X - m THE DAILY NEBRASKAN A V. ' l LOSS IN MUSEUM FIRE GREATER THAN T T PROFE880R BARBOUR PLACE8 AMOUNT OF DAMAGE TO 8PECIMEN8 AT $10,000. ProfoBBor Barbour, who is rapidly pushing tho work of repairing tho Museum collections Injured by Wed nesday's lire, hue announcod that tho damage Is greater than ho at ttrst an ticipated. Ho now estimates that It will tako all of $10,000 to covor tho loss to the specimens alone, whoroas tho original estimate was between $5,000 and $0,000. Three very valuable Bpoclmons woro practlcully ruined. One of those, tho skeleton of a prehistoric rhinoceros, whicn formerly roamed tho tropical forestB of Nebraska, can probably be replaced by weokB of searching In the Bad Lands, although at presont no known duplicate oxIstB. Tho skull of a mammoth wild boar which web damaged cannot bo restored, but for tunatoly the museum had two of theBo skulls and the one burned Was tho Iosb valuable. A $5,000 offer for tho other was refused on the day It was discovered. The only other known specimen of this type Is owned by Cornell University. In addition to tho two mentioned, a prehistoric ele phant's tusk, twelve foet long- and one of the largest of the few in ox lstonco, was very badly burned and cracked by tho heat. All of tho pieces have been saved and Professor Bar bour hopes to bo able partially to re pair the damage. Although the Iosb was considerable, It might have been much worso. For oxample, one case of well drillings, whl-jh cost $30,000 to produce, waa not injured In tho slightest degree. Barbour Has Personal Loss. That which can not bo replaced, however, is the great amount of tlmo which Professor Barbour and his as sistants have spent In making and arranging thfcse collections. This has boon ProfeflBor Barbour's life work. Ho has spont twonty summers search ing for these prehistoric relics and ho has dvotod all -ills spare tlmo In tho Interim to classifying and arrang ing his findings. Ho also lost about $2,000 worth of individual property In tho Are. The Museum 1b planning to mount a grea ubundance of now material which Is at present Btored in tho base ments of the various campus build ings. They havo hitherto boon de ferred from doing thlB because of a lack of space, but tho authorities are now planning to build an extension on the Museum and thus plenty of room will be provided for the now collections. CON8ERVATIONI8T 18 NEEDED. Dr. Arthur Holt Pleads for Develop ment of Outlying Communities. Dr. Arthur E. Holt of tho Kansas State Agricultural College spoko at convocation yesterday morning on "Tho Now Provincialism." Ho discussed the conditions of our rural districts, pleading for the de velopment of theso outlying communi ties to their fullest oxtont. "What our country needs," said Dr. Holt, "1b tho conservationist, not tho exploiter." It waB announced that C. E. Adams, a noted speaker on the single tax movement, would address tho stu dents at convocation next Tuesday. Ag. Club to Meet. Tho regular meeting of tho Agricul tural olub will bo held at 7:30 o'clock, Saturday evening, In U. 102. Dr. C. E. Bossoy will apeak on "Some Needed Improvements In Our Country Schools. UA8T OF RIFLE CLUB 8HOOT8. Nebraska Team Scores 861 Against Kansas. Points Tho last of a series of nine Bhoots by tho Yates Rifle club was held last Saturday agalnBt KanBas Unlvoralty, and roBiilted In a total scoro of 861: E. T. Wohlonborg, 179; O. A. Graham, 173: H. B. Plor. 170; D. G. White, 170; W R nreBher. 169 The week previous, the hlghost ocnrn nt tho nnrlnn wnn made 874 points This was against tho Collogo of St. Thomas, which made a total of 813 rolnts. E. T. Wohlorfborg, presi dent of the club, recently offered a cup to tho man making tho highest average In tho competition which Just closed. It will probably bo presented to the winner at a banquet of tho club to be given In tho near future. FRESHMEN TO ELECfT TUESDAY McCullough, Fearing Dark Horse, In creases His Campaign Work. The freshman election Is to bo hold at 11:30 o'clock, next Tuesday, In tho armory. The delay, caused by the postponement, has served to creato a groat deal more Interest than had been before manifested. McCullough, who has been In the race for tho presidency for some time, has In creased his campaign work and Is taking no chances of a defeat.. The talk of a dark horse and the proba bility of one entering the Held 1b be coming stronger Mako your datos early with Hagen Ick's Orchestra. Auto B-2990. tf Visits Alpha Tau House. Jack MoBher, Colorado, 1912, spent Thursday at the Alpha Tau Omega house He stopped off on his way to the annual conclave of the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity at Minneapolis. He was accompanied from piore by Guy Reed and Louis B. Allen, Jr., who will represent Nebraska Gamma Theta chapter at the conclave. For your orchestra call O. L. Jones. Auto