J 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN 2)all Bebtashan Published by tho Student Publica tion Board of tho Unlvorsity of No braokn. EDITORIAL 8TAFF Editor SEARLE F. HOLMES Managing Editor. EARLE H. TAYLOR ABBOdato Editor. FRED McCONNELL AflBoclato Editor... DURTON S. HILL BU8INE88 8TAFF Nfenagor C. C. BUCHANAN ABB't Manager.... IAMB'S MORRISON Circulation Manager LEO BREEN 8UD9CRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable' In Advance. Single Copies, 6 Cents Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. Night Phonet Auto 1888; Editor, Auto 1035; Manager, Auto 1821. LITERARY DEPARTMENT Searle F. Holmes, Editor. Entorod nt tho poatofllco at Lincoln, NohraBkn, ne Bccond-claaa mull matter, under tho Act of Congress of March 3, 1870. SATURDAY, MARCH 9. 1912 A DANGEROUS DEMONSTRATION. Tho action of tho rootora at laBt Saturdays baBkotball gamo wus, to Bay tho loaBt, far from commondablo. Tho moro fact that Roforoo Teuton did not Intorprot tho Missouri Valley confercnco ruloB uccordlng to tho oplnlotiB of tho multltudo, roBulted In a carnival of hissing and taunts. For a unlvorBlty of tho standing of Nebraska such a demonstration is nothing Bhort of a catastrophe; It Is detrimental to tho Intor-colloglato standing of any school, but to that of .i unlvorsity which holdB two Mis souri Valloy championships, which haB in tho paBt few years OBtabllshed an onvlablo record for flno spirit, and clean athletics, It 1b disgraceful. Such actions as thoBO havo ruined the reputatlonB of moro than ono of our universities; jn fact, soveral of tho Valley 'qoh.oolB are still at a groat disadvantage owing to Borne provlouB "unBportBinanllko" demonstration. The point at Ibbuo does not concern tho Question as to whother tho ref eree was abBolutoly right or wrong, but rather tho impression that Is bound to go out to other schools, that tho treatment received at our hands la not of tho host. Possibly Referee Touton waB wrong In Bovoral of his decisions? but tho fact remains that ho was engaged by tho conference authorities, and thaj. ho deserved Just troatment. Not only will an official thuB received carry away with him a poor opinion of -conditions hare, but also tho vlBltlng team, whoso influ ence In their Alma Mater la bound to bo wldo, and, therofore, dangerous Ono such exhibition of ruffled splrltt may haye no sorloiiB coiibo quencoB, bul a repetition would bo apt to lower tho enviable reputation which Nebraska now holdB. A WINTER 8PORT. Tho "Rag" ofllco 1b being flooded not only with nows, subscription pay ments, and complaints, but also real water Tho roportor who Ib obliged to mako several visits dally to the office takes his life in his hands as many times. A thick coating of Ice on tho two lower BtepB, combined' with a down pour of cold water from tho oavoB, which rivals tho rush of Niagara Fallu, makeB tho ontranco to our cozy abode exhilarating, If not dangorouB. Tho cnoulng dampening of spirits to tbo unfortunato Individual who "Blips in" t.pojj up can only bo dispelled by tho rush of hot air which mrfkos tho interior bo pleasant.. BILL WRITES HOME. Dear Dad- Your laBt oplstlo sure did make mo alt up. I'd like to know what they havo been handing you. Of courBO my fees of registration weok wero only olght dollars, but that fifty went in a good causo. Enclosed Is my ac count. You can bco by it how high living exponBOB are here. I waB stung seven dollars for a woek's board Sat urday; but a fellow haB to eat. Had I thros teeth filled, and think I'll havo to hnvo tho reBt filled soon. Then I had my lungs examined last week; think there must bo Bomothlng wrong with them, as the air Is very bad hore; tll mother not to worry, though I'll probably pull through all right. Renewed my subscription to tho "Rag," and of course that took a lot, but a fellow has to show school spirit some way. Joined the Y. M. C. A., aa you told mo to, but I haven't paid all the dueB yet. Awfully ox pensive, but still I think It doos a fellow a lot of good to belong. And, say, some of tho profeBBorB havo asked me to Join tho Latin club, and tho DeutBcho Voroin, but I said "no" I thought It was too expensive, but J will yet If you think I'd better. They're awfully Instructive, these clubs, and you can havo a good time on the side; seems to me that every follow ought to improve his oppor tunities while he's hero Toll mother I'm sorry she's wor ried about my cold, but I'm getting beter. Think I ought to buy some rubbers or overshoeB, or something. The reason that I haven't been writ ing homo so often lately Is that I didn't havo any Btampa. Ab you said, Dad, times have changed since you were hero. Friday nights you took mother to tho Pal ladlan, and had a good time, and that's all thoro was to it, but noth ing's doing now but hops and formals, and they've begun using cabs again, dom it. And, Dad, I think It would bo moro economical In tho long run If I had a dresB suit; believe I could get one cheap now, aa some of tho follows want to Bell. Ouoss I'd hotter stop now, as It's nine o'clock, and I like to got to bed early. I think every follow ought to lpok out for his health. Toll mother that I'll write soon and that I'm get ting along all right Ab ever, yours. BILL. P. S The museum burned down laBt Wednesday morning and some of ub fellows thought It would bo a good plan to raise a subscription for it. Just send mo a tenner thlB time. Dad, if you can't spare any moro Bill. WINIFRED SEEGER. WYOMING CLUB FORMED. (Continued from page l.y realize tho relationship of tho two states. It was finally settled what tho club was to be, and organized for, after which tho election of officerB was In order. They are aa follows: Presi dent, Burton S. Hill; vice preBldont, W. F. Goodman; secretary, Miss Francis. A committee, consisting of Cloyd Stowart. S. O. Cotnor, S. A. McCanlesB and Miss May, was ap pointed to draw up a sot of by-lawB and a constitution, which will bo con sidered at the next meeting of tho club, March 28. New Spring Hats at Ctrt Prices t Evety Shape and Style $2.50 Hats for $1.90 $3.00 Hats for $2.40 s $3.50 Hats for $2.90 Palace Clothing 14 j 9 Company o st. Wrffrm HT ill THE NEW MODEL Think of every feature you wish a typewriter to possess, then carefully examine, the Model 5 L. C. Smith; you will find every feature there. More L. C. Smith typewriters used in the dif ferent departments of the University than all other makes combined. The result of carefully testing every machine manufactured. Don't rent a typewriter. Purchase one on easy terms. Nebraska Typewriter Company DISTRIBUTERS 143 South 13th Stroet Lincoln. Nebraska Bell 1299 Auto B2080 OUR CAFE IS OPEN After All Dances and Parties We "cater" to student trade and can serve you and your lady to all kinds of Club Sandwiches, Salads, Oysters any style, Ice Cream and Sherbets Fountain in Connection with Cafe THE FOLSOM CAFE 1325-31 N St. i .V .u $1-00 I I J" 'h- Coat Shirts BUDD, 1415 0 St.