBt Presbyterian church at noon nfoct Sunday on the subject, "Was Jesus a Socialist?" Thornburg's Orchestra delights dancers with popular hits. Auto J5; 2556. . - . r Vfct Oliver TheatrI TODAY 2:30 TONIGHT 8:1B GEORGE SIDNEY And a Large Company In "BUSY IZZY" With Carrie Webber Night, $1 to 25c. Mat., 50c & 25c MONDAY NIGHT, MAR.lT " Wm. A. Brady's Laugh OVER NIGHT Mar. 12-13 "The Gamblers" For your Steaks, Chops sad Qolek Service Visit The New York Chop House Open Day and Night 1840 O Street HAVE IN Do Your Laundry ii Tyy 5 lunch at the Y. M. O. A. Lunch Room. Cafeteria Plan. City Y. M. C. A. 13th ah P. Lincoln MATBvBEsrirN'acnw3oy)j,j- ORPHEUM K.,.B?.W ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Commencing Mon. Night, March 4 , . 1, . "FEAR" CARSON AND WILLARD THE FARBER GIRL8 THE E8THOR TRIO AL AND FANNIE 8TEADMAN 08CAR LORAINE PAUL AZARD TRIO PRICE8 Matinee, 1Bo and 2Bo Nights, 15c, 26c, 35c and 60o Dr. Orin Lamb DENTIST V. of 1i. Clnsa of '11 B3740 208 Ganter Bldg. 12th O HERPOLSHEIMER'S CAFE Dinner SJt30 to Ji30 Z Supper 5i30 to 7i30 Jl Also Cafeterlan tym Weekly shipments of tho best thore is in chocolates. Huyler's lAhltman's Lowney'8 Aneerettt's California violots fresh ovory day. JW&lr DrugCo. 13th and O WARTHON'S Original, Electric, Shoe Repair Factory Always reliable and up to the minute 142 North 12th Street IjRIHTIHC; UHCoui-nioit. TTSec us for your f next job of printing. Personal supervison enables ys to make 'each job please. 128 N. 14 St. Tie moment you put on clothes made to your meas ure, you see the vast differ ence : between merchant tailored and ready made. Our way costs no more. . Besure to see our linef irst. College Tailors College View, Nebraska FVion 4Q We serve the purest and best HOT andX)LD RE FRESHMENTS in the cjity Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Foutain Pens $1.00 Safety Razors Student's 3-Gourse Lunch 15c ejhijr ciTT$tcrcr y v II - f t II f ' j.-. .