L-8605. Count Luetxow Injured. Count FranclB Luetzow, who spoke before tho students of the University of Nebraska last week, waB painfully Injured at Minneapolis, Minn., Sunday, when ho slipped on the icy pavement and twisted his ankle. He was unable to keep his engagement to speak 10 tho University of Minnesota students, us his physician advised him to leavo immediately for Chicago. Have Graves print It for you. North Eleventh St. 133 Sophomores Win Debate. Thn nnnlinmnrA dohntlnfr tAnm wnn over tho freshman team last evening by a two to one decision. The sopho more debaters who won, and who will oppose the Juniors noxt Tuesday, are Z. C. Dickenson, Harvey HeBB, and Raymond Smith. The freshman team 1b composed of D. D. Marcellus, Silas M. Bryan and Homer G. Howett. Recall of the Judiciary was tho question In contest. Tho sophomores defended tho amrmatlvo side. Pro fessors Perslnger, Fogg and Maxoy judged the question. Weber Sultorium. 1100 O St. National Secretaries Speak. Miss Louise Holmqulst and Miss Caroline B. Dow, both national Y. W. C. A. secretaries of New York City, Bpont Thursday with the University association, Miss Dow speaking on "The Secretaryship of the Young Women's Christian Association." MIbb Dow Is the hoad of tho national train inn'school of th. Y. W. G. A. PlF7iiC W ' x- it , BBBBBBBBBBBk. ?" , bbbbbbbbbbS JL vp;la , v viokjKfck. bbbbbbbbbbbbW '"TIbbbbK) . AW IbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI BbbT bbbbUbbbbbbbbbbbm ' BT bbbbbbbbbbbH ' x M 4 ''bbbbbbbbbbbW' W. BBBBBBBV j If .BBBBBBBBBBBr in i bbbbbbbbbbbbT f k '. ' 'bbbbbbbbbbbM: ' i bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV Vt ajBjajBjajBjajBjajBjajBjajBjajn y BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBF , SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT' l bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI -"sw' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBk 4w v B sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbB bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbkbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbk. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI lbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbv bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbk LbbbbbbbVbbbbbbbbV BBBBBBmBBBBBBar " YJBBBBBBBBBBBbV SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBk i.S . i 1. ' bbbbbbbbbbbbbbI bbbbbbbbbbVM V rC&&3 " BBBBBBBBBBBBBBsf BBBBBBBBBBBBbVJ S&StttmttifSlltt iiMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmABBBBBBBBBiv! " ABdBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl tZ A.- 1 ; v& f - V' Geo. Sidney WHO IS AT THE OLIVER Tonight Sat. and Sat. Matinee With-a large company In "Busy Izzy" Nu Sigma Nu to Entertain. This evening Nu Sigma Nu will en tertain its friends at an informal dancing party at tho Tomplo. Satur day Evening the fraternity will hold its sixth annual banquet at tho Lin coln hotel. Several out-of-town doe tors will be in attendance. Engineers to Hold Smoker. The engineers will hold a smoker this evening at the Delta Upfiiloif1 house, Thirteenth and R streets. The fesVltleB will commence at 8:00 o'clook sharp and all are asked to be there on time. This affair is opon to all engineers, whether they are mem bers of the Engineering society or not. HERPOLSHEIMER'S CAFE Dloaet JJ30 to Ji30 'IE Smpp St30 to 7i30 7l Also Cafototian Styla HAVE EVANS Do Your Laundry 44 ff Try a lunch at tka Y. M. a . Lmaeh Roosa. Oafateria Plaa. CityY. M.C.A. lSUi ui . DO YOU REALIZE THAT These are ths men that make this paper possible? The subscription price Isiyt a dropT" In the bucket. J They help us; we must help thorn. PATRONIZE THE MEN ON THIS LI8T They Will Treat You Right BANKS First Savings Bank Central National Bank BAKERIES i Folsom BARBER SHOPS . Chaplin Greon a CLEANERS J. C. Wood & Co. Weber CLOTHING ArmBtronc Clothing Co. Farquahar Magee & Doomor ' Mayer Bros. Palaco Clothiug Co. Speler & Simon COAL , . Whltebreast CONFECTIONERY Lincoln Candy Kit cheat ; DRY GOOD3 Miller Sc Paine ; Rudgo & Ouenzel ; DRUGGISTS Moler Drug Co. Rigga FLORISTS s C. H. Frey FURNISHING8 Armstrong Clothing Co. Budd Magee & Deomer Mayer Bros. Palace Clothing Co. Speler & Simon Rudge & Guenzel HATTERS Armstrong Clothing C. Budd Magee Sc Deemer "j . "j. Mayor Bros. Palace Clothing (X- Speler & Simon Rudge & Guenzel : JEWELERS Hallett J ' Tucker LAUNDRIES Erans MUSIC Walt Hagenslck Thornburg Jones, Orchoatra University School of ifl.U'jic. ; OPTICIAN Shean HallottJ i PRINTERS , , - v George Bros. Simmons ' v Van Tine i ' ' Graves Printery t ' "J RESTAURANTS Herpolsheimer i Y. M. C. A. Spa ) i ' SHOES , , , Budd Byrno Shoe Co. Men's Bootery Mayer Bros. Miller & Paine JAILORS College Tailors. J J THEATERS Oliver Orpheum TYPEWRITERS Nebraska- typewriter Bzok. a ? ajgwii m. i ii I, - -- - - sxssBKaoa