. -f' ) t'-f I , -v.k I - --U,r Ube Bails IFlebraehan i VOL. XI. NO. 103. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY MARCH 9, 1912. Price 5 Cents Ikr- A. ,t i :A ft. IW I K w: a 1 'W"vr ELIMINATION UNDER WAY IN SCHOOL TOURNAMENT FINAL BA8KETBALL GAME8 WILL BE PLAYED TODAY. FOUR TEAMS' ARE LEFT IN RACE Beatrice, University Place, Omaha and 8outh Omaha Will contest in the Finals. Yesterday afternoon saw the first process of elimination in tho high school basketball championship series. South Omaha started the work by putting Tocumseh out of tho running, score 27 to 9. Tecumseh put up a plucky fight, but was clearly out classed. Townsond and Stewart showed up well for Tocumseh, while Collins and Menefee were the indi vidual stars for South Omaha. Cen tral City noxt won a hard contest with Wahoo, taking tho game by a scoro of 19 to 15. Hamilton of Wahoo played a great game and with better support would have shaded Central City. Kerr and McDonald' of Central City played tho beat' game for their team. Beatrice, playing an easy game and not exerting itself, defeated Elgin 24 to 17. Sherry of Elgin is a good man and scored most of the points mado by his team. Rutherford, Le Bas and Luse of Beatrice played up to their usual form, Luse getting all free throws on his chances. A Groat Game. . Omaha and Qenova played the great game of tho afternoon, in which Qonova nearly overcame the load established, by Omaha in tho first half by crawling up within two polntB. Tho Omaha players naa tho disad-, vantage of having to play on a small fjoor, but their goal shooting in the last half was poor and came nearly being the cause of putting them out qf tho WP- Janda and Schneider are a great pair and put up tho gamo of their lives, but Burkenroad of Omaha played tho best gamo of tho day, qcorlng twenty-six of the points "made by tho Omaha team. Lincoln, with a substitute team, ran away from Humboldt, making a record score of IjC to 8. Allen, Agor and Hugg for Lincoln formed a wonderful scoring machine, while Williamson of Hum boldt was tho one worthy man In the Humboldt lineup. University Place was again handicappod by the small floor, defeating Schuyler in a close fame 13 to Allen and Ylfqyaln qf University Place and McKenzlo and Kadolook of Schuyler were the stara. Tho evening contests gave tho largo crowd twp goa jjames and ono easy one. Squtb Omaha and Central City, had a hard-fought game. Thfs con- tost uhowed the superiority of two fast, heady forwards of goal shooting penchants' comtyned with excellent ability to work togothor, oyor 9 team that, hap good teamwork, but at the same time depends top muoh on, long shots for goals. South Omaha won 37 to 12. CoHns was at his best ad did groat playlngHfor South Omaha. McDonald of Central City also played, a good gamo. The Beajrlco-Gotben-burgfame furnished tho amusement of tto fvqnlng. postrlce tooK the leadlnfc f art, 44 to 7. Lincoln's Error Fata . test. -This was Univorslty Place's first appoaranco on tho big floor and Its teamwork, togother with the ex cellent playing of H. Vifquain and Alien, won tho game. Lincoln showed poor judgment in not starting tho game with its beBt team and then in changing to tako out one of tho best players in order to substitute an in ferior man. This 1b not said to bo little University Place, for it is a great team and no doubt would have won tho gamo, but nevertheless Lin coln erred. The Bcoro was 27 to 18. 8outh Omaha. Seems Doomed. South Omaha Is lqoked upon as the team of the four loft which nas tho least chance of reaching the finals. However the drawing gooB, it will meet a team which has better forma tions and playB, and must depend on the bpoed of its two crook forwards to win. Omaha and either University Place or Beatrice would havo a groat battle to decide thilr game, no mat ter now tho drawings go. The local fans are basing their hopes on Uni versity Place, while the past year's PERSUINGS MAY RE MILITIA UNIVERSITY RIFLE COMPANY 18 UNDER CONSIDERATION A8 PART OF NATIONAL GUARD. Whether or not the Pershing Rlflo company will be made a part of tho Nebraska National Guard Is a ques tion that 1b now under consideration by tho state military department. It is being considered favorably by that department, according to Captain Yatea, but the lack of adequate equip ment may delay or even prevent the move. If It is decided to mako tho RlfloB a regular company of tho militia, all uniforms and equipment .will havo to be furnished the men by tho Btate de partment. As tho Pershlngs drill PROPOSED CHANGES IN RULES FAVOR NERRASKA RECOMMENDATIONS OF COMMIT TEE -BRIGHTENS OUTLOOK. " SUMMER BASEBALL IS ALLOWED But Those Playing In Organized Leagues Will Not Be Permitted College Teams. on once a week now, which is all that champions have some adherents and ny guard company is required to a loyal bunch of rooterB from at home and Omaha draws its usual stiff sup port from tho University students from that city. The final games will be played today. SINGLE TAX AUTHORITY HERE. Charles Frederick Adams to Deliver 8orlc8 of Addresses. Charles Frederick Adams, authority on the single tax, diBciple of Henry George and a lawyer of International reputation, will speak in Lincoln, Sat urday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday on social and political subjects. His Lincoln appointments are: Saturday, Commercial Club lunch eon, ' Rational Tax Reform." Sunday, 3:30 rpm., Oliver, Y. M. C. A. men's meeting, "How Shall Capital and La bor Be Reconciled?" At 7:45 p. m., All Soula' church, "Some Economic Aspects of American History." Mon day, 10 a. m.. Wosleyan University, chapel, "True Leadership in a True Democracy." At 12:10 p. m., Monthly luncheon, Lindell hotel, "Social Para sites." At 8:16 p. m., Temple theatro, "Henry Ceorgo and His Doctrines." Tuesday, 11:00 a. m., State -Univor-Blty, convocation, "Truo Leadership in a True Democracy." drill, all that would bo required of them would bo that they enlist for a certain term of years and that they go to tho annual camp of tho state troops. Officers and mon would recolvo tho pay of tho militia while on duty; that Is, whlleat camp or on special police duty. How soon the matter will be defi nitely decided is not known. Rich ard Outhrle, captain of tho company, said that it had been under considera tion for some timo. but as yot noth ing has been decided. It is a question for tho state department to decide, for the Univorslty military depart ment is heartily in favor of the plan. TO MAKE APPOINTMENJ8 800N Tryouts for Prospective Second 8er geants Now In Progress. The appointments of second ser geants in the military department Vi be made within the next few days, according to Colonel Smith, who, with, Captain Yates and. the jnajors, of t,htf threo battalions, is judging the men trying out for ibj places. A number qf ipeu rcpialn io be tested yqt, apd, ao the exct Vjato Js not known. For tho last two weeks the men who, made tho best grades In the teat on tactics hare been given chances to drU their follows in company move ments. Frpm these men, the second sergeants will be, chosen, and after theyhavo been eliminated the other men will be given, a chance to drill for the remaining offices. Tho, oftco of second sergeant loads to that of .first sergeant and to captain,- which makes It tho moat lm: Civic League Opens Contest. The Nebraska Progressive Civic league, composed of Univorslty mon, will give their first contest at the First Christian church at 3:00 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Tho speakers are: W. C Schaper, Clayton S. Radcllffe, N. A. Nagl, C. E. Miller, Joseph Gold stein, Jerome Forbes and Cloyd L. Stewart. The JudgOB of oratory are to be Attorneys C. C. Flansburg, George W. Bergo and H. O. Prltchard. Ex-Mayor Love will preside at tho contest: There is a cash prize of $50 offered and the competition promises to be keen. The liquor problem will be the subject under discussion. WYOMING CLUB FORMED. Burton 8. Hill Elected Head of New Organization. id to idefct Wyoming now has a club of her own at tho University of Nebraska. Thursday morning, for the first tlpe, the Wyoming olub which was pre nosed some time ago, was called prder ty Burton S. Hill, 1 . Prp wjp- . Ueforo' attending to the regular huftineBB of forming a club, it was fpund GCft81 or tne members iq become acquainted, ' Accordingly, oyeryonQ pr$Bent wbb called upon to fdve his or her name and resldencq In tho Sagebrush state. It was found that thestate was well represented. from every Quarter. ' It seexqtd to be the eopeensus of opinion that the new club's aim should be t bQQst for Nubraslfa. and also for Wyoming, in, order thfy jjegple m,Iglt Prospocts for a Nobraska Univor slty baseball team brlghtenod Friday when tho changes recomraondon-hy tho eligibility commlttoo of tho Mis souri Valley conference woro mado public. If these changes are adoptod at tho next mooting of tho Conforonco enough matorial will bo rondorod available In tho UnlvorBlty to mako up a strong team. Practice must begin Immediately if any games are to bo scheduled bo foro tho first of May. KansaB and Missouri havo anticipated this roport and have had squads at work' on indoor practice for y the past six weeks. May Play on Home Team. Tho chief change suggested Is a modification of tho ruloB to read: "A student shall bo Ineligible to represent his college In athletic con tests who engages in such contests as a representative of any athlotlc or ganization not connected with his colloge, except that he may participate In occasional games as a member of hljthpmo team." Another Is to strike out all of tho clause regarding summer baseball which forces a student to refrain from playing summor baseball except on his homo teams when no gato feo Is charged ' fJy Reinstate Offenders. Tho sentlmept of the conference was,: ''That most of tho technical vlola- Uona of the amateur rule in tho past, for good reasons, may bo overlooked ahd the offending parties reinstated, "In order that this plan may bo put into practice, i$ Is further agreed that each conference athleto in order that ho may become eligible for fur ther Intercollegiate participation, shall sign a statohiont of his athletic experience, up to date, on a uniform conference blank. "That it is understood, that partici pation on baseball 'teams under tho 1 ruling of the tfatfonal Commission, or op so-canea ouuaw teams, or teams of a similar professional character shall preolqdo rejpsomeat tinder this plan. ' ' , "Tha,t It is the sense of this con ference that continuance of lnWco! logjatfl athletics 1 ftoatfagent on a cjgs'o adherence to the mkteur prin ciple. "It Is suggested that a stadent com mlttoo bo elected b'y tlie jttdeata'fo Qpn&ur wlfb "ibe tacnlty' committee on matters; eiribhity:"7 The, method of relnsta.tement de cided upon was: " '" J '" ' Committees May Ce-eperate "That )he slgwed stateaenU el a given Institution may first be, ipb pItie4 fo Iff student pgmmlftee, in ordr to.' frff bo?f 0p9tunlty 0 co-operate with' the .conference com- mltteo InrepnoYlng.froii tM list fiaaes ' ' 111 . n it ' " -CI re; -r : IE Tho' best gamo of the series so far TrjponUnW7! was the LlacolH-ualversity Piece. Hf .' (GeaUBve PR BMri I) (Continued on page 2.) v' M ' J t. ' , kS- V f- JZ. .. r J v K 1 4 U - n, " -1J- i iJbmi.tAlM 4. V ft- r '"r'" -' JT.. '.